module Noop module Utils # @param [Array, String] names # @return [Pathname, nil] def self.path_from_env(*names) names.each do |name| name = name.to_s return convert_to_path ENV[name] if ENV[name] end nil end def self.path_list_from_env(*names) paths = [] names.each do |name| name = name.to_s next unless ENV[name] list = ENV[name].split(':') list.each do |path| path = convert_to_path path path = path.realpath if path.exist? paths << path end end paths end # @param [Object] value # @return [Pathname] def self.convert_to_path(value) value = value.to_s unless value.is_a? Pathname value end def self.convert_to_manifest(spec) manifest = spec.to_s.gsub /_spec\.rb$/, '.pp' convert_to_path manifest end def self.convert_to_spec(value) value = value.to_s.chomp.strip value = value[0...-3] if value.end_with? '.pp' value += '_spec.rb' unless value.end_with? '_spec.rb' convert_to_path value end def self.convert_to_yaml(value) value = value.to_s.chomp.strip value = convert_to_path value value = value.sub /$/, '.yaml' unless value.extname =~ /\.yaml/i value end # Run the code block inside the tests directory # and then return back def self.inside_task_root_dir current_directory = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir Noop::Config.dir_path_root result = yield Dir.chdir current_directory if current_directory result end # Run the code block inside the deployment directory # and then return back def self.inside_deployment_directory current_directory = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir Noop::Config.dir_path_deployment result = yield Dir.chdir current_directory if current_directory result end def*args) # debug "CMD: #{args.inspect} PWD: #{Dir.pwd}" system *args end def self.debug(message) Noop::Config.log.debug message end def message end def self.warning(message) Noop::Config.log.warn message end def self.error(message) Noop::Config.log.fatal message fail message end def self.output(message) puts message end def self.separator(title=nil) if title "=< #{title} >=".ljust 70, '=' else '=' * 70 end end # Convert the top level keys of the hash to Symbols # @param input_hash [Hash] # @return [Hash Object>] def self.symbolize_hash_to_keys(input_hash) symbolized_hash = {} input_hash.each do |key, value| key = key.to_sym if key.respond_to? :to_sym symbolized_hash[key] = value end symbolized_hash end end end