
39 lines
922 B

# == Class: fuel_plugin_calamari::agent::params
# A basic class for calamari plugin params
class fuel_plugin_calamari::agent::params {
if($::osfamily == 'Redhat') {
$salt_file = '/etc/salt/minion'
$packages = ['diamond', 'salt-minion']
$services = ['salt-minion']
} elsif($::osfamily == 'Debian') {
$salt_file = '/etc/salt/minion.d/calamari.conf'
$packages = ['diamond', 'salt-minion']
$services = ['salt-minion']
} else {
fail("Unsupported osfamily ${::osfamily}")
# Search for the calamari ip address from user_node_name and use the
# first one
$calamari_nodes = filter_nodes(hiera('nodes'), 'user_node_name', 'calamari')
if size($calamari_nodes) < 1 {
fail('Could not find node "calamari" in the environment')
# TODO: figure out if this ip is in the correct network
$calamari_ip = $calamari_nodes[0]['internal_address']