200: default: | Request was successful. image-data-200: | The service lists the image data in the response body. create-maintenance-session-post: | .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - session_id: uuid .. literalinclude:: samples/create-maintenance-session-post-200.json :language: javascript get-maintenance-sessions-get: | .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - session_id: uuid-list .. literalinclude:: samples/get-maintenance-sessions-get-200.json :language: javascript get-maintenance-session-get: | .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - state: workflow-state .. literalinclude:: samples/get-maintenance-session-get-200.json :language: javascript get-project-maintenance-session-post: | .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - instance_ids: instance-ids .. literalinclude:: samples/get-project-maintenance-session-post-200.json :language: javascript 201: default: | Request has been fulfilled and new resource created. 202: default: | Request is accepted, but processing may take some time. 203: default: | Returned information is not full set, but a subset. 204: default: | Request fulfilled but service does not return anything. 300: default: | The resource corresponds to more than one representation. 400: default: | Some content in the request was invalid. 401: default: | User must authenticate before making a request. 403: default: | Policy does not allow current user to do this operation. 404: default: | The requested resource could not be found. 405: default: | Method is not valid for this endpoint and resource. 409: default: | This resource has an action in progress that would conflict with this request. 413: default: | This operation cannot be completed. image-data-413: | The payload cannot be accepted. Possible causes include: * The backend storage is full. * This request added to your existing image data exceeds your total storage quota for images. * The image payload submitted with this request exceeds the maximum allowable image size. 415: default: | The entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the method. 500: default: | Something went wrong with the service which prevents it from fulfilling the request. 501: default: | The service does not have the functionality required to fulfill this request. 503: default: | The service cannot handle the request right now.