# Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Melnikov # # Author: Joshua Harlow # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import errno import os import chardet from docutils import frontend from docutils import parsers as docutils_parser from docutils import utils import restructuredtext_lint as rl import six class ParsedFile(object): FALLBACK_ENCODING = 'utf-8' def __init__(self, filename, encoding=None): self._filename = filename self._content = None self._raw_content = None self._encoding = encoding self._doc = None self._errors = None self._extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] @property def errors(self): if self._errors is not None: return self._errors self._errors = rl.lint(self.contents, filepath=self.filename) return self._errors @property def document(self): if self._doc is None: # Use the rst parsers document output to do as much of the # validation as we can without resorting to custom logic (this # parser is what sphinx and others use anyway so it's hopefully # mature). parser_cls = docutils_parser.get_parser_class("rst") parser = parser_cls() defaults = { 'halt_level': 5, 'report_level': 5, 'quiet': True, 'file_insertion_enabled': False, 'traceback': True, # Development use only. 'dump_settings': False, 'dump_internals': False, 'dump_transforms': False, } opt = frontend.OptionParser(components=[parser], defaults=defaults) doc = utils.new_document(source_path=self.filename, settings=opt.get_default_values()) parser.parse(self.contents, doc) self._doc = doc return self._doc def lines_iter(self, remove_trailing_newline=True): with open(self.filename, 'rb') as fh: for line in fh: line = six.text_type(line, encoding=self.encoding) if remove_trailing_newline and line.endswith("\n"): line = line[0:-1] yield line @property def extension(self): return self._extension @property def filename(self): return self._filename @property def encoding(self): if not self._encoding: encoding = chardet.detect(self.raw_contents)['encoding'] if not encoding: encoding = self.FALLBACK_ENCODING self._encoding = encoding return self._encoding @property def raw_contents(self): if self._raw_content is None: with open(self.filename, 'rb') as fh: self._raw_content = fh.read() return self._raw_content @property def contents(self): if self._content is None: self._content = six.text_type(self.raw_contents, encoding=self.encoding) return self._content def __str__(self): return "%s (%s, %s chars, %s lines)" % ( self.filename, self.encoding, len(self.contents), len(list(self.lines_iter()))) def parse(filename, encoding=None): if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'File not found', filename) return ParsedFile(filename, encoding=encoding)