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Fenix Architecture

Fenix is an engine designed to make a rolling infrastructure maintenance and upgrade possible with zero downtime for the application running on top of it. Interfaces are designed to be generic, so they can work with different clouds, virtual machines and containers. Current workflows are for OpenStack and Kubernetes, but the workflow plug-in implementation defines what kind of cloud you want to support.

The key in Fenix providing the zero downtime is to have an ability to communicate with an application manager (VNFM). As the application is aware of maintenance affecting its instances, it can safely be running somewhere else when it happens. The application also get to know about new capabilities coming over infrastructure maintenance/upgrade and can plan its own upgrade at the same. As Fenix also provides scaling request towards applications, it is possible to make upgrades without adding more resources.

Fenix has the ability to tell any infrastructure service when a host is down for maintenance or back in use. This is handy for different things, like enabling/disabling self-healing or billing. The same interface could also be used for adding/removing hosts.

The design makes it possible to make everything with 'one-click'. Generic API, notifications and tracking in a database are provided by Fenix together with example workflow and action plug-ins. Anyhow, to build for specific cloud deployment, one can provide workflow and action plug-ins to Fenix to fit to any use case one can think of.

Internal design

Fenix design is pluggable:


fenix-api is used to make maintenance workflow sessions and to provide admin and project owners an API to communicate to Fenix.

fenix-engine is running the maintenance workflow sessions and keeping track in database.

base workflow is providing basic Fenix functionality that can be inherited by the workflow plug-in used in each maintenance session.

workflow plug-in is the workflow for your maintenance session. Different plug-ins can be implemented for different clouds and deployments.

action plug-ins are called by the workflow plug-in. It is possible to have different type of plug-ins, and if there is more than one of a specific type, one can also define the order they are executed. These types are currently in use in the Fenix example workflows. You can always define your own type according to your workflow implementation:

  • pre plug-in is run first
  • host plug-in is run for each host
  • compute plug-in is run on each compute host
  • controller plug-in is run on each controller host
  • post plug-in is run last

There is a possibility to define 'metadata' to further indicate plug-in specifics.

Interface design

Fenix has API and notifications that can be caught by different endpoint interfaces by subscribing to corresponding event alarm:


Infrastructure admin has an API to trigger, query, update and delete maintenance sessions. Admin can also receive the status of a maintenance session by the 'maintenance.session' notification trough 'oslo.notification'. It is also possible to get the same information by subscribing to the corresponding event alarm. This is handy for getting the event to own favorite API endpoint.

Project/application having instances on top of the infrastructure under maintenance can have a manager (VNFM) to communicate with the maintenance session workflow. The manager can subscribe to project specific 'maintenance.planned' event alarms to get information about maintenance session state affecting its instances. The subscription also tells to the workflow that the project have a manager capable of communicating with the workflow. Otherwise, workflow should have a default behavior towards project instances, or fail if communication is mandatory in your cloud use case. There is also a project-specific API to query its instances under current maintenance workflow session state and to answer back to workflow.

Any infrastructure service can also be made to support 'maintenance.host' notification. This notification is telling wether a host is in maintenance or back in normal use. This might be important for enabling/disabling self-healing or billing. Notification can also be used to indicate when a host is added or removed.

High level sequence diagram

This is the original design idagram not utilizing the ETSI defined instance and instance group constraints.

seqdiag {

activation = none; infra-admin -> fenix [label = "Maintenance session n for hosts", note="Start the maintenance process"]; fenix -> app-manager [label = "MAINTENANCE"]; app-manager -> fenix [label = "ACK_MAINTENANCE"]; fenix --> app-manager [label = "IN_SCALE", note="Optional down scale"] app-manager --> fenix [label = "ACK_IN_SCALE"] fenix --> app-manager [label = "PREPARE_MAINTENANCE", note="If there is not empty host Fenix makes one"] app-manager --> fenix [label = "ACK_PREPARE_MAINTENANCE"] fenix --> app-manager [label = "ADMIN_ACTION_DONE"] === Repeated for every compute === fenix -> app-manager [label = "PLANNED_MAINTENANCE", note="If VM-s are on the host. Migrate or Live migrate"] app-manager -> fenix [label = "ACK_PLANNED_MAINTENANCE"] fenix --> app-manager [label = "ADMIN_ACTION_DONE"] fenix --> app-manager [label = "IN_MAINTENANCE"] ... Actual maintenance happens here ... fenix --> app-manager [label = "MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE"] === --- === fenix --> app-manager [label = "MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE", note="Maintenance is done"] app-manager --> fenix [label = "ACK_MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE", note="Up scale"]


This advanced idagram utilizing the ETSI defined instance and instance group constraints.

seqdiag {

activation = none; app-manager --> fenix [label = "Update instance and instance group constraints anytime and when created"] === --- === infra-admin -> fenix [label = "Maintenance session n for hosts", note="Start the maintenance process"]; fenix -> app-manager [label = "MAINTENANCE"]; app-manager -> fenix [label = "ACK_MAINTENANCE"]; fenix --> app-manager [label = "IN_SCALE", note="Optional down scale"]; app-manager --> fenix [label = "Remove instance related constraints of scaled down instances. Update instance groups constraints to match scaling"] app-manager --> fenix [label = "ACK_IN_SCALE"] fenix --> app-manager [label = "PREPARE_MAINTENANCE", note="If there is not empty host Fenix makes one"] app-manager --> fenix [label = "ACK_PREPARE_MAINTENANCE"] fenix --> app-manager [label = "ADMIN_ACTION_DONE"] === Repeated for every compute === fenix -> app-manager [label = "PLANNED_MAINTENANCE", note="If VM-s are on the host. Migrate or Live migrate"] app-manager -> fenix [label = "ACK_PLANNED_MAINTENANCE"] fenix --> app-manager [label = "ADMIN_ACTION_DONE"] fenix --> app-manager [label = "IN_MAINTENANCE"] ... Actual maintenance happens here ... fenix --> app-manager [label = "MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE"] === --- === fenix --> app-manager [label = "MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE", note="Maintenance is done"] app-manager --> fenix [label = "Add instance constraints of instances possibly added when scaling up when maintenance is completed. Update instance groups constraints to match scaling"] app-manager --> fenix [label = "ACK_MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE", note="Up scale"]
