# Copyright (c) 2018 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import aodhclient.client as aodhclient from aodhclient.exceptions import BadRequest from ast import literal_eval import collections from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_service import threadgroup import six from threading import Thread import time from fenix.db import api as db_api from fenix.utils.download import url_to_filename from fenix.utils.identity_auth import get_identity_auth from fenix.utils.identity_auth import get_session LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseWorkflow(Thread): def __init__(self, conf, session_id, data): Thread.__init__(self) self.conf = conf self.session_id = session_id self.stopped = False self.thg = threadgroup.ThreadGroup() self.timer = {} self.session = self._init_session(data) self.hosts = [] if "hosts" in data and data['hosts']: # Hosts given as input, not to be discovered in workflow self.hosts = self.init_hosts(self.convert(data['hosts'])) else: LOG.info('%s: No hosts as input' % self.session_id) if "actions" in data: self.actions = self._init_action_plugins(data["actions"]) else: self.actions = [] if "download" in data: self.downloads = self._init_downloads(data["download"]) else: self.downloads = [] self.projects = [] self.instances = [] self.proj_instance_actions = {} self.states_methods = {'MAINTENANCE': 'maintenance', 'SCALE_IN': 'scale_in', 'PREPARE_MAINTENANCE': 'prepare_maintenance', 'START_MAINTENANCE': 'start_maintenance', 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE': 'planned_maintenance', 'MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE': 'maintenance_complete', 'MAINTENANCE_DONE': 'maintenance_done', 'MAINTENANCE_FAILED': 'maintenance_failed'} self.url = "http://%s:%s" % (conf.host, conf.port) self.auth = get_identity_auth(conf) self.auth_session = get_session(auth=self.auth) self.aodh = aodhclient.Client('2', self.auth_session) transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf) self.notif_proj = messaging.Notifier(transport, 'maintenance.planned', driver='messaging', topics=['notifications']) self.notif_proj = self.notif_proj.prepare(publisher_id='fenix') self.notif_admin = messaging.Notifier(transport, 'maintenance.host', driver='messaging', topics=['notifications']) self.notif_admin = self.notif_admin.prepare(publisher_id='fenix') def init_hosts(self, hostnames): LOG.info('%s: init_hosts: %s' % (self.session_id, hostnames)) return db_api.create_hosts(self.session_id, hostnames) def init_projects(self, project_ids): LOG.info('%s: init_projects: %s' % (self.session_id, project_ids)) return db_api.create_projects(self.session_id, project_ids) def convert(self, data): if isinstance(data, six.string_types): return str(data) elif isinstance(data, collections.Mapping): return dict(map(self.convert, six.iteritems(data))) elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable): return type(data)(map(self.convert, data)) else: return data def _init_downloads(self, download_urls): downloads = [] session_dir = "%s/%s" % (self.conf.engine.local_cache_dir, self.session_id) for url in download_urls: LOG.info('%s: Download %s' % (self.session_id, url)) local_file = url_to_filename(session_dir, url) if local_file is None: raise Exception("cannot make filename from: %s " % url) ddict = { 'session_id': self.session_id, 'local_file': local_file} downloads.append(ddict) return db_api.create_downloads(downloads) def _init_session(self, data): session = { 'session_id': self.session_id, 'state': 'MAINTENANCE', 'maintenance_at': str(data['maintenance_at']), 'meta': str(self.convert(data['metadata'])), 'workflow': self.convert((data['workflow']))} LOG.info('Initializing maintenance session: %s' % session) return db_api.create_session(session) def _init_action_plugins(self, ap_list): actions = [] for action in ap_list: adict = { 'session_id': self.session_id, 'plugin': str(action['plugin']), 'type': str(action['type'])} if 'metadata' in action: adict['meta'] = str(self.convert(action['metadata'])) actions.append(adict) return db_api.create_action_plugins(self.session_id, actions) def _create_action_plugin_instance(self, plugin, hostname, state=None): ap_instance = { 'session_id': self.session_id, 'plugin': plugin, 'hostname': hostname, 'state': state} return db_api.create_action_plugin_instance(ap_instance) def get_action_plugins_by_type(self, ap_type): aps = [ap for ap in self.actions if ap.type == ap_type] if aps: aps = sorted(aps, key=lambda k: k['plugin']) return aps def get_compute_hosts(self): return [host.hostname for host in self.hosts if host.type == 'compute'] def get_controller_hosts(self): return [host.hostname for host in self.hosts if host.type == 'controller'] def get_empty_computes(self): all_computes = self.get_compute_hosts() instance_computes = [] for instance in self.instances: if instance.host not in instance_computes: instance_computes.append(instance.host) return [host for host in all_computes if host not in instance_computes] def get_maintained_hosts_by_type(self, host_type): return [host.hostname for host in self.hosts if host.maintained and host.type == host_type] def get_disabled_hosts(self): return [host for host in self.hosts if host.disabled] def get_host_by_name(self, hostname): host_obj = [host for host in self.hosts if host.hostname == hostname] if host_obj: if len(host_obj) == 1: return host_obj[0] else: raise Exception('get_host_by_name: %s has duplicate entries' % hostname) else: raise Exception('get_host_by_name: %s not found' % hostname) def host_maintained(self, hostname): host_obj = [host for host in self.hosts if host.hostname == hostname] if host_obj: if len(host_obj) == 1: host_obj[0].maintained = True else: raise Exception('host_maintained: %s has duplicate entries' % hostname) else: raise Exception('host_maintained: %s not found' % hostname) def add_instance(self, instance): return db_api.create_instance(instance) def add_instances(self, instances): return db_api.create_instances(instances) def remove_instance(self, instance): instance_id = instance.instance_id self.instances.remove(instance) db_api.remove_instance(self.session_id, instance_id) def project(self, project_id): project = ([project for project in self.projects if project.project_id == project_id]) if project: if len(project) == 1: return project[0] else: raise Exception('project: %s has duplicate entries' % project_id) else: raise Exception('project: %s not found' % project_id) def project_names(self): return [project.project_id for project in self.projects] def set_projets_state(self, state): for project in self.projects: project.state = state for instance in self.instances: instance.project_state = None def project_has_state_instances(self, project_id): instances = ([instance.instance_id for instance in self.instances if instance.project_id == project_id and instance.project_state]) if instances: return True else: return False def set_projects_state_and_hosts_instances(self, state, hosts): some_project_has_instances = False for project in self.projects: project.state = state projects_instances = self.instances_by_project(project.project_id) state_instances = False for instance in projects_instances: if instance.host in hosts: state_instances = True instance.project_state = state else: instance.project_state = None if state_instances: some_project_has_instances = True project.state = state else: project.state = None if not some_project_has_instances: LOG.error('%s: No project has instances on hosts %s' % (self.session_id, hosts)) def get_projects_with_state(self): return ([project for project in self.projects if project.state is not None]) def state_instance_ids(self, project_id): project = self.project(project_id) instances = ([instance.instance_id for instance in self.instances if instance.project_id == project_id and instance.project_state == project.state]) if not instances: instances = self.instance_ids_by_project(project_id) return instances def instances_by_project(self, project): return [instance for instance in self.instances if instance.project_id == project] def instance_ids_by_project(self, project): return [instance.instance_id for instance in self.instances if instance.project_id == project] def instance_ids_by_host_and_project(self, host, project): return [instance.instance_id for instance in self.instances if instance.host == host and instance.project_id == project] def instances_by_host_and_project(self, host, project): return [instance for instance in self.instances if instance.host == host and instance.project_id == project] def instances_by_host(self, host): return [instance for instance in self.instances if instance.host == host] def instance_action_by_project_reply(self, project, instance_id): return self.proj_instance_actions[project][instance_id] def instance_id_found(self, instance_id): instance_ids = [instance.instance_id for instance in self.instances if instance.instance_id == instance_id] if instance_ids: return True else: return False def instance_name_found(self, instance_name): instance_ids = [instance.instance_id for instance in self.instances if instance.instance_name == instance_name] if instance_ids: return True else: return False def instance_by_name(self, instance_name): instance = [instance for instance in self.instances if instance.instance_name == instance_name] if instance: if len(instance) == 1: return instance[0] else: raise Exception('instance_by_name: %s has duplicate entries' % instance_name) else: raise Exception('instance_by_name: %s not found' % instance_name) def instance_by_id(self, instance_id): instance = [instance for instance in self.instances if instance.instance_id == instance_id] if instance: if len(instance) == 1: return instance[0] else: raise Exception('instance_by_id: %s has duplicate entries' % instance_id) else: raise Exception('instance_by_id: %s not found' % instance_id) def __str__(self): info = 'Instance info:\n' for host in self.hosts: if host.type != 'compute': continue info += ('%s:\n' % host.hostname) for project in self.project_names(): instance_ids = ( self.instance_ids_by_host_and_project(host.hostname, project)) if instance_ids: info += (' %s:\n' % project) for instance_id in instance_ids: info += (' %s\n' % instance_id) return info def _timer_expired(self, name): LOG.info("%s: timer expired %s" % (self.session_id, name)) if name in self.timer.keys(): self.timer[name].stop() self.thg.timer_done(self.timer[name]) self.timer.pop(name) def is_timer_expired(self, name): if name in self.timer.keys(): return False else: return True def stop_timer(self, name): LOG.info("%s: stop_timer %s" % (self.session_id, name)) if name in self.timer.keys(): self.timer[name].stop() self.thg.timer_done(self.timer[name]) self.timer.pop(name) def start_timer(self, delay, name): LOG.info("%s: start_timer %s" % (self.session_id, name)) if name in self.timer.keys(): LOG.error("%s: timer exist!" % self.session_id) else: self.timer[name] = (self.thg.add_timer(delay, self._timer_expired, delay, name)) def cleanup(self): db_api.remove_session(self.session_id) LOG.info("%s: cleanup" % self.session_id) def stop(self): LOG.info("%s: stop" % self.session_id) self.stopped = True def maintenance(self): LOG.error("%s: maintenance method not implemented!" % self.session_id) def maintenance_done(self): LOG.error("%s: maintenance_done method not implemented!" % self.session_id) def maintenance_failed(self): LOG.error("%s: maintenance_failed method not implemented!" % self.session_id) def state(self, state): # TBD we could notify admin for workflow state change self.session.prev_state = self.session.state self.session.state = state if state in ["MAINTENANCE_DONE", "MAINTENANCE_FAILED"]: try: statefunc = (getattr(self, self.states_methods[self.session.state])) statefunc() except Exception as e: LOG.error("%s: %s Raised exception: %s" % (self.session_id, statefunc, e), exc_info=True) self.state("MAINTENANCE_FAILED") def run(self): LOG.info("%s: started" % self.session_id) while not self.stopped: if self.session.state not in ["MAINTENANCE_DONE", "MAINTENANCE_FAILED"]: try: statefunc = (getattr(self, self.states_methods[self.session.state])) statefunc() except Exception as e: LOG.error("%s: %s Raised exception: %s" % (self.session_id, statefunc, e), exc_info=True) self.state("MAINTENANCE_FAILED") else: time.sleep(1) # IDLE while session removed LOG.info("%s: done" % self.session_id) def projects_listen_alarm(self, match_event): try: alarms = self.aodh.alarm.list({'all_projects': True}) except BadRequest: # Train or earlier alarms = self.aodh.alarm.list() match_projects = ([str(alarm['project_id']) for alarm in alarms if str(alarm['event_rule']['event_type']) == match_event]) all_projects_match = True for project in self.project_names(): if project not in match_projects: LOG.error('%s: project %s not ' 'listening to %s' % (self.session_id, project, match_event)) all_projects_match = False return all_projects_match def _project_notify(self, project_id, instance_ids, allowed_actions, actions_at, reply_at, state, metadata): reply_url = '%s/v1/maintenance/%s/%s' % (self.url, self.session_id, project_id) if "/maintenance/" not in instance_ids: # Single instance reply_url += "/%s" % instance_ids[0] payload = dict(project_id=project_id, instance_ids=instance_ids, allowed_actions=allowed_actions, state=state, actions_at=actions_at, reply_at=reply_at, session_id=self.session_id, metadata=literal_eval(metadata), reply_url=reply_url) LOG.info('Sending "maintenance.planned" to project: %s' % payload) self.notif_proj.info({'some': 'context'}, 'maintenance.scheduled', payload) def _admin_notify(self, project, host, state, session_id): payload = dict(project_id=project, host=host, state=state, session_id=session_id) LOG.info('Sending "maintenance.host": %s' % payload) self.notif_admin.info({'some': 'context'}, 'maintenance.host', payload) def projects_answer(self, state, projects): state_ack = 'ACK_%s' % state state_nack = 'NACK_%s' % state for project in projects: pstate = project.state if pstate == state: break elif pstate == state_ack: continue elif pstate == state_nack: LOG.error('%s: %s from %s' % (self.session_id, pstate, project.project_id)) break else: LOG.error('%s: Project %s in invalid state %s' % (self.session_id, project.project_id, pstate)) break return pstate def _project_names_in_state(self, projects, state): return ([project.project_id for project in projects if project.state == state]) def wait_projects_state(self, state, timer_name): state_ack = 'ACK_%s' % state state_nack = 'NACK_%s' % state projects = self.get_projects_with_state() if not projects: LOG.error('%s: wait_projects_state %s. Emtpy project list' % (self.session_id, state)) while not self.is_timer_expired(timer_name): answer = self.projects_answer(state, projects) if answer == state: pass else: self.stop_timer(timer_name) if answer == state_ack: LOG.info('all projects in: %s' % state_ack) return True elif answer == state_nack: pnames = self._project_names_in_state(projects, answer) LOG.error('%s: projects rejected with %s: %s' % (self.session_id, answer, pnames)) return False else: pnames = self._project_names_in_state(projects, answer) LOG.error('%s: projects with invalid state %s: %s' % (self.session_id, answer, pnames)) return False time.sleep(1) LOG.error('%s: timer %s expired waiting answer to state %s' % (self.session_id, timer_name, state)) pnames = self._project_names_in_state(projects, state) LOG.error('%s: projects not answered: %s' % (self.session_id, pnames)) return False def wait_instance_reply_state(self, state, instance, timer_name): state_ack = 'ACK_%s' % state state_nack = 'NACK_%s' % state LOG.info('wait_instance_reply_state: %s' % instance.instance_id) while not self.is_timer_expired(timer_name): answer = instance.project_state if answer == state: pass else: self.stop_timer(timer_name) if answer == state_ack: LOG.info('%s in: %s' % (instance.instance_id, answer)) return True elif answer == state_nack: LOG.info('%s in: %s' % (instance.instance_id, answer)) return False else: LOG.error('%s in invalid state: %s' % (instance.instance_id, answer)) return False time.sleep(1) LOG.error('%s: timer %s expired' % (self.session_id, timer_name)) return False def project_ids_with_instance_group(self): igs = db_api.instance_groups_get() project_ids = list() [project_ids.append(ig.project_id) for ig in igs if ig.project_id not in project_ids] return project_ids