attributes: backup_gcs_project_id: value: '' label: 'GCS project ID' description: '' weight: 10 type: "text" regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$' error: 'The value should not be empty. Only letters, digits, underscore and dash symbols are allowed.' backup_gcs_bucket: value: '' label: 'Default GCS bucket name' description: 'Default GCS bucket name to use for backups. The bucket is created if not exists. Please refer to the official bucket naming guidelines .Used as container parameter value when Cinder CLI or API is invoked for creating a backup.' weight: 15 type: "text" regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$' error: 'Default GCS bucket name to use for backups. The bucket is created if not exists. Please refer to the official bucket naming guidelines .Used as container parameter value when Cinder CLI or API is invoked for creating a backup. The value should not be empty. Only letters, digits, underscore and dash symbols are allowed.' backup_gcs_storage_class: value: 'NEARLINE' label: 'GCS storage class' weight: 40 type: 'select' description: 'Storage class of GCS bucket' values: - data: 'NEARLINE' label: 'NEARLINE' - data: 'STANDARD' label: 'STANDARD' - data: 'DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY' label: 'DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY' backup_gcs_bucket_location: type: "text" weight: 50 value: "US" label: "GCS bucket location" description: "Enter GCS bucket location" regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$' error: 'The value should not be empty. Only letters, digits, underscore and dash symbols are allowed.' gcs_account_type: label: "GCS Account type" description: "type parameter value from the GCS credentials file" type: text weight: 51 value: 'service_account' regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$' error: 'The value should not be empty. Only letters, digits, underscore and dash symbols are allowed.' gcs_private_key_id: label: "Private Key ID" description: "Private_key_id parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 51 value: '' regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d]+$' error: 'Only alphanumberic charaters are allowed' gcs_private_key: label: "Private Key" description: "Private_key parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: password weight: 52 value: '' regex: source: '^.+$' error: 'Should not be empty' gcs_client_email: label: "Client E-mail" description: "Client_email parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 53 value: '' regex: source: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$' error: 'Please enter correct e-mail address' gcs_client_id: label: "Client ID" description: "Client_id parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 54 value: '' regex: source: '^\d+$' error: 'Only integers [1-9] are allowed' gcs_auth_uri: label: "Auth URI" description: "Auth_uri parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 55 value: '' regex: source: '\w+:\/\/[\w\-.\/]+(?::\d+)?[\w\-.\/]+$' error: 'Please enter valid URI' gcs_token_uri: label: "Token URI" description: "Token_uri parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 56 value: '' regex: source: '\w+:\/\/[\w\-.\/]+(?::\d+)?[\w\-.\/]+$' error: 'Please enter valid URI' gcs_auth_provider_x509_cert_url: label: "Auth Provider X509 Cert URL" description: "Auth_provider_x509_cert_url parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 57 value: '' regex: source: '\w+:\/\/[\w\-.\/]+(?::\d+)?[\w\-.\/]+$' error: 'Please enter valid URI' gcs_client_x509_cert_url: label: "Client X509 Cert URL" description: "Client_x509_cert_url parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 58 value: '' regex: source: '\w+:\/\/[\w\-.\/]+(?::\d+)?[\w\-.\/%]+$' error: 'Please enter valid URI' backup_gcs_advanced_settings: type: "checkbox" weight: 60 value: False label: 'Show advanced settings' description: 'When selected all GCS Cinder driver settings are shown' backup_gcs_object_size: label: 'GCS Object Size' description: 'The size in bytes of GCS backup objects in bytes, must be a multiple of GCS block size value, default: 52428800' type: text value: '52428800' weight: 80 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^[1-9]\d*$' error: 'Must be a possitive integer' backup_gcs_block_size: label: 'GCS Block Size' description: 'The size in bytes that changes are tracked for incremental backups, default: 32768' type: text value: '32768' weight: 75 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^[1-9]\d*$' error: 'Must be a possitive integer' backup_gcs_user_agent: label: 'HTTP User-Agent' description: 'HTTP User-Agent string for the GCS API, default: gcscinder' type: text value: 'gcscinder' weight: 85 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" backup_gcs_writer_chunk_size: label: 'GCS writer Chunk Size' description: 'Chunk size for GCS object uploads in bytes, -1 for single chunk, default value: 2097152, maximum value: 52428800' type: text value: '2097152' weight: 90 regex: source: '^((-1$)|(([1-9])\d{0,7}$))' error: 'Must be a possitive integer or -1' restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" backup_gcs_reader_chunk_size: label: 'GCS Reader Chunk Size' description: 'Chunk size for GCS object downloads in bytes, default: 2097152' type: text value: '2097152' weight: 95 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^((-1$)|(([1-9])\d*$))' error: 'Must be a possitive integer' backup_gcs_retry_error_codes: label: 'GCS Retry Error Codes' description: "List of GCS error codes for which to initiate a retry, default: 429" type: text value: '429' weight: 100 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^([4-5][0-9]{2})(,\s{1}[4-5][0-9]{2})*$' error: "Enter list of valid error codes, example: 403, 404, 503" backup_gcs_num_retries: label: 'GCS Retries Number' description: 'Number of times to retry transfers' type: text value: '3' weight: 105 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^[1-9]\d{0,2}$' error: 'Must be an integer in range of 1-999' backup_gcs_enable_progress_timer: type: "checkbox" weight: 110 value: True label: "GCS progress update timer" description: "Timer to send the periodic progress notifications to Ceilometer when backing up the volume." restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide"