# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Session and API call management for VMware ESX/VC server. This module contains classes to invoke VIM APIs. It supports automatic session re-establishment and retry of API invocations in case of connection problems or server API call overload. """ import logging from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import reflection import six from oslo_vmware._i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW from oslo_vmware.common import loopingcall from oslo_vmware import exceptions from oslo_vmware import pbm from oslo_vmware import vim from oslo_vmware import vim_util LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _trunc_id(session_id): """Returns truncated session id which is suitable for logging.""" if session_id is not None: return session_id[-5:] # TODO(vbala) Move this class to excutils.py. class RetryDecorator(object): """Decorator for retrying a function upon suggested exceptions. The decorated function is retried for the given number of times, and the sleep time between the retries is incremented until max sleep time is reached. If the max retry count is set to -1, then the decorated function is invoked indefinitely until an exception is thrown, and the caught exception is not in the list of suggested exceptions. """ def __init__(self, max_retry_count=-1, inc_sleep_time=10, max_sleep_time=60, exceptions=()): """Configure the retry object using the input params. :param max_retry_count: maximum number of times the given function must be retried when one of the input 'exceptions' is caught. When set to -1, it will be retried indefinitely until an exception is thrown and the caught exception is not in param exceptions. :param inc_sleep_time: incremental time in seconds for sleep time between retries :param max_sleep_time: max sleep time in seconds beyond which the sleep time will not be incremented using param inc_sleep_time. On reaching this threshold, max_sleep_time will be used as the sleep time. :param exceptions: suggested exceptions for which the function must be retried """ self._max_retry_count = max_retry_count self._inc_sleep_time = inc_sleep_time self._max_sleep_time = max_sleep_time self._exceptions = exceptions self._retry_count = 0 self._sleep_time = 0 def __call__(self, f): func_name = reflection.get_callable_name(f) def _func(*args, **kwargs): result = None try: if self._retry_count: LOG.debug("Invoking %(func_name)s; retry count is " "%(retry_count)d.", {'func_name': func_name, 'retry_count': self._retry_count}) result = f(*args, **kwargs) except self._exceptions: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: LOG.warning(_LW("Exception which is in the suggested list " "of exceptions occurred while invoking " "function: %s."), func_name, exc_info=True) if (self._max_retry_count != -1 and self._retry_count >= self._max_retry_count): LOG.error(_LE("Cannot retry upon suggested exception " "since retry count (%(retry_count)d) " "reached max retry count " "(%(max_retry_count)d)."), {'retry_count': self._retry_count, 'max_retry_count': self._max_retry_count}) else: ctxt.reraise = False self._retry_count += 1 self._sleep_time += self._inc_sleep_time return self._sleep_time raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(result) def func(*args, **kwargs): loop = loopingcall.DynamicLoopingCall(_func, *args, **kwargs) evt = loop.start(periodic_interval_max=self._max_sleep_time) LOG.debug("Waiting for function %s to return.", func_name) return evt.wait() return func class VMwareAPISession(object): """Setup a session with the server and handles all calls made to it. Example: api_session = VMwareAPISession('', 'administrator', 'password', 10, 0.1, create_session=False, port=443) result = api_session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_objects', api_session.vim, 'HostSystem', 100) """ def __init__(self, host, server_username, server_password, api_retry_count, task_poll_interval, scheme='https', create_session=True, wsdl_loc=None, pbm_wsdl_loc=None, port=443, cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_size=10): """Initializes the API session with given parameters. :param host: ESX/VC server IP address or host name :param port: port for connection :param server_username: username of ESX/VC server admin user :param server_password: password for param server_username :param api_retry_count: number of times an API must be retried upon session/connection related errors :param task_poll_interval: sleep time in seconds for polling an on-going async task as part of the API call :param scheme: protocol-- http or https :param create_session: whether to setup a connection at the time of instance creation :param wsdl_loc: VIM API WSDL file location :param pbm_wsdl_loc: PBM service WSDL file location :param cacert: Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. :param insecure: Verify HTTPS connections using system certificates, used only if cacert is not specified :param pool_size: Maximum number of connections in http connection pool :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException """ self._host = host self._port = port self._server_username = server_username self._server_password = server_password self._api_retry_count = api_retry_count self._task_poll_interval = task_poll_interval self._scheme = scheme self._vim_wsdl_loc = wsdl_loc self._pbm_wsdl_loc = pbm_wsdl_loc self._session_id = None self._session_username = None self._vim = None self._pbm = None self._cacert = cacert self._insecure = insecure self._pool_size = pool_size if create_session: self._create_session() def pbm_wsdl_loc_set(self, pbm_wsdl_loc): self._pbm_wsdl_loc = pbm_wsdl_loc self._pbm = None LOG.info(_LI('PBM WSDL updated to %s'), pbm_wsdl_loc) @property def vim(self): if not self._vim: self._vim = vim.Vim(protocol=self._scheme, host=self._host, port=self._port, wsdl_url=self._vim_wsdl_loc, cacert=self._cacert, insecure=self._insecure, pool_maxsize=self._pool_size) return self._vim @property def pbm(self): if not self._pbm and self._pbm_wsdl_loc: self._pbm = pbm.Pbm(protocol=self._scheme, host=self._host, port=self._port, wsdl_url=self._pbm_wsdl_loc, cacert=self._cacert, insecure=self._insecure, pool_maxsize=self._pool_size) if self._session_id: # To handle the case where pbm property is accessed after # session creation. If pbm property is accessed before session # creation, we set the cookie in _create_session. self._pbm.set_soap_cookie(self._vim.get_http_cookie()) return self._pbm @RetryDecorator(exceptions=(exceptions.VimConnectionException,)) @lockutils.synchronized('oslo_vmware_api_lock') def _create_session(self): """Establish session with the server.""" # Another thread might have created the session while the current one # was waiting for the lock. if self._session_id and self.is_current_session_active(): LOG.debug("Current session: %s is active.", _trunc_id(self._session_id)) return session_manager = self.vim.service_content.sessionManager # Login and create new session with the server for making API calls. LOG.debug("Logging into host: %s.", self._host) session = self.vim.Login(session_manager, userName=self._server_username, password=self._server_password) self._session_id = session.key # We need to save the username in the session since we may need it # later to check active session. The SessionIsActive method requires # the username parameter to be exactly same as that in the session # object. We can't use the username used for login since the Login # method ignores the case. self._session_username = session.userName LOG.info(_LI("Successfully established new session; session ID is " "%s."), _trunc_id(self._session_id)) # Set PBM client cookie. if self._pbm is not None: self._pbm.set_soap_cookie(self._vim.get_http_cookie()) def logout(self): """Log out and terminate the current session.""" if self._session_id: LOG.info(_LI("Logging out and terminating the current session " "with ID = %s."), _trunc_id(self._session_id)) try: self.vim.Logout(self.vim.service_content.sessionManager) self._session_id = None except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Error occurred while logging out and " "terminating the current session with " "ID = %s."), _trunc_id(self._session_id)) else: LOG.debug("No session exists to log out.") def invoke_api(self, module, method, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper method for invoking APIs. The API call is retried in the event of exceptions due to session overload or connection problems. :param module: module corresponding to the VIM API call :param method: method in the module which corresponds to the VIM API call :param args: arguments to the method :param kwargs: keyword arguments to the method :returns: response from the API call :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException """ @RetryDecorator(max_retry_count=self._api_retry_count, exceptions=(exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException, exceptions.VimConnectionException)) def _invoke_api(module, method, *args, **kwargs): try: api_method = getattr(module, method) return api_method(*args, **kwargs) except exceptions.VimFaultException as excep: # If this is due to an inactive session, we should re-create # the session and retry. if exceptions.NOT_AUTHENTICATED in excep.fault_list: # The NotAuthenticated fault is set by the fault checker # due to an empty response. An empty response could be a # valid response; for e.g., response for the query to # return the VMs in an ESX server which has no VMs in it. # Also, the server responds with an empty response in the # case of an inactive session. Therefore, we need a way to # differentiate between these two cases. if self.is_current_session_active(): LOG.debug("Returning empty response for " "%(module)s.%(method)s invocation.", {'module': module, 'method': method}) return [] else: # empty response is due to an inactive session excep_msg = ( _("Current session: %(session)s is inactive; " "re-creating the session while invoking " "method %(module)s.%(method)s.") % {'session': _trunc_id(self._session_id), 'module': module, 'method': method}) LOG.debug(excep_msg) self._create_session() raise exceptions.VimConnectionException(excep_msg, excep) else: # no need to retry for other VIM faults like # InvalidArgument # Raise specific exceptions here if possible if excep.fault_list: LOG.debug("Fault list: %s", excep.fault_list) fault = excep.fault_list[0] clazz = exceptions.get_fault_class(fault) if clazz: raise clazz(six.text_type(excep), details=excep.details) raise except exceptions.VimConnectionException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): # Re-create the session during connection exception only # if the session has expired. Otherwise, it could be # a transient issue. if not self.is_current_session_active(): LOG.debug("Re-creating session due to connection " "problems while invoking method " "%(module)s.%(method)s.", {'module': module, 'method': method}) self._create_session() return _invoke_api(module, method, *args, **kwargs) def is_current_session_active(self): """Check if current session is active. :returns: True if the session is active; False otherwise """ LOG.debug("Checking if the current session: %s is active.", _trunc_id(self._session_id)) is_active = False try: is_active = self.vim.SessionIsActive( self.vim.service_content.sessionManager, sessionID=self._session_id, userName=self._session_username) except exceptions.VimException as ex: LOG.debug("Error: %(error)s occurred while checking whether the " "current session: %(session)s is active.", {'error': six.text_type(ex), 'session': _trunc_id(self._session_id)}) return is_active def wait_for_task(self, task): """Waits for the given task to complete and returns the result. The task is polled until it is done. The method returns the task information upon successful completion. In case of any error, appropriate exception is raised. :param task: managed object reference of the task :returns: task info upon successful completion of the task :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException """ loop = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(self._poll_task, task) evt = loop.start(self._task_poll_interval) LOG.debug("Waiting for the task: %s to complete.", task) return evt.wait() def _poll_task(self, task): """Poll the given task until completion. If the task completes successfully, the method returns the task info using the input event (param done). In case of any error, appropriate exception is set in the event. :param task: managed object reference of the task """ LOG.debug("Invoking VIM API to read info of task: %s.", task) try: task_info = self.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property', self.vim, task, 'info') except exceptions.VimException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception(_LE("Error occurred while reading info of " "task: %s."), task) else: if task_info.state in ['queued', 'running']: if hasattr(task_info, 'progress'): LOG.debug("Task: %(task)s progress is %(progress)s%%.", {'task': task, 'progress': task_info.progress}) elif task_info.state == 'success': LOG.debug("Task: %s status is success.", task) raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(task_info) else: error_msg = six.text_type(task_info.error.localizedMessage) error = task_info.error name = error.fault.__class__.__name__ fault_class = exceptions.get_fault_class(name) if fault_class: task_ex = fault_class(error_msg) else: task_ex = exceptions.VimFaultException([name], error_msg) raise task_ex def wait_for_lease_ready(self, lease): """Waits for the given lease to be ready. This method return when the lease is ready. In case of any error, appropriate exception is raised. :param lease: lease to be checked for :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException """ loop = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(self._poll_lease, lease) evt = loop.start(self._task_poll_interval) LOG.debug("Waiting for the lease: %s to be ready.", lease) evt.wait() def _poll_lease(self, lease): """Poll the state of the given lease. When the lease is ready, the event (param done) is notified. In case of any error, appropriate exception is set in the event. :param lease: lease whose state is to be polled """ LOG.debug("Invoking VIM API to read state of lease: %s.", lease) try: state = self.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property', self.vim, lease, 'state') except exceptions.VimException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception(_LE("Error occurred while checking " "state of lease: %s."), lease) else: if state == 'ready': LOG.debug("Lease: %s is ready.", lease) raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() elif state == 'initializing': LOG.debug("Lease: %s is initializing.", lease) elif state == 'error': LOG.debug("Invoking VIM API to read lease: %s error.", lease) error_msg = self._get_error_message(lease) excep_msg = _("Lease: %(lease)s is in error state. Details: " "%(error_msg)s.") % {'lease': lease, 'error_msg': error_msg} LOG.error(excep_msg) raise exceptions.VimException(excep_msg) else: # unknown state excep_msg = _("Unknown state: %(state)s for lease: " "%(lease)s.") % {'state': state, 'lease': lease} LOG.error(excep_msg) raise exceptions.VimException(excep_msg) def _get_error_message(self, lease): """Get error message associated with the given lease.""" try: return self.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property', self.vim, lease, 'error') except exceptions.VimException: LOG.warning(_LW("Error occurred while reading error message for " "lease: %s."), lease, exc_info=True) return "Unknown"