
56 lines
1.5 KiB

class fuel-plugin-ceph_multibackend::osd_id {
Exec { path => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin' }
$node_volumes = hiera('node_volumes', [])
$dev = get_target_disk($node_volumes, 'ceph-backend2')
$plugin_settings = hiera('fuel-plugin-ceph_multibackend')
$file_osd_id_exists = inline_template("<% if File.exist?('/var/log/lost+found/osd_create.lock') -%>true<% end -%>")
define crush_osd {
$osd_id = get_osd_id($name)
exec { "Removing ssd $name osd from host HDD bucket":
command => "ceph osd crush remove osd.$osd_id $node_name.HDD",
exec { "Adding ssd $name item to SSD bucket":
command => "ceph osd crush add osd.$osd_id 1.0 host=$node_name.SSD",
if $file_osd_id_exists == ''
exec { "Creating new SSD bucket":
command => "ceph osd crush add-bucket $node_name.SSD host",
exec { "Renaming old bucket":
command => "ceph osd crush rename-bucket $node_name $node_name.HDD",
exec { "Adding ssd host to SSD region":
command => "ceph osd crush move $node_name.SSD region=SSD",
exec { "Adding HDD host to HDD region":
command => "ceph osd crush move $node_name.HDD region=HDD",
crush_osd { $dev : }
file {"/var/log/lost+found":
ensure => 'directory',
file {"/var/log/lost+found/osd_create.lock":
ensure => 'file',
path => "/var/log/lost+found/osd_create.lock",