attributes: metadata: group: 'compute' restrictions: - condition: "settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'" message: "KVM needs to be chosen as hypervisor" credentials_package: value: '' label: 'Credentials package' description: 'base64 credentials file' weight: 20 type: "file" va_license_file: value: '' label: "License File" description: "(optional) license file used to activate VA" weight: 30 type: "file" va_version: value: 'stable' label: 'Product branch' description: 'defines the Virtual Accelerator version to be installed (in 1.x format)' weight: 32 type: "text" restrictions: - condition: "settings:6wind-virtual-accelerator.credentials_package.value == ''" message: "Provide a credentials package" mellanox_support: value: false label: "Enable Mellanox NICs support" description: "Installs 6WIND Virtual Accelerator addon to support Mellanox NICs" weight: 35 type: "checkbox" advanced_params_enabled: value: false label: "Advanced Parameters" description: "Enables configuration of advanced parameters" weight: 36 type: "checkbox" fp_mem: value: 'auto' label: 'FP_MEMORY' description: 'defines the amount of memory used by Virtual Accelerator (in MB)' weight: 40 type: "text" restrictions: - condition: "settings:6wind-virtual-accelerator.advanced_params_enabled.value == false" action: hide vm_mem: value: 'auto' label: 'VM_MEMORY' description: 'defines the amount of memory available for accelerated vms (in MB)' weight: 40 type: "text" restrictions: - condition: "settings:6wind-virtual-accelerator.advanced_params_enabled.value == false" action: hide va_conf_file: value: '' label: 'External configuration file for VA' description: '(optional) specify external configuration file for starting VA' weight: 50 type: "file" restrictions: - condition: "settings:6wind-virtual-accelerator.advanced_params_enabled.value == false" action: hide ext_pack: value: true label: 'Use updated external packages' description: 'Specify if need to use most uptodate external packages (libvirtd, qemu)' weight: 70 type: "checkbox" restrictions: - condition: "settings:6wind-virtual-accelerator.advanced_params_enabled.value == false" action: hide enable_host_cpu: value: false label: 'Host cpu emulation for guests' description: 'Set/unset host cpu emulation for guests' weight: 75 type: "checkbox" restrictions: - condition: "settings:6wind-virtual-accelerator.advanced_params_enabled.value == false" action: hide disable_ipset: value: false label: 'Disable neutron ipset' description: 'Set/unset support for ipset when using security groups' weight: 80 type: "checkbox" restrictions: - condition: "settings:6wind-virtual-accelerator.advanced_params_enabled.value == false" action: hide infos: weight: 90 type: "hidden" value: true label: "Important notes:" description: "Before changing default settings for Virtual Accelerator, please have a look at 6WIND's Virtual Accelerator online documentation for applicable values:\n Product description:\n User Guide:\n" restrictions: - condition: "settings:6wind-virtual-accelerator.advanced_params_enabled.value == false" action: hide