
79 lines
2.6 KiB

notice('MODULAR: calico/compute_alt_gateway.pp')
$network_scheme = hiera_hash('network_scheme')
$network_metadata = hiera_hash('network_metadata', {})
# Initial constants
$plugin_name = 'fuel-plugin-calico'
$calico_mark = '0xCA'
$neutron_config = hiera_hash('neutron_config')
$private_net_name = try_get_value($neutron_config, 'default_private_net', 'admin_internal_net')
$neutron_networks = try_get_value($neutron_config, 'predefined_networks', {})
$private_net = try_get_value($neutron_networks, $private_net_name, {'L3'=>{}})
$subnet_cidr = pick($private_net['L3']['subnet'], '')
$calico_alt_gateway_br = get_network_role_property('neutron/mesh','interface')
$calico_alt_gateway = try_get_value($network_scheme,"endpoints/${calico_alt_gateway_br}/vendor_specific/provider_gateway")
# Firewall initials
class { '::firewall':}
Class['::firewall'] -> Firewall<||>
Class['::firewall'] -> Firewallchain<||>
# iptables -t mangle -N calico-alt-gw-MARK
firewallchain { 'calico-alt-gw-MARK:mangle:IPv4':
ensure => present,
# iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i tap+ -j calico-alt-gw-MARK
firewall { '010 process traffic from VM instances to outside':
ensure => present,
table => 'mangle',
chain => 'PREROUTING',
iniface => 'tap+',
proto => 'all',
jump => 'calico-alt-gw-MARK',
} ->
#iptables -t mangle -A calico-alt-gw-MARK -d -j RETURN
firewall { '011 skip internal traffic':
ensure => present,
table => 'mangle',
chain => 'calico-alt-gw-MARK',
destination => $subnet_cidr,
proto => 'all',
jump => 'RETURN',
} ->
#iptables -t mangle -A calico-alt-gw-MARK -j MARK --set-mark 0x222
firewall { '012 mark traffic from VM instances to outside':
ensure => present,
table => 'mangle',
chain => 'calico-alt-gw-MARK',
jump => 'MARK',
proto => 'all',
set_mark => $calico_mark
file { '/etc/init/calico-alt-gateway.conf':
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template('calico/calico-alt-gateway.conf.erb'),
} ~>
service {'calico-alt-gateway':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => false,
# Without such settings source-routing works wrong. For more details
# read the https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt
# Value '2' may be better, but Calico Felix agent is not compotible with '2'
sysctl::value {
'net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter': value => '0';
"net.ipv4.conf.${calico_alt_gateway_br}.rp_filter": value => '0';
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et :