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These APIs are meant for infrastructure admin who is in charge of triggering the rolling maintenance and upgrade workflows.

Create maintenance session



Create a new maintenance session. You can specify a list of 'hosts' to be maintained or have an empty list to indicate those should be self-discovered. You need to have an initial state for the workflow in 'state'. 'workflow' indicates the name of a Python plug-in to be used in the maintenance.

--Not yet implemented--

'download' can contain a list of URLs from where the needed software changes are downloaded. It can also provide plug-ins to be used.

'actions' can contain a list of action plug-ins to be called during the workflow plug-in execution. It is up to workflow plug-in implementation to support different type of plug-ins or to decide how they are executed. Fenix default workflow supported types and execution order is defined below.


Name Type Description Implemented Mandatory
hosts list of strings Hosts to be maintained. An empty list can indicate hosts are to be discovered. Yes Yes
state string Maintenance workflow state Yes Yes
maintenance_at time string Maintenance workflow start time Yes Yes
workflow string Maintenance workflow to be used Yes Yes
metadata dictionary Metadata; like hints to projects Yes Yes
download list of string List of needed SW upgrades No No
actions list of dictionaries List of action plug-ins No Yes
actions.plugin string plug-in name. Default workflow executes plug-ins in an alphabetical order No Yes
actions.type string

Type of the workflow. Possible values are:

  • pre: executed before the host type actions
  • host: executed for every host
  • post: executed after the host type actions
No Yes
actions.metadata dictionary Metadata; hints to plug-ins No Yes


    "hosts": ["overcloud-novacompute-1.opnfvlf.org",
    "state": "MAINTENANCE",
    "maintenance_at": "2018-02-28 06:06:03",
    "metadata": {"openstack_release": "Queens"},
    "workflow": "default",
    "download": ["https://my.sw.upgrades.com/SW1.tar.gz",
    "actions": [
        {"plugin": "prepare", "type": "pre"},
        {"plugin": "esw_upgrade", "type": "host", "metadata": {"upgrade": "ESW1"}},
        {"plugin": "os_upgrade", "type": "host", "metadata": {"upgrade": "SW1"}},
        {"plugin": "finalize", "type": "post"}]


Normal response codes: OK(200)

Name Type Description
session_id string UUID


    "session_id": "695030ee-1c4d-11e8-a9b0-0242ac110002"

Update maintenance session

--Not yet implemented--

Update existing maintenance session. This can be used to continue a failed session.



Get maintenance sessions

Get all ongoing maintenance sessions.




Normal response codes: OK(200)

Name Type Description
session_id list of strings list of UUID strings


    "session_id": ["695030ee-1c4d-11e8-a9b0-0242ac110002"]

Get maintenance session

Get a maintenance session state.




Normal response codes: OK(200)

Name Type Description
state string Maintenance workflow state
    "state": "MAINTENANCE_DONE"

Delete maintenance session

Delete a maintenance session. Usually called after the session is successfully finished.



Normal response codes: OK(200)


On top of some expected changes mentioned above, it will also be handy to get detailed information about the steps run already in the maintenance session. This will be helpful when need to figure out any correcting actions to successfully finish a failed session. There is ongoing work to have everything kept in a database and that will be a key feature to enable these changes.