Design document for clustering services on k8s

This document describes design approach to running RabbitMQ
and MySQL/Galera clusters in Docker containers managed
by Kubernetes.

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.. _clusters_on_k8s:
Clusters On Kubernetes
This document describes an architecture of Galera and RabbitMQ Clusters
running in containers within Kubernetes pods and how to setup those in
OpenStack on top of Kubernetes from deployment and networking
standpoints. In addition to it, this document includes overview of
alternative solutions for implementing database and message queue for
RabbitMQ Architecture with K8s
The prerequisite for High Availability of queue server is the configured
and working RabbitMQ cluster. All data/state required for the operation
of a RabbitMQ cluster is replicated across all nodes. An exception to
this are message queues, which by default reside on one node, though
they are visible and reachable from all nodes. [1]
Cluster assembly requires installing and using a clustering plugin on
all servers. The following choices are considered in this document:
- `rabbitmq-autocluster <>`__
- `rabbitmq-clusterer <>`__
Note that the plugin 'rabbitmq-autocluster' has `unresolved
issue <>`__
that can cause split-brain condition to pass unnoticed by RabbitMQ
cluster. This issue must be resolved before this plugin can be
considered production ready.
The RabbitMQ cluster also needs proper fencing mechanism to exclude
split brain conditions and preserve a quorum. Proposed solution for this
problem is using 'pause\_minority' `partition
mode <>`__ with the
rabbit-autocluster plugin, once `the
issue <>`__
with silent split brain is resolved. See the following link for the
proof of concept implementation of the K8s driven RabbitMQ cluster:
` <>`__.
Plugin 'rabbitmq-clusterer' employs more opinionated and less
generalized approach to the cluster assembly solution. It is also cannot
be directly integrated with etcd and other K8s configuration management
mechanisms because of `static
configuration <>`__.
Additional engineering effort required to implement configuration
middleware. Because of that it is considered a fallback solution.
Replication mechanism for RabbitMQ queues is known as 'mirroring'. By
default, queues within a RabbitMQ cluster are located on a single node
(the node on which they were first declared). This is in contrast to
exchanges and bindings, which can always be considered to be on all
nodes. Queues can optionally be made mirrored across multiple nodes.
Each mirrored queue consists of one master and one or more slaves, with
the oldest slave being promoted to the new master if the old master
disappears for any reason. [2]
Messages published to the queue are replicated to all members of the
cluster. Consumers are connected to the master regardless of which node
they connect to, with slave nodes dropping messages that have been
acknowledged at the master. Queue mirroring therefore aims to enhance
availability, but does not distribute load across nodes (all
participating nodes each do all the work). It is important to note that
using mirroring in RabbitMQ actually reduces the availability of queues
by dropping performance by about 2 times in `performance
tests <>`__.
See below for the list of issues identified in the RabbitMQ mirroring
implementation. [6-13]
There are two main types of messages in OpenStack:
- Remote Procedure Call messages carry commands and/or requests between
microservices within a single component of OpenStack platform
(e.g. nova-conductor to nova-compute).
- Notification messages are issued by a microservice upon specific
events and are consumed by other components (e.g. Nova
notifications about creating VMs are consumed by Ceilometer).
In proposed OpenStack architecture, only notification queues are
mirrored as they require durability and should survive a failure of any
single node in the cluster. All other queues are not, and if the
instance of RabbitMQ server that hosts a particular queue fails after a
message sent to that queue, but before it is read, that message is gone
forever. This is a trade-off for significant (2 times) performance boost
in potential bottleneck service. Potential drawbacks of this mode of
operation are:
- Long-running tasks might stuck in transition states due to loss of
messages. For example, Heat stacks might never leave spawning
state. Most of the time, such conditions could be fixed by the
user via API.
Data Persistence
OpenStack does not impose requirements for durable queues or messages.
Thus, no durability required for RabbitMQ queues, and there is no 'disk'
nodes in cluster. Restarting a RabbitMQ node then will cause all data of
that node to be lost, both for RPC and Notification messages.
- RPC messages are not supposed to be guaranteed, thus no persistence is
needed for them.
- Notifications will be preserved by mirroring if single RabbitMQ node
fails (see above).
Networking Considerations
RabbitMQ nodes address each other using domain names, either short or
fully-qualified (FQDNs). Therefore hostnames of all cluster members must
be resolvable from all cluster nodes, as well as machines on which
command line tools such as rabbitmqctl might be used.
RabbitMQ clustering has several modes of dealing with `network
partitions <>`__, primarily
consistency oriented. Clustering is meant to be used across LAN. It is
not recommended to run clusters that span WAN. The
`Shovel <>`__ or
`Federation <>`__ plugins are
better solutions for connecting brokers across a WAN. Note that `Shovel
and Federation are not equivalent to
clustering <>`__. [1]
Kubernetes Integration
Clustering plugins need configuration data about other nodes in the
cluster. This data might be passed via etcd to RabbitMQ startup scripts.
ConfigMaps are used to pass the data into containers by Kubernetes
The RabbitMQ server pods shall be configured as a DaemonSet with
corresponding service. Physical nodes shall be labelled so as to run the
containers with RabbitMQ on dedicated nodes, one pod per node (as per
DaemonSet), or co-located with other control plane services.
PetSets are not required to facilitate the RabbitMQ cluster as the
servers are stateless, as described above.
Proposed solution for running RabbitMQ cluster under Kubernetes is a
`DaemonSet <>`__ with node
labels to specify which nodes will run RabbitMQ servers. This will allow
to move the cluster onto a set of dedicated nodes, if necessary, or run
them on the same nodes as the other control plane components.
This library provides direct exchange of messages between microservices.
Its architecture may include simple brokers or proxies that just relay
messages to endpoints, thus reducing the number of network connections.
ZeroMQ library support was present in OpenStack since early releases.
However, the implementation assumed direct connections between services
and thus a full mesh network between all nodes. This architecture
doesn't scale well. More recent
`implementations <>`__
introduce simple proxy services on every host that aggregate messages
and relay them to a central proxy, which does host-based routing.
show <>`__
that both direct and proxy-based ZeroMQ implementations are more
efficient than RabbitMQ in terms of throughput and latency. However, in
the direct implementation, quick exhaustion of network connections limit
occurs at scale.
The major down side of the ZeroMQ-based solution is that the queues
don't have any persistence. This is acceptable for RPC messaging, but
Notifications require durable queues. Thus, if RPC is using ZeroMQ, the
Telemetry will require a separate messaging transport (RabbitMQ or
Demo Recording
The following
`recording <>`__
demonstrates how RabbitMQ cluster works as a DaemonSet on K8s version
1.3 with rabbit-autocluster plugin.
Galera Architecture with K8s
Galera overview
Galera is synchronous multi-master database cluster, based on
synchronous replication. At a high level, Galera Cluster consists on
database server that uses Galera Replication plugin to manage
replication. Through the wsrep API, Galera Cluster provides
certification-based replication. A transaction for replication, the
write-set, not only contains the database rows to replicate, but also
includes information on all the locks that were held by the database
during the transaction. Each node then certifies the replicated
write-set against other write-sets in the applier queue. The write-set
is then applied, if there are no conflicting locks. At this point, the
transaction is considered committed, after which each node continues to
apply it to the tablespace. This approach is also called virtually
synchronous replication, given that while it is logically synchronous,
the actual writing and committing to the tablespace happens
independently, and thus asynchronously on each node.
How Galera Cluster works
The primary focus is data consistency. The transactions are either
applied to every node or not all. In a typical instance of a Galera
Cluster, applications can write to any node in the cluster and
transaction commits, (RBR events), are then applied to all the servers,
through certification-based replication. Certification-based replication
is an alternative approach to synchronous database replication, using
group communication and transaction ordering techniques. In case of
transaction collisions the application should be able to handle failed
transactions. Openstack Applications use oslo.db which has `retry
logic <>`__
to rerun failed transaction.
Starting the cluster
By default, nodes do not start as part of the Primary Component (PC).
Instead, they assume that the Primary Component exists already somewhere
in the cluster.
When nodes start, they attempt to establish network connectivity with
the other nodes in the cluster. For each node they find, they check
whether or not it is a part of the Primary Component. When they find the
Primary Component, they request a state transfer to bring the local
database into sync with the cluster. If they cannot find the Primary
Component, they remain in a nonoperational state.
There is no Primary Component when the cluster starts. In order to
initialize it, you need to explicitly tell one node to do so with the
--wsrep-new-cluster argument. By convention, the node you use to
initialize the Primary Component is called the first node, given that it
is the first that becomes operational.
When cluster is empty, any node can serve as the first node, since all
databases are empty. In case of failure (power failure) the node with
the most recent data should initialize Primary Component.
Node Provisioning
There are two methods available in Galera Cluster to provision nodes:
- State Snapshot Transfer (SST) where a snapshot of entire node state
is transferred
- Incremental State Transfer (IST) where only missing data transactions
are replayed
In SST, the cluster provisions nodes by transferring a full data copy
from one node to another. When a new node joins or when it was offline
(or left behind cluster) longer than IST buffer a new node (JOINER)
initiates a SST to synchronize data.
In IST, the cluster provisions a node by identifying the missing
transactions on the JOINER to send them only, instead of transferring
entire state.
Networking Considerations
Load Balancing is a key element of networking configuration of the
Galera cluster. Load balancer must be coordinated with the cluster, in
terms that it redirect write requests to appropriate Galera Pod which
has Sync state. Communication with Galera Pods that have any other state
(OPEN, PRIMARY, JOINER, JOINED, DONOR) should be prohibited. Load
Balancer also ensures failover to hot stand-by instances and fencing of
failed active nodes.
The following options are considered for load balancer in K8s
integration of Galera:
- Kubernetes Load Balancing
- `HAProxy <>`__
- `ProxySQL <>`__
Storage Considerations
Since every nodes in Galera Cluster has a copy of the data set at any
time, there is no need to use networked storage (NFS, Ceph, GlasterFS).
All Galera Pods can work with the local disk storage (Directory, LVM).
From the Kubernetes standpoint, it means that local persistent volume
must be mounted to Galera Pod on the same node. From the Kubernetes
Scheduler standpoint, it means that Galera Pods should run on the nodes
where Persistent Volume is created. At the same time, networking storage
might be useful as in that case PV claimed on it can be assigned to any
node eliminating bottleneck in Architecture. Using networking storage
such as ceph might `significantly
improve <>`__
SST operation though database write operations will be slower than local
Kubernetes Clustering for Galera
The following clustering solutions considered for Galera Cluster:
- Replication Controller with proxy (ProxySQL is used):
An etcd cluster with startup scripts controlling assembly and
liveliness of the cluster's nodes, for example:
- ` <>`__
- ` <>`__
- PetSet:
- ` <>`__
- Replication controller with proxy and additional watcher
- ` <>`__
Replication Controller Schema with additional proxy and watcher
The proposed solution is based on the native Kubernetes state management
with etcd providing distributed monitoring and data exchange for the
cluster. Cluster operations will be triggered by Kubernetes events and
handled by custom scripts.
Failover and fencing of failed instances of Galera Cluster is provided
by scripts triggered by Kubernetes upon the changes in state and
availability of the members of Galera Cluster. State and configuration
information is provided by etcd cluster.
- Proposed architecture allows to quickly replace failing instances of
MySQL server without need to run full replication. It is still
necessary to restore the pool of hot-stand-by instances whenever
the failover event occurs.
- Additional proxy is stateless, e.g. it does not contain state and can
be re-scheduled by k8s in case of failure
- Watcher is stateless as well, and is capable of populating the state
from etcd to ProxySQL
- Additional proxy brings the benefit of more granular control over
MySQL connections, which is not possible with k8s service:
- Forward all writes to one node or special group of nodes (not
implemented in current scheme, but can be easily added), and
Reads to the rest of the group;
- Central mysql cache;
- Rate limits on per-user basis;
- Hot-standby nodes can be added to the pool but not activated by
- Storage considerations are the same as for PetSets, see below.
Future enhancements of this PoC may include:
- Rework custom bootstrap script and switch to `election
plugin <>`__
for K8s.
- Integrate extended Galera checker that supports hostgroups (like
one <>`__)
Demo Recording
The following
`recording <>`__
demonstrates how Galera cluster works as a Replication Controller on K8s
1.3 with ProxySQL middleware. It includes destructive test when one of
instances of MySQL server in the cluster is shut off.
Open Questions
- ProxySQL requires management, and that is why watcher was written.
Since it terminates queries, users/password should be managed in
two places now: in MySQL and in ProxySQL itself.
- K8s does not have bare-metal storage provider (only cloud based
ones), and it is crucial for any stateful application in
self-hosted clouds. Until that is ready, no stateful application
can actually go production.
PetSet Schema
Storage for database files shall be supported as one of the following
- a local file/LV configured as al
`HostPath <>`__
volume and mounted to every pod in set;
- a remote SAN/NAS volume mounted to every pod;
- a volume or file on a shared storage (Ceph) configured as volume and
mounted to every pod.
Persistent volumes for Galera PetSets must be created by the K8s
installer, which is out of scope of this document.
Demo Recording
The following video `recording <>`
demonstrates how Galera MySQL cluster is
installed and works as PetSet on Kubernetes with local volumes
for persistent storage.
Galera Cluster Rebuild Problem
Use Case
In case of general cluster failure or planned maintenance shutdown, all
pods in Galera cluster are destroyed. When the new set of pods is
started, they have to recover the cluster status, rebuild the cluster
and continue from the last recorded point in time.
Problem Statement
With local storage, Galera pods mount volumes created as a directory
(default) or LVM volume (WIP). These volumes are used to store database
files and replication logs. If cluster has to be rebuilt, all pods are
assumed to be deleted, however, the volumes should stay and must be
reused in the rebuild process. With local non-mobile volumes it means
that new pods must be provisioned to the very same nodes they were
running on originally.
Another problem is that during the rebuild process it is important to
verify integrity and consistency of data on all static volumes before
assembling the cluster and select a Primary Component. There are
following criteria for this selection:
- The data must be readable, consistent and not corrupted.
- The most recent data set should be selected so the data loss is
minimal and it could be used to incrementally update other nodes
in the cluster via IST.
Currently, k8s scheduler does not allow for precise node-level placement
of pods. It is also impossible to specify affinity of a pod to specific
persistent local volume. Finally, k8s does not support LVM volumes out
of the box.
This section contains references to external documents used in
preparation of this document.
1. `RabbitMQ Clustering <>`__
2. `RabbitMQ High Availability <>`__
3. ` <>`__
4. ` <>`__
5. `\_results/mq/rabbitmq/index.html <>`__
6. ` <>`__
7. ` <>`__
8. ` <>`__
9. ` <>`__
10. ` <>`__
11. ` <>`__
12. ` <>`__
13. ` <>`__
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