Add external IP controller

Add ansible playbook to deploy external IP controller on k8s
cluster. It will deploy the application on specified nodes only
(the ones that have role "externalip" in ansible).

Change-Id: I85556d58db92a45968e49de86efd5f447bbcd086
This commit is contained in:
Aleksandr Didenko 2016-12-15 10:11:02 +01:00
parent a5e9572cde
commit 170cf42194
8 changed files with 335 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
.. _external_ip_controller:
Installing External IP Controller
This document describes how to expose Kubernetes services using External IP
One of the possible ways to expose k8s services on a bare metal deployment is
using External IPs. Each node runs a kube-proxy process which programs
iptables rules to trap access to External IPs and redirect them to the correct
So in order to accessa k8s service from the outside we just need to route public
traffic to one of k8s worker nodes which has kube-proxy running and thus has
needed iptables rules for External IPs.
Deployment scheme
External IP controller is a k8s application which is deployed on top of a k8s
cluster and which configures External IPs on k8s worker node(s) to provide IP
For further details please read `External IP controller documentation
Ansible Playbook
The playbook is ``utils/kargo/externalip.yaml`` and the ansible role is
The nodes that have ``externalip`` role assigned to them will run External IP
controller application which will manage Kubernetes services' external IPs.
Playbook labels such nodes and then creates DaemonSet with appropriate
External IP scheduler will be running as a standard Deployment (ReplicaSet)
with specified number of replicas.
ECMP deployment
Deployment model
In this sample deployment we're going to deploy External IP controller on a set
of nodes and provide load balancing and high availability for External IPs
based on Equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP).
For further details please read `Documentation about ECMP deployment
You can take inventory generated previously for Kargo deployment. Using
``utils/kargo/externalip.yaml`` playbook with such inventory will deploy
External IP controller on all ``kube-node`` worker nodes.
Custom yaml
Custom Ansible yaml for ECMP deployment is stored here:
``utils/jenkins/extip_ecmp.yaml``. Here is the content:
# Type of deployment
extip_ctrl_app_kind: "DaemonSet"
# IP distribution model
extip_distribution: "all"
# Netmask for external IPs
extip_mask: 32
# Interface to bring IPs on, should be "lo" for ECMP
extip_iface: "lo"
Just run the following ansible-playbook command:
.. code:: sh
export ws=/home/workspace
/usr/bin/ansible-playbook -e ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant -u vagrant -b \
--become-user=root -i ${ws}/inventory/inventory.cfg \
-e @${ws}/utils/jenkins/extip_ecmp.yaml \
This will deploy the application according to your inventory.
This application only brings IPs up or down on a specified interface. We also
need to provide routing to those nodes with external IPs. So for Kubernetes
cluster with Calico networking plugin we already have ``calico-node`` container
running on every k8s worker node. This container also includes BGP speaker
which monitors local routing tables and announces changes via BGP protocol.
So in order to include external IPs to BGP speaker export we need to add the
following custom export filter for Calico:
.. code:: sh
cat << EOF | etcdctl set /calico/bgp/v1/global/custom_filters/v4/lo_iface
if ( ifname = "lo" ) then {
if net != then accept;
Please note that this will only configure BGP for ``calico-node``. In order to
announce routing to your network infrastructure you may want to peer Calico
with routers. Please check this URL for details:
`Kargo docs: Calico BGP Peering with border routers
Uninstalling and undoing customizations
Uninstall k8s applications by running the following commands on the first
kube-master node in your ansible inventory:
.. code:: sh
kubectl delete -f /etc/kubernetes/extip_scheduler.yml
kubectl delete -f /etc/kubernetes/extip_controller.yml
Remove custom Calico export filter:
.. code:: sh
etcdctl rm /calico/bgp/v1/global/custom_filters/v4/lo_iface
Also remove external IPs from `lo` interface on the nodes with the command
like this:
.. code:: sh
ip ad del dev lo
Where ```` is external IP.

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Contents
Search in this guide

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# External IP playbook settings to provide ECMP
extip_image_tag: "release-0.2.1"
extip_ctrl_app_kind: "DaemonSet"
extip_distribution: "all"
extip_mask: 32
extip_iface: "lo"

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- hosts: kube-node
- { role: externalip }

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# All nodes will be labeled and then label will be used as "nodeSelector" for
# external IP controller application. You can spacify this label name here.
extip_node_label: "externalip"
# Image params
extip_image_repo: "mirantis/k8s-externalipcontroller"
extip_image_tag: "release-0.2.1"
# If multiple external IPs claim controllers are running we need to
# define how to distribute IPs.
# Valid values are:
# "balance" - IPs are balanced across controllers
# "single" - only one controller will hold all IPs. Not yet supported in
# multiple controllers mode. If you need to run on one node please
# use extip_ctrl_app_kind=Deployment and extip_ctrl_replicas=1
# "all" - all controllers will bring up all IPs (for ECMP, for example)
extip_distribution: "balance"
# External IPs network mask
extip_mask: 24
# Interface to bring external IPs on
extip_iface: "eth0"
# Kubernetes namespace for the application
k8s_namespace: "default"
# K8s controller app params
extip_ctrl_app: "claimcontroller"
# App kind, valid values are: "Deployment", "DaemonSet"
extip_ctrl_app_kind: "Deployment"
extip_ctrl_replicas: 1
extip_ctrl_label: "externalipcontroller"
extip_ctrl_image_pull_policy: "IfNotPresent"
# Verbosity
extip_ctrl_verbose: 5
# Heartbeat
extip_ctrl_hb: "500ms"
extip_ctrl_hostname: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
# K8s scheduler app params
extip_sched_app: "claimscheduler"
extip_sched_label: "claimscheduler"
extip_sched_image_pull_policy: "IfNotPresent"
extip_sched_replicas: 2
# Verbosity
extip_sched_verbose: 5
# Scheduler leader elect, string ("true" or "false")
extip_sched_leader_elect: "true"
# Monitor
extip_sched_monitor: "1s"

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
- name: ExtIP Controller | Get pods
shell: "kubectl get pods -o wide"
run_once: true
register: pods
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Get list of nodes with labels
shell: "kubectl get node --show-labels"
run_once: true
register: k8s_nodes
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Get list of nodes with IPs
shell: 'kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath=''{range .items[*]}{}{" "}{range @.status.addresses[?(@.type == "InternalIP")]}{@.address}{"\n"}{end}{end}'''
register: k8s_name_cmd
run_once: true
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Set fact with node-ip search pattern
k8s_ip_pattern: ".* {{ ip }}$"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Find k8s node name by IP address
k8s_name: "{{ (k8s_name_cmd.stdout_lines | select('match', k8s_ip_pattern) | join(',')).split(' ')[0] }}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Print k8s node names
msg: "{{ k8s_name }}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Set fact with node-label search pattern
k8s_label_pattern: "^{{ k8s_name }} .*[,\ ]{{ extip_node_label }}=true.*"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Find matches for node by label
matches: "{{ k8s_nodes.stdout_lines | select('match', k8s_label_pattern) | list }}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Label node if needed
shell: "kubectl label nodes {{ k8s_name }} {{ extip_node_label }}=true"
when: "{{ (matches | length) < 1 }}"
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Upload claimcontroller config
run_once: true
template: src=controller.yaml.j2 dest=/etc/kubernetes/extip_controller.yml
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Upload claimscheduler config
run_once: true
template: src=scheduler.yaml.j2 dest=/etc/kubernetes/extip_scheduler.yml
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Create claimcontroller
run_once: true
shell: "kubectl create -f /etc/kubernetes/extip_controller.yml"
when: pods.stdout.find("{{ extip_ctrl_app }}-") == -1
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
- name: ExtIP Controller | Create claimscheduler
run_once: true
shell: "kubectl create -f /etc/kubernetes/extip_scheduler.yml"
when: pods.stdout.find("{{ extip_sched_app }}-") == -1
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: {{ extip_ctrl_app_kind }}
name: {{ extip_ctrl_app }}
{% if extip_ctrl_app_kind != "DaemonSet" %}
replicas: {{ extip_ctrl_replicas }}
{% endif %}
app: {{ extip_ctrl_label }}
hostNetwork: true
{{ extip_node_label }}: "true"
- name: externalipcontroller
image: {{ extip_image_repo }}:{{ extip_image_tag }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ extip_ctrl_image_pull_policy }}
privileged: true
- ipmanager
- claimcontroller
- --iface={{ extip_iface }}
- --logtostderr
- --v={{ extip_ctrl_verbose }}
- --hb={{ extip_ctrl_hb }}
- --hostname={% if extip_distribution == "all" %}ecmp{% else %}{{ extip_ctrl_hostname }}
{% endif %}

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: {{ extip_sched_app }}
replicas: {{ extip_sched_replicas }}
app: {{ extip_sched_label }}
- name: externalipcontroller
image: {{ extip_image_repo }}:{{ extip_image_tag }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ extip_sched_image_pull_policy }}
- ipmanager
- scheduler
- --mask={{ extip_mask }}
- --logtostderr
- --v={{ extip_sched_verbose }}
- --leader-elect={{ extip_sched_leader_elect }}
- --monitor={{ extip_sched_monitor }}