# # Copyright 2016 6WIND S.A. class virtual_accelerator::config inherits virtual_accelerator { $advanced_params = $virtual_accelerator::advanced_params file { '/etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.libvirtd': ensure => 'link', target => '/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd', } -> exec {'disable_apparmor': command => "apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd", returns => [0, 254], } -> file { '/etc/init/cpu-cgroup.conf': owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => 0644, source => 'puppet:///modules/virtual_accelerator/cpu-cgroup.conf', } -> service { 'cpu-cgroup': ensure => 'running', } $fp_mem = $virtual_accelerator::fp_mem $fp_conf_file = "/usr/local/etc/fast-path.env" exec { 'copy_template': command => "cp /usr/local/etc/fast-path.env.tmpl ${fp_conf_file}", } -> exec { 'set_fp_mem': command => "config_va.sh FP_MEMORY ${fp_mem}", path => '/usr/local/bin/', } if $advanced_params == true { $custom_conf_file = $virtual_accelerator::va_conf_file if $custom_conf_file != '' and $custom_conf_file != undef { exec {'remove_old_conf': command => "rm ${fp_conf_file}", require => Exec['set_fp_mem'], } -> file {"${fp_conf_file}": ensure => file, content => $custom_conf_file, } } else { $cores_per_port = $virtual_accelerator::cores_per_port exec { 'set_core': command => "config_va.sh CORE_PER_PORT ${cores_per_port}", path => '/usr/local/bin/', } $vm_mem = $virtual_accelerator::vm_mem exec { 'set_vm_mem': command => "config_va.sh VM_MEMORY ${vm_mem}", path => '/usr/local/bin/', } } $license_file = $virtual_accelerator::va_license_file if $license_file != '' and $license_file != undef { file {"/usr/local/etc/6wind_va.lic": ensure => file, content => $license_file, } } } }