
533 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2014 Catalyst IT Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import flask
import hashlib
import re
from distil.NoPickle import NoPickle
from flask import Flask, Blueprint
from distil import database, config
from distil.constants import iso_time, iso_date, dawn_of_time
from distil.transformers import active_transformers as transformers
from distil.rates import RatesFile
from distil.models import _Last_Run
from distil.helpers import convert_to, reset_cache
from distil.interface import Interface, timed
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, create_session
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError, OperationalError
# Fix the the multithread issue when using strptime, based on this link:
# stackoverflow.com/questions/2427240/thread-safe-equivalent-to-pythons-time-strptime # noqa
import _strptime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
import json
import logging as log
from keystonemiddleware import auth_token
from .helpers import returns_json, json_must, validate_tenant_id, require_admin
from .helpers import require_admin_or_owner
from urlparse import urlparse
engine = None
Session = None
memcache = None
app = Blueprint("main", __name__)
DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = "Pacific/Auckland"
RATES = None
# Double confirm by:
# http://blog.namis.me/2012/02/14/python-strptime-is-not-thread-safe/
dumy_call = datetime.strptime("2011-04-05 18:40:58.525996",
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
def get_app(conf):
actual_app = Flask(__name__)
actual_app.register_blueprint(app, url_prefix="/")
global engine
engine = create_engine(config.main["database_uri"], poolclass=NullPool)
global Session
Session = scoped_session(lambda: create_session(bind=engine))
if config.main.get("timezone"):
DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = config.main["timezone"]
format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
log.info("Billing API started.")
# if configured to authenticate clients, then wrap the
# wsgi app in the keystone middleware.
if config.auth.get('authenticate_clients'):
identity_url = urlparse(config.auth['identity_url'])
conf = {
'admin_user': config.auth['username'],
'admin_password': config.auth['password'],
'admin_tenant_name': config.auth['default_tenant'],
'auth_host': identity_url.hostname,
'auth_port': identity_url.port,
'auth_protocol': identity_url.scheme
actual_app = auth_token.AuthProtocol(actual_app, conf)
return actual_app
def setup_memcache():
if config.memcache['enabled']:
log.info("Memcache enabled.")
import memcache as memcached
global memcache
memcache = memcached.Client(config.memcache['addresses'],
pickler=NoPickle, unpickler=NoPickle)
log.info("Memcache disabled.")
@app.route("last_collected", methods=["GET"])
def get_last_collected():
"""Simple call to get timestamp for the last collection run."""
session = Session()
last_run = session.query(_Last_Run)
if last_run.count() == 0:
last_collected = dawn_of_time
last_collected = last_run[0].last_run
return 200, {'last_collected': str(last_collected)}
def generate_windows(start, end):
"""Generator for 1 hour windows in a given range."""
window_size = timedelta(hours=1)
while start + window_size <= end:
window_end = start + window_size
yield start, window_end
start = window_end
def filter_and_group(usage, usage_by_resource):
with timed("filter and group by resource"):
trust_sources = set(config.main.get('trust_sources', []))
for u in usage:
# the user can make their own samples, including those
# that would collide with what we care about for
# billing.
# if we have a list of trust sources configured, then
# discard everything not matching.
# NOTE(flwang): When posting samples by ceilometer REST API, it
# will use the format <tenant_id>:<source_name_from_user>
# so we need to use a regex to recognize it.
if (trust_sources and
all([not re.match(source, u['source'])
for source in trust_sources]) == True):
log.warning('Ignoring untrusted usage sample ' +
'from source `%s`' % u['source'])
resource_id = u['resource_id']
entries = usage_by_resource.setdefault(resource_id, [])
def transform_and_insert(tenant, usage_by_resource, transformer, service,
mapping, window_start, window_end,
db, timestamp):
with timed("apply transformer + insert"):
for res, entries in usage_by_resource.items():
# apply the transformer.
transformed = transformer.transform_usage(
service, entries, window_start, window_end)
if transformed:
res = mapping.get('res_id_template', '%s') % res
md_def = mapping['metadata']
db.insert_resource(tenant.id, res, mapping['type'],
timestamp, entries[-1], md_def)
db.insert_usage(tenant.id, res, transformed,
mapping['unit'], window_start,
window_end, timestamp)
def collect_usage(tenant, db, session, resp, end):
"""Collects usage for a given tenant from when they were last collected,
up to the given end, and breaks the range into one hour windows."""
run_once = False
timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
log.info('collect_usage for %s %s' % (tenant.id, tenant.name))
db_tenant = db.insert_tenant(tenant.id, tenant.name,
tenant.description, timestamp)
start = db_tenant.last_collected
max_windows = config.collection.get('max_windows_per_cycle', 0)
windows = generate_windows(start, end)
if max_windows:
windows = list(windows)[:max_windows]
for window_start, window_end in windows:
with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
log.info("%s %s slice %s %s" % (tenant.id, tenant.name,
window_start, window_end))
mappings = config.collection['meter_mappings']
for mapping in mappings:
usage = tenant.usage(mapping['meter'], window_start, window_end)
usage_by_resource = {}
transformer = transformers[mapping['transformer']]()
filter_and_group(usage, usage_by_resource)
if 'service' in mapping:
service = mapping['service']
service = mapping['meter']
transform_and_insert(tenant, usage_by_resource,
transformer, service, mapping,
window_start, window_end, db,
db_tenant.last_collected = window_end
{"id": tenant.id,
"updated": True,
"start": window_start.strftime(iso_time),
"end": window_end.strftime(iso_time)
run_once = True
except (IntegrityError, OperationalError):
# this is fine.
{"id": tenant.id,
"updated": False,
"error": "Integrity error",
"start": window_start.strftime(iso_time),
"end": window_end.strftime(iso_time)
resp["errors"] += 1
log.warning("IntegrityError for %s %s in window: %s - %s " %
(tenant.name, tenant.id,
return run_once
return run_once
@app.route("collect_usage", methods=["POST"])
def run_usage_collection():
"""Run usage collection on all tenants present in Keystone."""
log.info("Usage collection run started.")
session = Session()
interface = Interface()
db = database.Database(session)
end = datetime.utcnow().\
replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
tenants = interface.tenants
resp = {"tenants": [], "errors": 0}
run_once = False
for tenant in tenants:
if collect_usage(tenant, db, session, resp, end):
run_once = True
last_run = session.query(_Last_Run)
if last_run.count() == 0:
last_run = _Last_Run(last_run=end)
last_run[0].last_run = end
log.info("Usage collection run complete.")
return json.dumps(resp)
except Exception as e:
import traceback
trace = traceback.format_exc()
log.critical('Exception escaped! %s \nTrace: \n%s' % (e, trace))
def make_serializable(obj):
if isinstance(obj, list):
return [make_serializable(x) for x in obj]
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return {make_serializable(k):make_serializable(v) for k,v in obj.items()}
if isinstance(obj, Decimal):
return str(obj)
return obj
@app.route("get_usage", methods=["GET"])
def get_usage():
Get raw aggregated usage for a tenant, in a given timespan.
- No rates are applied.
- No conversion from collection unit to billing unit
- No rounding
tenant_id = flask.request.args.get('tenant')
start = flask.request.args.get('start')
end = flask.request.args.get('end')
log.info("get_usage for %s %s %s" % (tenant_id, start, end))
start_dt = datetime.strptime(end, iso_time)
except ValueError:
return 400, {'error': 'Invalid start datetime'}
end_dt = datetime.strptime(end, iso_time)
except ValueError:
return 400, {'error': 'Invalid end datetime'}
if end_dt < start_dt:
return 400, {'error': 'End must be after start'}
session = Session()
db = database.Database(session)
valid_tenant = validate_tenant_id(tenant_id, session)
if isinstance(valid_tenant, tuple):
return valid_tenant
log.info("parameter validation ok")
if memcache is not None:
key = make_key("raw_usage", tenant_id, start, end)
data = memcache.get(key)
if data is not None:
log.info("Returning memcache raw data for %s in range: %s - %s" %
(tenant_id, start, end))
return 200, data
log.info("Calculating raw data for %s in range: %s - %s" %
(tenant_id, start, end))
# aggregate usage
usage = db.usage(start, end, tenant_id)
tenant_dict = build_tenant_dict(valid_tenant, usage, db)
response_json = json.dumps({'usage': make_serializable(tenant_dict)})
if memcache is not None:
memcache.set(key, response_json)
return 200, response_json
@app.route("get_rated", methods=["GET"])
def get_rated():
Get rated aggregated usage for a tenant, in a given timespan.
Rates used are those at the 'start' of the timespan.
-tenant_id: tenant to get data for.
-start: a given start for the range.
-end: a given end for the range, defaults to now.
tenant_id = flask.request.args.get('tenant', None)
start = flask.request.args.get('start', None)
end = flask.request.args.get('end', None)
if start is not None:
start = datetime.strptime(start, iso_date)
except ValueError:
start = datetime.strptime(start, iso_time)
return 400, {"missing parameter": {"start": "start date" +
" in format: y-m-d"}}
if not end:
end = datetime.utcnow()
end = datetime.strptime(end, iso_date)
except ValueError:
end = datetime.strptime(end, iso_time)
except ValueError:
return 400, {
"errors": ["'end' date given needs to be in format: " +
"y-m-d, or y-m-dTH:M:S"]}
if end <= start:
return 400, {"errors": ["end date must be greater than start."]}
session = Session()
valid_tenant = validate_tenant_id(tenant_id, session)
if isinstance(valid_tenant, tuple):
return valid_tenant
if memcache is not None:
key = make_key("rated_usage", valid_tenant.id, start, end)
data = memcache.get(key)
if data is not None:
log.info("Returning memcache rated data for %s in range: %s - %s" %
(valid_tenant.id, start, end))
return 200, data
log.info("Calculating rated data for %s in range: %s - %s" %
(valid_tenant.id, start, end))
tenant_dict = calculate_rated_data(valid_tenant, start, end, session)
response_json = json.dumps({'usage': tenant_dict})
if memcache is not None:
memcache.set(key, response_json)
return 200, response_json
def make_key(api_call, tenant_id, start, end):
call_info = [config.memcache['key_prefix'], api_call,
tenant_id, str(start), str(end)]
return hashlib.sha256(str(call_info)).hexdigest()
def build_tenant_dict(tenant, entries, db):
"""Builds a dict structure for a given tenant."""
tenant_dict = {'name': tenant.name, 'tenant_id': tenant.id}
all_resource_ids = {entry.resource_id for entry in entries}
tenant_dict['resources'] = db.get_resources(all_resource_ids)
for entry in entries:
service = {'name': entry.service, 'volume': entry.volume,
'unit': entry.unit}
resource = tenant_dict['resources'][entry.resource_id]
service_list = resource.setdefault('services', [])
return tenant_dict
def add_costs_for_tenant(tenant, RatesManager):
"""Adds cost values to services using the given rates manager."""
tenant_total = 0
for resource in tenant['resources'].values():
resource_total = 0
for service in resource['services']:
rate = RatesManager.rate(service['name'])
except KeyError:
# no rate exists for this service
service['cost'] = "0"
service['volume'] = "unknown unit conversion"
service['unit'] = "unknown"
service['rate'] = "missing rate"
volume = convert_to(service['volume'],
# round to 2dp so in dollars.
cost = round(volume * rate['rate'], 2)
service['cost'] = str(cost)
service['volume'] = str(volume)
service['unit'] = rate['unit']
service['rate'] = str(rate['rate'])
resource_total += cost
resource['total_cost'] = str(resource_total)
tenant_total += resource_total
tenant['total_cost'] = str(tenant_total)
return tenant
def calculate_rated_data(tenant, start, end, session):
"""Calculate a rated data dict from the given range."""
db = database.Database(session)
global RATES
if not RATES:
RATES = RatesFile(config.rates_config)
usage = db.usage(start, end, tenant.id)
# Transform the query result into a billable dict.
tenant_dict = build_tenant_dict(tenant, usage, db)
tenant_dict = add_costs_for_tenant(tenant_dict, RATES)
# add sales order range:
tenant_dict['start'] = str(start)
tenant_dict['end'] = str(end)
return tenant_dict
if __name__ == '__main__':