# -*- mode: ruby -*- # # vi: set ft=ruby : require 'yaml' Vagrant.require_version ">= 1.8.0" defaults_cfg = YAML.load_file('vagrant-settings.yaml_defaults') if File.exist?('vagrant-settings.yaml') custom_cfg = YAML.load_file('vagrant-settings.yaml') cfg = defaults_cfg.merge(custom_cfg) else cfg = defaults_cfg end # Defaults for config options $num_instances = (cfg['num_instances'] || 3).to_i $kargo_node_index = (cfg['kargo_node_index'] || 1).to_i $instance_name_prefix = cfg['instance_name_prefix'] || "node" $vm_gui = cfg['vm_gui'] || false $vm_memory = (cfg['vm_memory'] || 2048).to_i $vm_cpus = (cfg['vm_cpus'] || 1).to_i $vm_cpu_limit = (cfg['vm_cpu_limit'] || 1).to_i $vm_linked_clone = cfg['vm_linked_clone'] || true $forwarded_ports = cfg['forwarded_ports'] || {} $subnet_prefix = cfg['subnet_prefix'] || "172.17" $public_subnet = cfg['public_subnet'] || "#{$subnet_prefix}.0" $private_subnet = cfg['private_subnet'] || "#{$subnet_prefix}.1" $neutron_subnet = cfg['neutron_subnet'] || "#{$subnet_prefix}.3" $mgmt_cidr = cfg['mgmt_cidr'] || "#{$subnet_prefix}.2.0/24" $box = cfg['box'] $sync_type = cfg['sync_type'] || "rsync" $kargo_repo = ENV['KARGO_REPO'] || cfg['kargo_repo'] $kargo_commit = ENV['KARGO_COMMIT'] || cfg['kargo_commit'] def with_env(filename, env=[]) "#{env.join ' '} /bin/bash -x -c #{filename}" end Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.ssh.username = 'vagrant' config.ssh.password = 'vagrant' config.vm.box = $box # plugin conflict if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest") then config.vbguest.auto_update = false end node_ips = [] (1 .. $num_instances).each { |i| node_ips << "#{$private_subnet}.#{i+10}" } # Serialize nodes startup order for the virtualbox provider $num_instances.downto(1).each do |i| config.vm.define vm_name = "%s%d" % [$instance_name_prefix, i] do |config| if i != $kargo_node_index config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "/bin/true" else # Only execute once the Ansible provisioner on a kargo node, # when all the machines are up and ready. ip = "#{$private_subnet}.#{$kargo_node_index+10}" vars = { "KARGO_REPO" => $kargo_repo, "KARGO_COMMIT" => $kargo_commit, "SLAVE_IPS" => "\"#{node_ips.join(' ')}\"", "ADMIN_IP" => "local", "IMAGE_PATH" => $box.sub('/','_'), } env = [] vars.each { |k, v| env << "#{k}=#{v}" } deploy = with_env("/vagrant/utils/jenkins/kargo_deploy.sh", env) config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "#{deploy}", privileged: false end end end # Define nodes configuration (1 .. $num_instances).each do |i| config.vm.define vm_name = "%s%d" % [$instance_name_prefix, i] do |config| config.vm.box = $box config.vm.hostname = vm_name # Networks and interfaces and ports ip = "#{$private_subnet}.#{i+10}" nets = [{:ip => ip, :name => "private", :mode => "none", :dhcp => false, :intnet => true}, {:ip => "#{$public_subnet}.#{i+10}", :name => "public", :mode => "nat", :dhcp => false, :intnet => false}, {:ip => "#{$neutron_subnet}.#{i+10}", :name => "neutron", :mode => "none", :dhcp => false, :intnet => true}] if $expose_docker_tcp config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 2375, host: ($expose_docker_tcp + i - 1), auto_correct: true end $forwarded_ports.each do |guest, host| config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: guest, host: host, auto_correct: true end config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.gui = $vm_gui vb.memory = $vm_memory vb.cpus = $vm_cpus vb.linked_clone = $vm_linked_clone vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpuexecutioncap", "#{$vm_cpu_limit}"] vb.check_guest_additions = false vb.functional_vboxsf = false end config.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain| domain.uri = "qemu+unix:///system" domain.memory = $vm_memory domain.cpus = $vm_cpus domain.driver = "kvm" domain.host = "localhost" domain.connect_via_ssh = false domain.username = $user domain.storage_pool_name = "default" domain.nic_model_type = "e1000" domain.management_network_name = "#{$instance_name_prefix}-mgmt-net" domain.management_network_address = $mgmt_cidr domain.nested = true domain.cpu_mode = "host-passthrough" domain.volume_cache = "unsafe" domain.disk_bus = "virtio" domain.graphics_ip = "" end if $sync_type == 'nfs' config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs" end if $sync_type == 'rsync' config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync", rsync__args: ["--verbose", "--archive", "--delete", "-z"], rsync__verbose: true, rsync__exclude: [".git/", ".tox/", "output*/", "packer_cache/"] end # This works for all providers nets.each do |net| config.vm.network :private_network, :ip => net[:ip], :model_type => "e1000", :libvirt__network_name => "#{$instance_name_prefix}-#{net[:name]}", :libvirt__dhcp_enabled => net[:dhcp], :libvirt__forward_mode => net[:mode], :virtualbox__intnet => net[:intnet] end end end # Force-plug nat devices to ensure an IP is assigned via DHCP config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.customize "post-boot",["controlvm", :id, "setlinkstate1", "on"] end end