
466 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2016 Catalyst IT Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
from decimal import Decimal
import json
import odoorpc
from oslo_log import log
from distil.common import cache
from distil.common import constants
from distil.common import general
from distil.common import openstack
from distil.erp import driver
from distil import exceptions
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
PRODUCT_CATEGORY = ('Compute', 'Network', 'Block Storage', 'Object Storage')
class OdooDriver(driver.BaseDriver):
def __init__(self, conf):
self.odoo = odoorpc.ODOO(conf.odoo.hostname,
self.odoo.login(conf.odoo.database, conf.odoo.user, conf.odoo.password)
self.region_mapping = {}
self.reverse_region_mapping = {}
# NOTE(flwang): This is not necessary for most of cases, but just in
# case some cloud providers are using different region name formats in
# Keystone and Odoo.
if conf.odoo.region_mapping:
regions = conf.odoo.region_mapping.split(',')
self.region_mapping = dict(
for r in regions]
self.reverse_region_mapping = dict(
for r in regions]
self.conf = conf
self.order = self.odoo.env['sale.order']
self.orderline = self.odoo.env['sale.order.line']
self.tenant = self.odoo.env['cloud.tenant']
self.partner = self.odoo.env['res.partner']
self.pricelist = self.odoo.env['product.pricelist']
self.product = self.odoo.env['product.product']
self.category = self.odoo.env['product.category']
self.invoice = self.odoo.env['account.invoice']
self.invoice_line = self.odoo.env['account.invoice.line']
self.credit = self.odoo.env['cloud.credit']
self.product_catagory_mapping = {}
def is_healthy(self):
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
def get_products(self, regions=[]):
odoo_regions = []
if not regions:
regions = [r.id for r in openstack.get_regions()]
for r in regions:
odoo_regions.append(self.region_mapping.get(r, r))
LOG.debug('Get products for regions in Odoo: %s', odoo_regions)
prices = {}
# NOTE(flwang): Currently, the main bottle neck is the query of
# odoo, so we prefer to get all the products by one call and then
# filter them in Distil. And another problem is the filter for
# region doesn't work when query odoo.
c = self.category.search([('name', 'in', PRODUCT_CATEGORY)])
product_ids = self.product.search([('categ_id', 'in', c),
('sale_ok', '=', True),
('active', '=', True)])
products = self.product.read(product_ids)
for region in odoo_regions:
# Ensure returned region name is same with what user see from
# Keystone.
actual_region = self.reverse_region_mapping.get(region, region)
prices[actual_region] = collections.defaultdict(list)
for product in products:
if region.upper() not in product['name_template']:
name = product['name_template'][len(region) + 1:]
if 'pre-prod' in name:
category = product['categ_id'][1].split('/')[-1].strip()
self.product_catagory_mapping[product['id']] = category
rate = round(product['lst_price'],
# NOTE(flwang): default_code is Internal Reference on
# Odoo GUI
unit = product['default_code']
desc = product['description']
{'name': name,
'rate': rate,
'unit': unit,
'description': desc}
# Handle object storage product that does not belong to any
# region in odoo.
obj_p_name = self.conf.odoo.object_storage_product_name
obj_s_name = self.conf.odoo.object_storage_service_name
obj_pids = self.product.search(
[('name_template', '=', obj_p_name),
('sale_ok', '=', True),
('active', '=', True)]
if len(obj_pids) > 0:
obj_p = self.product.browse(obj_pids[0])
for region in regions:
# Ensure returned region name is same with what user see
# from Keystone.
actual_region = self.reverse_region_mapping.get(
region, region)
prices[actual_region]['object storage'].append(
{'name': obj_s_name,
'rate': round(obj_p.lst_price,
'unit': obj_p.default_code,
'description': obj_p.description}
except odoorpc.error.Error as e:
return {}
return prices
def _get_invoice_detail(self, invoice_id):
"""Get invoice details.
Return details in the following format:
'catagory': {
'total_cost': xxx,
'breakdown': {
'<product_name>': [
'resource_name': '',
'quantity': '',
'unit': '',
'rate': '',
'cost': ''
'<product_name>': [
'resource_name': '',
'quantity': '',
'unit': '',
'rate': '',
'cost': ''
detail_dict = {}
invoice_lines_ids = self.invoice_line.search(
[('invoice_id', '=', invoice_id)]
invoice_lines = self.invoice_line.read(invoice_lines_ids)
for line in invoice_lines:
line_info = {
'resource_name': line['name'],
'quantity': line['quantity'],
'rate': round(line['price_unit'], constants.RATE_DIGITS),
'unit': line['uos_id'][1],
'cost': round(line['price_subtotal'], constants.PRICE_DIGITS)
# Original product is a string like "[hour] NZ-POR-1.c1.c2r8"
product = line['product_id'][1].split(']')[1].strip()
catagory = self.product_catagory_mapping[line['product_id'][0]]
if catagory not in detail_dict:
detail_dict[catagory] = {
'total_cost': 0,
'breakdown': collections.defaultdict(list)
detail_dict[catagory]['total_cost'] = round(
(detail_dict[catagory]['total_cost'] + line_info['cost']),
return detail_dict
def get_invoices(self, start, end, project_id, detailed=False):
"""Get history invoices from Odoo given a time range.
Return value is in the following format:
'<billing_date1>': {
'total_cost': 100,
'details': {
'<billing_date2>': {
'total_cost': 200,
'details': {
:param start: Start time, a datetime object.
:param end: End time, a datetime object.
:param project_id: project ID.
:param detailed: Get detailed information.
:return: The history invoices information for each month.
# Get invoices in time ascending order.
result = collections.OrderedDict()
invoice_ids = self.invoice.search(
('date_invoice', '>=', str(start.date())),
('date_invoice', '<=', str(end.date())),
('comment', 'like', project_id)
if not len(invoice_ids):
LOG.debug('No history invoices returned from Odoo.')
return result
LOG.debug('Found invoices: %s' % invoice_ids)
# Convert ids from string to int.
ids = [int(i) for i in invoice_ids]
invoices = self.odoo.execute(
['date_invoice', 'amount_total']
for v in invoices:
result[v['date_invoice']] = {
'total_cost': round(
v['amount_total'], constants.PRICE_DIGITS)
if detailed:
# Populate product catagory mapping first. This should be
# quick since we cached get_products()
if not self.product_catagory_mapping:
details = self._get_invoice_detail(v['id'])
result[v['date_invoice']].update({'details': details})
except Exception as e:
'Error occured when getting invoices from Odoo, '
'error: %s' % str(e)
raise exceptions.ERPException(
'Failed to get invoices from ERP server.'
return result
def _get_service_mapping(self, products):
"""Gets mapping from service name to service type.
:param products: Product dict in a region returned from odoo.
srv_mapping = {}
for category, p_list in products.items():
for p in p_list:
srv_mapping[p['name']] = category.title()
return srv_mapping
def _get_service_price(self, service_name, service_type, products):
"""Get service price information from price definitions."""
price = {'service_name': service_name}
if service_type in products:
for s in products[service_type]:
if s['name'] == service_name:
price.update({'rate': s['rate'], 'unit': s['unit']})
found = False
for category, services in products.items():
for s in services:
if s['name'] == service_name:
price.update({'rate': s['rate'], 'unit': s['unit']})
found = True
if not found:
raise exceptions.NotFoundException(
'Price not found, service name: %s, service type: %s' %
(service_name, service_type)
return price
def get_quotations(self, region, project_id, measurements=[], resources=[],
"""Get current month quotation.
Return value is in the following format:
'<current_date>': {
'total_cost': 100,
'details': {
'Compute': {
'total_cost': xxx,
'breakdown': {}
:param region: Region name.
:param project_id: Project ID.
:param measurements: Current month usage collection.
:param resources: List of resources.
:param detailed: If get detailed information or not.
:return: Current month quotation.
total_cost = 0
price_mapping = {}
cost_details = {}
odoo_region = self.region_mapping.get(region, region).upper()
resources = {row.id: json.loads(row.info) for row in resources}
products = self.get_products([region])[region]
service_mapping = self._get_service_mapping(products)
for entry in measurements:
service_name = entry.get('service')
volume = entry.get('volume')
unit = entry.get('unit')
res_id = entry.get('resource_id')
# resource_type is the type defined in meter_mappings.yml.
resource_type = resources[res_id]['type']
service_type = service_mapping.get(service_name, resource_type)
if service_type not in cost_details:
cost_details[service_type] = {
'total_cost': 0,
'breakdown': collections.defaultdict(list)
if service_name not in price_mapping:
price_spec = self._get_service_price(
service_name, service_type, products
price_mapping[service_name] = price_spec
price_spec = price_mapping[service_name]
# Convert volume according to unit in price definition.
volume = general.convert_to(volume, unit, price_spec['unit'])
cost = (round(volume * Decimal(price_spec['rate']),
if price_spec['rate'] else 0)
total_cost += cost
if detailed:
odoo_service_name = "%s.%s" % (odoo_region, service_name)
cost_details[service_type]['total_cost'] = round(
(cost_details[service_type]['total_cost'] + cost),
"resource_name": resources[res_id].get('name', ''),
"resource_id": res_id,
"cost": cost,
"quantity": round(volume, 3),
"rate": round(price_spec['rate'],
"unit": price_spec['unit'],
result = {'total_cost': round(total_cost, constants.PRICE_DIGITS)}
if detailed:
result.update({'details': cost_details})
return result
def _normalize_credit(self, credit):
return {"code": credit["code"],
"type": credit["credit_type_id"][1],
"start_date": credit["create_date"],
"expiry_date": credit["expiry_date"],
"balance": credit["current_balance"],
"recurring": credit["recurring"]}
def get_credits(self, project_id, expiry_date):
ids = self.credit.search(
[('cloud_tenant.tenant_id', '=', project_id),
('expiry_date', '>', expiry_date.isoformat()),
('current_balance', '>', 0.0001)])
return [self._normalize_credit(c) for c in self.credit.read(ids)]