# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import uuid from datetime import datetime from time import sleep import pytest from fuel_ccp_tests.helpers import ext from fuel_ccp_tests.helpers import utils from fuel_ccp_tests.logger import logger @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='function') def admin_node(config, underlay, ccpcluster): logger.info("Get SSH access to admin node") with underlay.remote(host=config.k8s.kube_host) as remote: yield remote @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='function') def elastic_client_public(os_deployed, k8s_actions, config): """ Discover elasticsearch on the cluster and return simple elastic client initialized with public endpoint :param os_deployed: :param k8s_actions: :param config: :return: utils.ElasticClient """ service_list = k8s_actions.api.services.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) service = [service for service in service_list if 'elasticsearch' in service.name][0] elastic_search_public_port = service.spec.ports[0].node_port elastic_search_public_host = config.k8s.kube_host yield utils.ElasticClient(elastic_search_public_host, elastic_search_public_port) @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='function') def elastic_client_private(os_deployed, k8s_actions, admin_node, config): """ Discover elasticsearch on the cluster and return simple elastic client initialized with pod ip endpoint :param os_deployed: :param k8s_actions: :param config: :return: utils.ElasticClient """ service_list = k8s_actions.api.services.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) service = [service for service in service_list if 'elasticsearch' in service.name][0] elastic_search_service_host = service.spec.cluster_ip elastic_search_service_port = service.spec.ports[0].name yield utils.ElasticClient(elastic_search_service_host, elastic_search_service_port) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def kibana_public_endpoint(os_deployed, k8s_actions, admin_node, config): """ Discover kibana on the cluster and return kibana endpoint :param os_deployed: :param k8s_actions: :param admin_node: :param config: :return: host:port """ service_list = k8s_actions.api.services.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) service = [service for service in service_list if 'kibana' in service.name][0] kibana_public_port = service.spec.ports[0].node_port kibana_public_address = config.k8s.kube_host return '{}:{}'.format(kibana_public_address, kibana_public_port) @pytest.mark.ccp_logging @pytest.mark.revert_snapshot(ext.SNAPSHOT.os_deployed) class TestCppLogging(object): """Check logging aggregation""" def test_logging_connection_to_elasticsearch_public( self, admin_node, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Elasticsearch api test Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Test elasticsearch is accessible on public ip """ show_step(1) elastic_call = 'curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{{http_code}}" http://{}:{}/' elastic_http_response = admin_node.execute(elastic_call.format( elastic_client_public.host, elastic_client_public.port))['stdout'] assert ext.HttpCodes.OK in elastic_http_response, \ "Elastic respond with unexpected " \ "HTTP_RESPONSE on public endpoint Expected {} Actual {}".format( ext.HttpCodes.OK, elastic_http_response) def test_logging_connection_to_elasticsearch_private( self, admin_node, elastic_client_private, show_step): """Elasticsearch api test Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Test elasticsearch is accessibile on private ip """ show_step(1) elastic_call = 'curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{{http_code}}" http://{}:{}/' elastic_http_response = admin_node.execute( elastic_call.format( elastic_client_private.host, elastic_client_private.port))['stdout'] assert ext.HttpCodes.OK in elastic_http_response, \ "Elastic respond with unexpected " \ "HTTP_RESPONSE on private endpoint Expected {} Actual {}".format( ext.HttpCodes.OK, elastic_http_response) def test_logging_search_for_logs_from_all_running_heka_instances( self, admin_node, k8scluster, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Heka connection test Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Find logs from all heka nodes 2. Test that logs from each heka node exist """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public k8sclient = k8scluster.api # get all nodes nodes = k8sclient.nodes.list() # get all heka instances hekas = [pod for pod in k8sclient.pods.list(namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) if 'heka' in pod.name] # ensure heka is running on each node assert len(nodes) == len(hekas) show_step(2) for heka_job in hekas: logger.info('Checking presense in aggregated log messages from {}' .format(heka_job.name)) assert ec.find('Hostname', heka_job.name).count > 0, \ "Log message from heka node {} not found on elastic".format( heka_job.name) def test_logging_trigger_event_into_mysql(self, admin_node, k8scluster, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Trigger event in mysql container Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Get mysql pod 2. Trigger mysql log event inside the container 3. Test that triggered event pushed to elasticsearch """ ec = elastic_client_public k8sclient = k8scluster.api show_step(1) mysql_pod = [pod for pod in k8sclient.pods.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) if 'mariadb' in pod.name][0] show_step(2) mysql_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '') mysql_template = \ '{} 140115909998528 ' \ '[Note] mysqld: ready for connections. {}\n'.format( datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), mysql_id) admin_node.check_call( 'kubectl exec {} --namespace={} -- {}'.format( mysql_pod.name, ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE, '\'/bin/bash\' -xc \'(echo \"{}\" >> ' '/var/log/ccp/mysql/mysql.log)\''.format( mysql_template) ), expected=[ext.ExitCodes.EX_OK]) show_step(3) injected = ec.find('Payload', mysql_id) assert injected.count == 1, \ "New log message from mysql from {} not picked by heka".format( mysql_pod) def test_logging_trigger_event_into_rabbitmq(self, admin_node, k8scluster, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Trigger event in rabbitmq container Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Get rabbitmq pod 2. Trigger rabbitmq log event inside the container 3. Test that triggered event pushed to elasticsearch """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public k8sclient = k8scluster.api rabbitmq_pod = [pod for pod in k8sclient.pods.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) if 'rabbitmq' in pod.name][0] show_step(2) rabbitmq_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '') rabbitmq_template = "=INFO REPORT==== {} ===\n" \ "accepting AMQP connection <0.580.0> " \ "( ->\n" \ "{}".format(datetime.today() .strftime("%d-%b-%Y::%H:%M:%S"), rabbitmq_id) admin_node.check_call( 'kubectl exec {} --namespace={} -- {}'.format( rabbitmq_pod.name, ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE, '\'/bin/bash\' -xc \'(echo -e \"{}\n\" >> ' '/var/log/ccp/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.log)\''.format( rabbitmq_template)), expected=[ext.ExitCodes.EX_OK]) show_step(3) injected = ec.find('Payload', rabbitmq_id) assert injected.count == 1,\ "New log message from mysql from {} not picked by heka".format( rabbitmq_pod) def test_logging_attributes_for_mysql_message(self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for mysql Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search mysql log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'mysql').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'mysql') def test_logging_attributes_for_rabbitmq_message( self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for rabbitmq Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search rabbitmq log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'rabbitmq').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'rabbitmq') def test_logging_attributes_for_openstack_horizon_apache_message( self, elastic_client_public, k8s_actions, admin_node, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for horizon-apache Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Trigger horizon to produce logs 2. Search horizon-apache log event in the elasticsearch 3. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) service_list = k8s_actions.api.services.list( ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) service = [service for service in service_list if 'horizon' in service.name][0] horizon_service_host = service.spec.cluster_ip horizon_service_port = service.spec.ports[0].name admin_node.check_call( 'curl http://{}:{}'.format(horizon_service_host, horizon_service_port), expected=[ext.ExitCodes.EX_OK]) show_step(2) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'openstack.horizon-apache').get(0) show_step(3) self.check_message_format(event, 'openstack.horizon-apache') def test_logging_attributes_for_openstack_keystone_message( self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for keystone Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search keystone log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'openstack.keystone').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'openstack.keystone') def test_logging_attributes_for_openstack_keystone_apache_message( self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for keystone-apache Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search keystone-apache log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'openstack.keystone-apache').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'openstack.keystone-apache') def test_logging_attributes_for_openstack_nova_message( self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for nova Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search nova log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'openstack.nova').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'openstack.nova') def test_logging_attributes_for_openstack_neutron_message( self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for neutron Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search neutron log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'openstack.neutron').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'openstack.neutron') def test_logging_attributes_for_openstack_glance_message( self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for glance Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search glance log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'openstack.glance').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'openstack.glance') def test_logging_attributes_for_openstack_heat_message( self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for heat Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search heat log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'openstack.heat').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'openstack.heat') def test_logging_attributes_for_openvswitch_message( self, elastic_client_public, show_step): """Test attibute population consistency for openvswitch Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Search openvswitch log event in the elasticsearch 2. Test logged message consistency """ show_step(1) ec = elastic_client_public event = ec.find('Logger', 'openvswitch').get(0) show_step(2) self.check_message_format(event, 'openvswitch') def test_logging_explore_indexes_with_kibana( self, admin_node, kibana_public_endpoint, show_step): """Test index availability from kibana Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Get kibana service status 2. Test overal status should be green """ show_step(1) status_full = json.loads( "".join(admin_node.execute('curl http://{}/api/status'.format( kibana_public_endpoint))['stdout'])) status_overall = status_full['status']['overall']['state'] show_step(2) assert status_overall == 'green', "Kibaba service have issues. " \ "Status {}".format(status_overall) def test_logging_kibana_running_single_node( self, admin_node, os_deployed, k8s_actions, show_step): """Test kibana running single node Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Check kibana running single node """ show_step(1) pods_list = k8s_actions.api.pods.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) kibana_count = len( [pod for pod in pods_list if 'kibana' in pod.name]) assert kibana_count == 1, "Unexpected count of kibana instances" def test_logging_elastic_running_single_node( self, admin_node, os_deployed, k8s_actions, show_step): """Test elasticsearch running single node Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Check elasticsearch running single node """ show_step(1) pods_list = k8s_actions.api.pods.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) elastic_count = len( [pod for pod in pods_list if 'elasticsearch' in pod.name]) assert elastic_count == 1, \ "Unexpected count of elasticsearch instances" def test_logging_heka_running_all_nodes( self, admin_node, os_deployed, k8s_actions, show_step): """Test heka running all nodes Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Check heka running on each node """ show_step(1) pods_list = k8s_actions.api.pods.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) nodes_list = [node.name for node in k8s_actions.api.nodes.list()] heka_nodes = [ pod.spec.node_name for pod in pods_list if 'heka' in pod.name] assert sorted(nodes_list) == sorted(heka_nodes),\ "Unexpected count of heka running on nodes instances" def test_logging_log_rotate_for_mysql( self, admin_node, k8s_actions, show_step, os_deployed): """Test log rotate for mysql Precondition: 1. Install k8s 2. Install microservices 3. Fetch all repos 4. Build images or use external registry 5. Deploy openstack Scenario: 1. Clean mysql log on cron pod 2. Simulate 8 days log rotation 3. Ensure that count of log files is equal to 7(week rotation) """ logger.info('Log rotate for mysql') log_path = '/var/log/ccp/mysql/' log_file = 'mysql.log' show_step(1) # get cron pod cron_pod = [pod for pod in k8s_actions.api.pods.list( namespace=ext.Namespace.BASE_NAMESPACE) if 'cron-' in pod.name][0] # clean files utils.rm_files(admin_node, cron_pod, log_path + log_file + '*') show_step(2) for day in range(0, 8): utils.create_file(admin_node, cron_pod, log_path + log_file, 110) utils.run_daily_cron(admin_node, cron_pod, 'logrotate') sleep(5) show_step(3) log_files = utils.list_files( admin_node, cron_pod, log_path, log_file + '*') assert len(log_files) == 7,\ "Count of log files after rotation is wrong. " \ "Expected {} Actual {}".format(log_files, 7) @staticmethod def check_message_format(event, logger): """Event consistency validator""" assert event is not None, "No result found for {}".format(logger) assert len(event['Timestamp']) > 0, \ "Logger {} have wrong [timestamp] field".format(logger) assert event['Type'] == 'log', \ "Logger {} have wrong [Type] field".format(logger) assert len(event['Payload']) > 0, \ "Logger {} have wrong [Payload] field".format(logger) assert isinstance(event['Pid'], int), \ "Logger {} have wrong [Pid] field".format(logger) assert len(event['Hostname']) > 0, \ "Logger {} have wrong [Hostname] field".format(logger) assert event['severity_label'] in ext.LOG_LEVELS, \ "Logger {} have wrong [severity_label] field".format(logger) assert len(event['programname']) > 0, \ "Logger {} have wrong [programname] field".format(logger) assert isinstance(event['Severity'], int), \ "Logger {} have wrong [Severity] field".format(logger)