Joshua Harlow 51cbe4f914 Move over the rest of the checks
Get the rest of the checks working (the
max line length check now works).

Remove the old script now that it is not
needed anymore.
2014-05-18 18:20:47 -07:00

220 lines
7.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Melnikov <iv at altlinux dot org>
# Author: Joshua Harlow <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import collections
import re
from docutils import nodes as docutils_nodes
import six
from doc8 import utils
class ContentCheck(object):
def __init__(self, cfg):
self._cfg = cfg
def report_iter(self, parsed_file):
class LineCheck(object):
def __init__(self, cfg):
self._cfg = cfg
def report_iter(self, line):
class CheckTrailingWhitespace(LineCheck):
_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile('\s$')
REPORTS = frozenset(["D002"])
def report_iter(self, line):
yield ('D002', 'Trailing whitespace')
class CheckIndentationNoTab(LineCheck):
_STARTING_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile('^(\s+)')
REPORTS = frozenset(["D003"])
def report_iter(self, line):
match =
if match:
spaces =
if '\t' in spaces:
yield ('D003', 'Tabulation used for indentation')
class CheckCarriageReturn(LineCheck):
REPORTS = frozenset(["D004"])
def report_iter(self, line):
if "\r" in line:
yield ('D004', 'Found literal carriage return')
class CheckMaxLineLength(ContentCheck):
REPORTS = frozenset(["D001"])
def _extract_node_lines(self, doc):
def extract_lines(node, start_line):
lines = [start_line]
if isinstance(node, (docutils_nodes.title)):
start = start_line - len(node.rawsource.splitlines())
if start >= 0:
if isinstance(node, (docutils_nodes.literal_block)):
end = start_line + len(node.rawsource.splitlines()) - 1
return lines
def gather_lines(node):
lines = []
for n in node.traverse(include_self=True):
lines.extend(extract_lines(n, find_line(n)))
return lines
def find_line(node):
n = node
while n is not None:
if n.line is not None:
return n.line
n = n.parent
return None
def filter_systems(node):
if utils.has_any_node_type(node, (docutils_nodes.system_message,)):
return False
return True
nodes_lines = []
first_line = -1
for n in utils.filtered_traverse(doc, filter_systems):
line = find_line(n)
if line is None:
if first_line == -1:
first_line = line
contained_lines = set(gather_lines(n))
nodes_lines.append((n, (min(contained_lines),
return (nodes_lines, first_line)
def _extract_directives(self, lines):
def starting_whitespace(line):
m = re.match(r"^(\s+)(.*)$", line)
if not m:
return 0
return len(
def all_whitespace(line):
return bool(re.match(r"^(\s*)$", line))
def find_directive_end(start, lines):
after_lines = collections.deque(lines[start + 1:])
k = 0
while after_lines:
line = after_lines.popleft()
if all_whitespace(line) or starting_whitespace(line) >= 1:
k += 1
return start + k
# Find where directives start & end so that we can exclude content in
# these directive regions (the rst parser may not handle this correctly
# for unknown directives, so we have to do it manually).
directives = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if re.match(r"^..\s(.*?)::\s*", line):
directives.append((i, find_directive_end(i, lines)))
elif re.match(r"^::\s*$", line):
directives.append((i, find_directive_end(i, lines)))
return directives
def report_iter(self, parsed_file):
doc = parsed_file.document
lines = list(parsed_file.lines_iter())
nodes_lines, first_line = self._extract_node_lines(doc)
directives = self._extract_directives(lines)
def find_containing_nodes(num):
if num < first_line and len(nodes_lines):
return [nodes_lines[0][0]]
contained_in = []
for (n, (line_min, line_max)) in nodes_lines:
if num >= line_min and num <= line_max:
contained_in.append((n, (line_min, line_max)))
smallest_span = None
best_nodes = []
for (n, (line_min, line_max)) in contained_in:
span = line_max - line_min
if smallest_span is None:
smallest_span = span
best_nodes = [n]
elif span < smallest_span:
smallest_span = span
best_nodes = [n]
elif span == smallest_span:
return best_nodes
def any_types(nodes, types):
return any([isinstance(n, types) for n in nodes])
skip_types = (,
title_types = (
max_line_length = self._cfg['max_line_length']
allow_long_titles = self._cfg['allow_long_titles']
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if len(line) > max_line_length:
in_directive = False
for (start, end) in directives:
if i >= start and i <= end:
in_directive = True
if in_directive:
stripped = line.lstrip()
if ' ' not in stripped:
# No room to split even if we could.
if utils.contains_url(stripped):
nodes = find_containing_nodes(i + 1)
if any_types(nodes, skip_types):
if allow_long_titles and any_types(nodes, title_types):
yield (i + 1, 'D001', 'Line too long')