require 'yaml' require 'set' module Noop class Manager # Recursively find file in the folder # @param root [String,Pathname] # @param exclude [Array] # @return [Array] def find_files(root, path_from=nil, exclude=[], &block) exclude = [exclude] unless exclude.is_a? Array root = Noop::Utils.convert_to_path root files = [] begin root.children.each do |path| next if exclude.include? path.basename if path.file? if block_given? next unless path end path = path.relative_path_from path_from if path_from files << path else files << find_files(path, path_from, exclude, &block) end end rescue [] end files.flatten end # Scan the spec directory and gather the list of spec files # @return [Array] def spec_file_names return @spec_file_names if @spec_file_names error "No #{Noop::Config.dir_path_task_spec} directory!" unless @spec_file_names = find_files(Noop::Config.dir_path_task_spec, Noop::Config.dir_path_task_spec) do |file| file.to_s.end_with? '_spec.rb' end end # Scan the Hiera directory and gather the list of Hiera files # @return [Array] def hiera_file_names return @hiera_file_names if @hiera_file_names error "No #{Noop::Config.dir_path_hiera} directory!" unless exclude = [ Noop::Config.dir_name_hiera_override, Noop::Config.dir_name_globals ] @hiera_file_names = find_files(Noop::Config.dir_path_hiera, Noop::Config.dir_path_hiera, exclude) do |file| file.to_s.end_with? '.yaml' end end # Scan the facts directory and gather the list of facts files # @return [Array] def facts_file_names return @facts_file_names if @facts_file_names error "No #{Noop::Config.dir_path_facts} directory!" unless exclude = [ Noop::Config.dir_name_facts_override ] @facts_file_names = find_files(Noop::Config.dir_path_facts, Noop::Config.dir_path_facts, exclude) do |file| file.to_s.end_with? '.yaml' end end # Scan the tasks directory and gather the list of task files # @return [Array] def task_file_names return @task_file_names if @task_file_names error "No #{Noop::Config.dir_path_tasks_local} directory!" unless @task_file_names = find_files(Noop::Config.dir_path_tasks_local, Noop::Config.dir_path_tasks_local) do |file| file.to_s.end_with? '.pp' end end # Read the task deployment graph metadata files in the library: # Find all 'tasks.yaml' files in the puppet directory. # Read them all to a Hash by their ids. # Find all 'groups' records and resolve their 'tasks' reference # by pointing referenced tasks to this group instead. # @return [Hash Hash>] def task_graph_metadata return @task_graph_metadata if @task_graph_metadata @task_graph_metadata = {} error "No #{Noop::Config.dir_path_modules_local} directory!" unless Noop::Config.dir_path_modules_local.find do |task_file| next unless task_file.file? next unless task_file.to_s.end_with? 'tasks.yaml' begin tasks = YAML.load_file task_file rescue next end tasks.each do |task| id = task['id'] @task_graph_metadata[id] = task end end @task_graph_metadata.each do |id, group_task| next unless group_task['type'] == 'group' and group_task['tasks'].is_a? Array group_task['tasks'].each do |task| next unless @task_graph_metadata[task] @task_graph_metadata[task]['groups'] = [] unless @task_graph_metadata[task]['groups'].is_a? Array @task_graph_metadata[task]['groups'] << id end end @task_graph_metadata end # Try to determine the roles each spec should be run in using # the deployment graph metadata. Take a list of groups or roles # and form a set of them. # @return [Hash Set>] def assign_spec_to_roles return @assign_spec_to_roles if @assign_spec_to_roles @assign_spec_to_roles = {} task_graph_metadata.values.each do |task_data| roles = (task_data['groups'] or task_data['roles'] or task_data['role']) next unless roles roles = [roles] unless roles.is_a? Array file_path_manifest = task_data.fetch('parameters', {}).fetch('puppet_manifest', nil) next unless file_path_manifest file_path_manifest = file_path_manifest file_name_manifest = file_path_manifest.relative_path_from Noop::Config.dir_path_tasks_node file_name_spec = Noop::Utils.convert_to_spec file_name_manifest roles = roles @assign_spec_to_roles[file_name_spec] = unless @assign_spec_to_roles[file_name_spec].is_a? Set @assign_spec_to_roles[file_name_spec] += roles end @assign_spec_to_roles end # Try to determine the roles of each Hiera file. # Take 'nodes' structure and find 'node_roles' of the current node their. # Form a set of found values and add root 'role' value if found. # @return [Hash Set>] def assign_hiera_to_roles return @assign_hiera_to_roles if @assign_hiera_to_roles @assign_hiera_to_roles = {} hiera_file_names.each do |hiera_file| begin data = YAML.load_file(Noop::Config.dir_path_hiera + hiera_file) next unless data.is_a? Hash fqdn = data['fqdn'] next unless fqdn nodes = data.fetch('network_metadata', {}).fetch('nodes', nil) next unless nodes this_node = nodes.find do |node| node.last['fqdn'] == fqdn end node_roles = this_node.last['node_roles'] roles = roles.merge node_roles if node_roles.is_a? Array role = data['role'] roles.add role if role @assign_hiera_to_roles[hiera_file] = roles rescue next end end @assign_hiera_to_roles end # Determine Hiera files for each spec file by calculating # the intersection between their roles sets. # If the spec file contains '*' role it should be counted # as all possible roles. # @return [Hash Pathname] def assign_spec_to_hiera return @assign_spec_to_hiera if @assign_spec_to_hiera @assign_spec_to_hiera = {} assign_spec_to_roles.each do |file_name_spec, spec_roles_set| hiera_files = get_hiera_for_roles spec_roles_set @assign_spec_to_hiera[file_name_spec] = hiera_files if hiera_files.any? end @assign_spec_to_hiera end # Read all spec annotations metadata. # @return [Hash Array>] def spec_run_metadata return @spec_run_metadata if @spec_run_metadata @spec_run_metadata = {} Noop::Config.dir_path_task_spec.find do |spec_file| next unless spec_file.file? next unless spec_file.to_s.end_with? '_spec.rb' spec_name = spec_file.relative_path_from(Noop::Config.dir_path_task_spec) spec_data = parse_spec_file spec_file @spec_run_metadata[spec_name] = spec_data if spec_data.any? end @spec_run_metadata end # Parse a spec file to find annotation entries. # @param [Pathname] task_spec # @return [Hash] def parse_spec_file(task_spec) task_spec_metadata = {} begin text = text.split("\n").each do |line| line = line.downcase if line =~ /^\s*#\s*(?:yamls|hiera):\s*(.*)/ task_spec_metadata[:hiera] = [] unless task_spec_metadata[:hiera].is_a? Array task_spec_metadata[:hiera] += get_list_of_yamls $1 end if line =~ /^\s*#\s*facts:\s*(.*)/ task_spec_metadata[:facts] = [] unless task_spec_metadata[:facts].is_a? Array task_spec_metadata[:facts] += get_list_of_yamls $1 end if line =~ /^\s*#\s*(?:skip_yamls|skip_hiera):\s(.*)/ task_spec_metadata[:skip_hiera] = [] unless task_spec_metadata[:skip_hiera].is_a? Array task_spec_metadata[:skip_hiera] += get_list_of_yamls $1 end if line =~ /^\s*#\s*skip_facts:\s(.*)/ task_spec_metadata[:skip_facts] = [] unless task_spec_metadata[:skip_facts].is_a? Array task_spec_metadata[:skip_facts] += get_list_of_yamls $1 end if line =~ /^\s*#\s*disable_spec/ task_spec_metadata[:disable] = true end if line =~ /^\s*#\s*role:\s*(.*)/ task_spec_metadata[:roles] = [] unless task_spec_metadata[:roles].is_a? Array roles = line.split /\s*,\s*|\s+/ task_spec_metadata[:roles] += roles end if line =~ /^\s*#\s*run:\s*(.*)/ run_record = get_list_of_yamls $1 if run_record.length >= 2 run_record = { :hiera => run_record[0], :facts => run_record[1], } task_spec_metadata[:runs] = [] unless task_spec_metadata[:runs].is_a? Array task_spec_metadata[:runs] << run_record end end end rescue return task_spec_metadata end task_spec_metadata end # Split a space or comma separated list of yaml files # and form an Array of the yaml file names. # @return [Array] def get_list_of_yamls(line) line = line.split /\s*,\s*|\s+/ do |yaml| yaml = yaml yaml = yaml.sub /$/, '.yaml' unless yaml.extname =~ /\.yaml/i yaml end end # Determine the list of run records for a spec file: # Take a list of explicitly defined runs if present. # Make product of allowed Hiera and facts yaml files to # form more run records. # Use the default facts file name if there is none # is given in the annotation. # Use the list of Hiera files determined by the intersection of # deployment graph metadata and Hiera yaml contents using roles # as a common data. def get_spec_runs(file_name_spec) file_name_spec = Noop::Utils.convert_to_path file_name_spec metadata = spec_run_metadata.fetch file_name_spec, {} metadata[:facts] = [Noop::Config.default_facts_file_name] unless metadata[:facts] if metadata[:roles] metadata[:hiera] = [] unless metadata[:hiera] metadata[:hiera] += get_hiera_for_roles metadata[:roles] end # the last default way to get hiera files list metadata[:hiera] = assign_spec_to_hiera.fetch file_name_spec, [] unless metadata[:hiera] runs = [] metadata[:facts].product metadata[:hiera] do |facts, hiera| next if metadata[:skip_hiera].is_a? Array and metadata[:skip_hiera].include? hiera next if metadata[:skip_facts].is_a? Array and metadata[:skip_facts].include? hiera run_record = { :hiera => hiera, :facts => facts, } runs << run_record end runs += metadata[:runs] if metadata[:runs].is_a? Array runs end # Get a list of Hiera YAML files which roles # include the given set of roles # @param roles [Array,Set,String] # @return [Array] def get_hiera_for_roles(*roles) all_roles = roles.flatten.each do |role| if role.is_a? Set all_roles += role else all_roles.add role end end if all_roles.include? '*' assign_hiera_to_roles.keys else do |_file_name_hiera, hiera_roles_set| roles_intersection = hiera_roles_set & all_roles roles_intersection.any? end.keys end end # Check if the given element matches this filter # @param [Array] def filter_is_matched?(filter, element) return true unless filter filter = [filter] unless filter.is_a? Array filter.any? do |expression| expression = expression.to_s expression =~ element.to_s end end # Use filters to check if this spec file is included # @return [true,false] def spec_included?(spec) filter_is_matched? options[:filter_specs], spec end # Use filters to check if this facts file is included # @return [true,false] def facts_included?(facts) filter_is_matched? options[:filter_facts], facts end # Use filters to check if this Hiera file is included # @return [true,false] def hiera_included?(hiera) filter_is_matched? options[:filter_hiera], hiera end # Check if the globals spec should be skipped. # It should not be skipped only if it's explicitly enabled in the filter. # @return [true,false] def skip_globals?(file_name_spec) return false unless file_name_spec == Noop::Config.spec_name_globals return true unless options[:filter_specs] not spec_included? file_name_spec end # Check if the spec is disabled using the annotation # @return [true,false] def spec_is_disabled?(file_name_spec) file_name_spec = Noop::Utils.convert_to_path file_name_spec spec_run_metadata.fetch(file_name_spec, {}).fetch(:disable, false) end # Form the final list of Task objects that should be running. # Take all discovered spec files, get run records for them, # apply filters to exclude filtered records. # @return [Array] def task_list return @task_list if @task_list @task_list = [] spec_file_names.each do |file_name_spec| next if spec_is_disabled? file_name_spec next if skip_globals? file_name_spec next unless spec_included? file_name_spec get_spec_runs(file_name_spec).each do |run| next unless run[:hiera] and run[:facts] next unless facts_included? run[:facts] next unless hiera_included? run[:hiera] task = file_name_spec, run[:hiera], run[:facts] task.parallel = true if parallel_run? @task_list << task end end @task_list end # Loop through all task files and find those that # do not have a corresponding spec file present # @return [Array] def find_tasks_without_specs task_file_names.reject do |manifest| spec = Noop::Utils.convert_to_spec manifest spec_file_names.include? spec end end # Loop through all spec files and find those that # do not have a corresponding task file present # @return [Array] def find_specs_without_tasks spec_file_names.reject do |spec| manifest = Noop::Utils.convert_to_manifest spec task_file_names.include? manifest end end # Loop through all spec files and find those # which have not been matched to any task # @return [Array] def find_unmatched_specs spec_file_names.reject do |spec| next true if spec == Noop::Config.spec_name_globals task_list.any? do |task| task.file_name_spec == spec end end end end end