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# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
import uuid
import pytest
from fuel_ccp_tests.helpers import ext
from fuel_ccp_tests import logger
LOG = logger.logger
def admin_node(config, underlay):
"""Return <remote> object to k8s admin node"""
with underlay.remote(host=config.k8s.kube_host) as remote:
yield remote
def make_file(admin_node):
files = set()
def _make_file(size_mb):
filename = uuid.uuid4()
admin_node.check_call('dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/{0} '
'bs=1M count={1}'.format(filename, size_mb))
yield _make_file
for filename in files:
admin_node.execute('rm /tmp/{}'.format(filename))
def workload_fixture_generator(command):
def workload(admin_node):
pids = set()
def _make_workload():
pid = admin_node.check_call('{} & echo $!'.format(
# check process is running
cmd = 'ls /proc/{}'.format(pid)
err_msg = "Background process with pid `{}` is not found".format(
assert admin_node.execute(cmd).exit_code == 0, err_msg
yield _make_workload
for pid in pids:
admin_node.execute('kill {}'.format(pid))
return workload
cpu_workload = workload_fixture_generator(
command='gzip < /dev/zero > /dev/null 2>&1')
dd_workload = workload_fixture_generator(
command='dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1')
class TestMetrics(object):
def get_node_free_space(self, remote, mount_point='/'):
return int(remote.check_call(
"df | grep -E {}$ | awk '{{ print $4 }}'".format(
def _get_cpu_metrics(self, remote):
output = remote.check_call('cat /proc/stat | head -n1').stdout_str
return map(int, output.split()[1:])
def get_node_user_cpu_percentage(self, remote):
old_values = self._get_cpu_metrics(remote)
new_values = self._get_cpu_metrics(remote)
diff = map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(new_values, old_values))
# user_cpu is 1st value from metrics
return diff[0] * 100.0 / sum(diff)
def get_node_loadavg(self, remote):
return float(remote.check_call(
"cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{ print $1 }'").stdout_str)
def get_influxdb_measurements(self, influxdb, measure_regexp):
"""Returns list of measurements matched `measure_regexp`
:param measure_regexp: string like '/intel\.procfs\.filesystem*/'
results = influxdb(query)
return [x['name'] for y in results for x in y['measurements']]
def test_filesystem_metrics(self, make_file, influxdb_actions, admin_node):
"""Check reporting filesystem metrics in InfluxDb
* Get measurements starts with `intel.procfs.filesystem`
* Get information from influxdb pod for all filesystem series:
kubectl exec -it <pod name> -- influx -host <ip> \
-database ccp -execute "select count(value) \
from \"<series>\" where time > now() - 1d"
* Check that all series contains some data
* Check that free space from influxdb nearly equal to df output
* Create 100M file on node
* Check that free spase on influxdb are decrease
# Get all filesystem series
series = influxdb_actions.get_measurements(
# Check series contains records
for serie in series:
# Get admin_node free space
free_space_serie = "intel.procfs.filesystem.space_free"
hostname = admin_node.check_call('hostname').stdout_str
query_conditions = ("hostname='{hostname}' and "
data = influxdb_actions.get_new_record(free_space_serie,
# Get df free space from admin_node
free = self.get_node_free_space(admin_node)
assert free == pytest.approx(data['value'], rel=0.1)
# Create file
data = influxdb_actions.get_new_record(free_space_serie,
# Get df free space from admin_node
free = self.get_node_free_space(admin_node)
assert free == pytest.approx(data['value'], rel=0.1)
def test_cpu_metrics(self, influxdb_actions, admin_node, cpu_workload):
"""Check reporting CPU metrics in InfluxDb
* Get measurements starts with `intel.procfs.cpu`
* Get information from influxdb pod for all CPU series:
kubectl exec -it <pod name> -- influx -host <ip> \
-database ccp -execute "select count(value) \
from \"<series>\" where time > now() - 1d"
* Check that all series contains some data
* Check that cpu usage on influxdb nearly equal to
`cat /proc/stat` result
* Create small workload on node
* Check that cpu usage on influxdb are increased
# Get series
series = influxdb_actions.get_measurements('/intel\.procfs\.cpu*/')
# Check series contains records
for serie in series:
# Get admin_node CPU user_percentage
user_percentage_serie = "intel.procfs.cpu.user_percentage"
hostname = admin_node.check_call('hostname').stdout_str
query_conditions = ("hostname='{hostname}' and cpuID='all'").format(
# Compare last 5 metrics
host_percentages = []
influxdb_percentages = []
kwargs = {}
for i in range(5):
data = influxdb_actions.get_last_record(
kwargs['updated_after'] = data['time']
# Get user_percentage from admin_node
user_percentage = self.get_node_user_cpu_percentage(admin_node)
err_msg = ("Mean CPU user load for last 5 times from influxdb - {0} "
"and same value from host - {1} "
"are significantly different").format(
sum(influxdb_percentages) / 5,
sum(host_percentages) / 5)
assert sum(host_percentages) == pytest.approx(
sum(influxdb_percentages), rel=0.5), err_msg
# start workload
# Compare last 5 metrics
host_percentages = []
influxdb_percentages = []
for i in range(5):
data = influxdb_actions.get_last_record(
kwargs['updated_after'] = data['time']
# Get user_percentage from admin_node
user_percentage = self.get_node_user_cpu_percentage(admin_node)
err_msg = ("Mean CPU user load for last 5 times from influxdb - {0} "
"and same value from host - {1} "
"are significantly different").format(
sum(influxdb_percentages) / 5,
sum(host_percentages) / 5)
assert sum(host_percentages) == pytest.approx(
sum(influxdb_percentages), rel=0.5), err_msg
def test_load_metrics(self, influxdb_actions, admin_node, dd_workload):
"""Check reporting load metrics in InfluxDb
* Get measurements starts with `intel.procfs.load`
* Get information from influxdb pod for all filesystem series:
kubectl exec -it <pod name> -- influx -host <ip> \
-database ccp -execute "select count(value) \
from \"<series>\" where time > now() - 1d"
* Check that all series contains some data
* Check that load.mi1 value from influxdb nearly equal to
`cat /proc/loadavg` output
* Create some load on admin_node
* Check that load.mi1 value from influxdb nearly equal to
`cat /proc/loadavg` output again
# Get all load series
series = influxdb_actions.get_measurements('/intel\.procfs\.load*/')
# Check all series contains records
for serie in series:
# Get admin_node load min1
load_serie = "intel.procfs.load.min1"
hostname = admin_node.check_call('hostname').stdout_str
query_conditions = ("hostname='{hostname}'").format(hostname=hostname)
data = influxdb_actions.get_new_record(load_serie,
# Get /proc/loadavd 1st value from admin_node
loadavg = self.get_node_loadavg(admin_node)
assert loadavg == pytest.approx(data['value'], rel=0.5)
# Make some load
# Get influxdb and admin_node values again
data = influxdb_actions.get_new_record(load_serie,
loadavg = self.get_node_loadavg(admin_node)
assert loadavg == pytest.approx(data['value'], rel=0.5)