module Noop class Manager # Check if bundle command is installed # @return [true,false] def bundle_installed? `bundle --version` $?.exitstatus == 0 end # Check if librarian-puppet command is installed # If we are using bundle there is no need to check it # @return [true,false] def librarian_installed? return true if ENV['SPEC_BUNDLE_EXEC'] `librarian-puppet version` $?.exitstatus == 0 end # Setup bundle in the fixtures repo and bundle for puppet librarian def setup_bundle ENV['GEM_HOME'] = Noop::Config.dir_path_gem_home.to_s bundle_install_and_update Noop::Config.dir_path_root bundle_install_and_update Noop::Config.dir_path_deployment Dir.chdir Noop::Config.dir_path_root end # Run update script to setup external Puppet modules def setup_library ENV['GEM_HOME'] = Noop::Config.dir_path_gem_home.to_s update_puppet_modules Noop::Config.dir_path_deployment Dir.chdir Noop::Config.dir_path_root end # @return [Pathname] def file_name_gemfile_lock 'Gemfile.lock' end # Remove the Gem lock file at the given path # @param root [String,Pathname] def remove_gemfile_lock(root) root = Noop::Utils.convert_to_path root lock_file_path = root + file_name_gemfile_lock if lock_file_path.file? debug "Removing Gem lock file: '#{lock_file_path}'" lock_file_path.unlink end end # Run bundles install and update actions in the given folder # @param root [String,Pathname] def bundle_install_and_update(root) error 'Bundle is not installed!' unless bundle_installed? root = Noop::Utils.convert_to_path root remove_gemfile_lock root Dir.chdir root or error "Could not chdir to: #{root}" debug "Starting 'bundle install' at: '#{root}' with the Gem home: '#{ENV['GEM_HOME']}'" 'bundle install' error 'Could not prepare bundle environment!' if $?.exitstatus != 0 debug "Starting 'bundle update' at: '#{root}' with the Gem home: '#{ENV['GEM_HOME']}'" 'bundle update' error 'Could not update bundle environment!' if $?.exitstatus != 0 end # Run librarian-puppet to fetch modules as # necessary modules at the given folder # @param root [String,Pathname] def update_puppet_modules(root) error 'Puppet Librarian is not installed!' unless librarian_installed? root = Noop::Utils.convert_to_path root Dir.chdir root or error "Could not chdir to: #{root}" command = './ -v' command = command + ' -b' if ENV['SPEC_BUNDLE_EXEC'] command = command + ' -r' if options[:reset_librarian_puppet] debug 'Starting update_modules script' command error 'Unable to update upstream puppet modules using librarian-puppet!' if $?.exitstatus != 0 debug 'Finished update_modules script' end end end