
153 lines
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# == Class: redis::sentinel
# Install and configure a Redis Sentinel
# === Parameters
# All the sentinel.conf parameters can be passed to the class.
# See below for a complete list of parameters accepted.
# Check the README.md file for any further information about parameters for this class.
# === Examples
# class { redis::sentinel:
# conf_port => '26379',
# sentinel_confs => {
# 'mymaster' => {
# 'monitor' => ' 6379 2',
# 'down-after-milliseconds' => '60000',
# 'notification-script' => '/etc/redis/scripts/thescript.py',
# 'parallel-syncs' => '3',
# }
# 'resque' => {
# 'monitor' => 'resque 6379 4',
# 'down-after-milliseconds' => '10000',
# 'failover-timeout' => 180000,
# 'notification-script' => '/etc/redis/scripts/thescript.py',
# 'parallel-syncs' => '5',
# }
# }
# }
# === Authors
# Victor Garcia <bravejolie@gmail.com>
# === Copyright
# Copyright 2013 Felipe Salum, unless otherwise noted.
class redis::sentinel (
$conf_port = '26379',
$conf_daemonize = 'yes',
$sentinel_confs = [],
$service_enable = true,
$service_ensure = 'running',
$service_restart = true,
$manage_upstart_scripts = true,
$package_name = undef,
) {
include redis::sentinel_params
$conf_sentinel = $redis::sentinel_params::conf
$conf_sentinel_orig = "${conf_sentinel}.puppet"
$conf_logrotate = $redis::sentinel_params::conf_logrotate
$service = $redis::sentinel_params::service
$upstart_script = $redis::sentinel_params::upstart_script
if $package_name {
$package = $package_name
$package = $redis::sentinel_params::package
if $conf_pidfile {
$conf_pidfile_real = $conf_pidfile
$conf_pidfile_real = $::redis::sentinel_params::pidfile
if $conf_logfile {
$conf_logfile_real = $conf_logfile
$conf_logfile_real = $::redis::sentinel_params::logfile
package { 'redis':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $package,
if $manage_upstart_scripts == true {
service { 'sentinel':
ensure => $service_ensure,
name => $service,
hasrestart => true,
hasstatus => true,
require => [ File[$conf_sentinel_orig],
File[$upstart_script] ],
provider => 'upstart'
} else {
service { 'sentinel':
ensure => $service_ensure,
name => $service,
enable => $service_enable,
hasrestart => true,
hasstatus => true,
require => [ Package['redis'],
File[$conf_sentinel_orig] ],
# Sentinel rewrites the config file so, to avoid overriding it
# with the original content everytime puppet runs, this manages the
# "notify" event on an original file that triggers a copy to the good one
# only if it changed.
file { $conf_sentinel_orig:
content => template('redis/sentinel.conf.erb'),
owner => redis,
group => redis,
mode => '0644',
require => Package['redis'],
notify => Exec["cp ${conf_sentinel_orig} ${conf_sentinel}"],
file { $conf_sentinel:
owner => redis,
group => redis,
require => Package['redis'],
exec { "cp ${conf_sentinel_orig} ${conf_sentinel}":
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
refreshonly => true,
user => redis,
group => redis,
notify => Service['sentinel'],
require => File[$conf_sentinel],
file { $conf_logrotate:
path => $conf_logrotate,
content => template('redis/logrotate.erb'),
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
if $service_restart == true {
# https://github.com/fsalum/puppet-redis/pull/28
File[$conf_sentinel_orig] ~> Service['sentinel']
if $manage_upstart_scripts == true {
file { $upstart_script:
ensure => present,
content => template('redis/sentinel-init.conf.erb'),