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These APIs are meant for projects having instances on top of the infrastructure under corresponding rolling maintenance or upgrade session. Usage of these APIs expects there is an application manager (VNFM) that can interact with Fenix workflow via these APIs. If this is not the case, workflow should have a default behavior for instances owned by projects, that are not interacting with Fenix.

These APIs are generic for any cloud as instance ID should be something that can be matched to virtual machines or containers regardless of the cloud underneath.

Get project maintenance session

Get project instances belonging to the current state of maintenance session. the Project-manager receives an AODH event alarm telling about different maintenance states. Event data field length is very limited, so instances cannot be given as a list in the event. Instead, there will be an URL given to below API to get a project-specific list of instances.

:GET /v1/maintenance/<session_id>/<projet_id>/


Normal response codes: OK(200)

Name Type Description
instance_ids list of strings List of instance IDs


    "instance_ids": ["109e14d9-6566-42b3-93e4-76605f264d8f",

Input from project to maintenance session

Project having instances on top of the infrastructure handled by a maintenance session might need to make own action for its instances on top of a host going into maintenance next, or reply an admin action to be done. This is, as the host can go down or even be removed and the instances should be then running safely somewhere else. Project manager receives an AODH event alarm telling which instances are affected and when the project is ready, it makes its own action or replies back an action which needs the admin privileges.

:PUT /v1/maintenance/<session_id>/<projet_id>/


Name Type Description
instance_actions dictionary instance ID : action string
state string There can have different values depending on what is the maintenance session state to reply to. In the below example, the maintenance state is 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE' and the reply state is formed by adding 'ACK_' or 'NACK_' as the prefix to reply value


    "instance_actions": {"109e14d9-6566-42b3-93e4-76605f264d8f": "MIGRATE",
                         "71285107-f0fc-4428-a8b2-0b3edd64bcad": "MIGRATE"},


Normal response codes: OK(200)