"""Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import os import time import libvirt from proboscis import test from proboscis.asserts import assert_true from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal from fuelweb_test import logger from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import log_snapshot_after_test from fuelweb_test.settings import CONTRAIL_PLUGIN_PACK_UB_PATH from fuelweb_test.tests import base_test_case from helpers import vsrx from helpers import plugin from helpers import openstack from helpers.settings import CONTRAIL_PLUGIN_VERSION from helpers.settings import OSTF_RUN_TIMEOUT from tests.test_contrail_check import TestContrailCheck @test(groups=["plugins"]) class FailoverTests(base_test_case.TestBasic): """FailoverTests.""" pack_copy_path = '/var/www/nailgun/plugins/contrail-5.1' add_package = '/var/www/nailgun/plugins/contrail-5.1/'\ 'repositories/ubuntu/contrail-setup*' ostf_msg = 'OSTF tests passed successfully.' cluster_id = '' pack_path = CONTRAIL_PLUGIN_PACK_UB_PATH CONTRAIL_DISTRIBUTION = os.environ.get('CONTRAIL_DISTRIBUTION') @test(depends_on=[base_test_case.SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_3], groups=["contrail_uninstall", "contrail_failover"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def contrail_uninstall(self): """Check that plugin can be removed. Scenario: 1. Install plugin and create cluster with activated plugin. 2. Try to remove plugin and ensure that alert presents in cli: '400 Client Error: Bad Request (Can not delete plugin which is enabled for some environment.)' 3. Remove environment. 4. Remove plugin. 5. Check that it was removed successfully. Duration: 5 min """ # constants plugin_name = 'contrail' message = "400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: " + \ " " + \ "(Can't delete plugin which is enabled for some environment.)" self.show_step(1) plugin.prepare_contrail_plugin(self, slaves=3) plugin.activate_plugin(self) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() self.show_step(2) cmd = 'fuel plugins --remove {0}=={1}'.format( plugin_name, CONTRAIL_PLUGIN_VERSION) result = self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote().execute(cmd) assert_true( result['exit_code'] == 1, 'Plugin is removed.') assert_true( result['stderr'].pop().splitlines().pop() == message, 'Error message was not displayed.') self.show_step(3) self.fuel_web.delete_env_wait(cluster_id) self.show_step(4) result = self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote().execute(cmd) assert_true( result['exit_code'] == 0, 'Plugin was not removed.') self.show_step(5) cmd = 'fuel plugins list' output = list(self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote().execute( cmd)['stdout']).pop().split(' ') assert_true( plugin_name not in output, "Plugin is not removed {}".format(plugin_name) ) @test(depends_on=[base_test_case.SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_9], groups=["contrail_ha_with_node_problems", "contrail_failover"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def contrail_ha_with_node_problems(self): """Check Contrail HA using node problems Scenario: 1. Deploy openstack with HA (at lest 3 controllers and 3 nodes with contrail`s roles) and Ceph 2. Run OSTF tests 3. Run contrail health check tests 4. Disable first contrail node via libvirt 5. Run OSTF tests 6. Run contrail health check tests 7. Enable first contrail node and wait 6 minutes 8. Disable second cotrail node 9. Run OSTF test 10. Run contrail health check tests 11. Enable second contrail node and wait 6 minutes 12. Disable third cotrail node 13. Run OSTF tests 14. Run contrail health check test 15. Enable third node 16. Run OSTF tests 17. Run contrail health check test """ self.show_step(1) plugin.prepare_contrail_plugin(self, slaves=9, options={'images_ceph': True, 'volumes_ceph': True, 'ephemeral_ceph': True, 'objects_ceph': True, 'volumes_lvm': False}) plugin.activate_plugin(self) # activate vSRX image vsrx_setup_result = vsrx.activate() conf_env = { 'slave-01': ['controller', 'ceph-osd'], 'slave-02': ['controller', 'ceph-osd'], 'slave-03': ['controller', 'ceph-osd'], 'slave-04': ['contrail-controller'], 'slave-05': ['contrail-controller'], 'slave-06': ['contrail-controller'], 'slave-07': ['contrail-analytics', 'contrail-analytics-db'], 'slave-08': ['contrail-analytics', 'contrail-analytics-db'], 'slave-09': ['contrail-analytics', 'contrail-analytics-db'], } self.show_step(2) openstack.update_deploy_check(self, conf_env, is_vsrx=vsrx_setup_result) self.show_step(3) TestContrailCheck(self).cloud_check(['contrail']) #open connection to qemu conn = libvirt.open('qemu:///system') if conn == None: raise ValueError("Failed to open connection to qemu:///system") else: logger.info("open connection to qemu:///system") #get list of domains node_list =conn.listAllDomains(0) for i in range(0,3): m = 7 n = str(m + i) steps = [4, 5, 6, 7] for index, step in enumerate(steps): steps[index] = step + (4 * i) for node in node_list: #find node with contrail if n in node.name(): self.show_step(steps[0]) node.destroy() # stop node logger.info("Node {0} was stopped".format(n)) self.show_step(steps[1]) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=self.cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke', 'sanity', 'ha']) self.show_step(steps[2]) TestContrailCheck(self).cloud_check(['contrail'], ['test_contrail_node_status']) self.show_step(steps[3]) node.create() # start node logger.info("Node {0} was run".format(n)) break logger.info("Waiting for node {0}".format(n)) time.sleep(6 * 60) conn.close() self.show_step(16) if vsrx_setup_result: self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=self.cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke', 'sanity', 'ha'], timeout=OSTF_RUN_TIMEOUT) self.show_step(17) TestContrailCheck(self).cloud_check(['contrail']) @test(depends_on=[SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_9], groups=["contrail_ha_with_network_problems", "contrail_failover"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def contrail_ha_with_network_problems(self): """Check Contrail HA using network problems Scenario: 1. Deploy openstack with HA (at lest 3 controllers and 3 nodes with contrail`s roles) 2. Run OSTF tests 3. Run contrail health check tests 4. Connect to a contrail controller host, stop the network interfaces connected to private and management networks 5. Run OSTF tests 6. Run contrail health check tests """ self.show_step(1) plugin.prepare_contrail_plugin(self, slaves=9) plugin.activate_plugin(self) # activate vSRX image vsrx_setup_result = vsrx.activate() conf_env = { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['contrail-controller'], 'slave-05': ['contrail-controller'], 'slave-06': ['contrail-controller'], 'slave-07': ['contrail-analytics', 'contrail-analytics-db'], 'slave-08': ['contrail-analytics', 'contrail-analytics-db'], 'slave-09': ['contrail-analytics', 'contrail-analytics-db'], } self.show_step(2) openstack.update_deploy_check(self, conf_env, is_vsrx=vsrx_setup_result) self.show_step(3) TestContrailCheck(self).cloud_check(['contrail']) self.show_step(4) def get_interface_name4role(cluster_id, node_name, role): logger.info('[get_interface_name4role] cluster_id: {0}, ' 'node: {1}, ' 'role:{2}'.format(cluster_id, node_name, role)) nailgun_node = None for node in self.fuel_web.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id): logger.info('Check node {0} for name: {1}'.format(node['name'], node_name)) if node_name in node['name']: nailgun_node = node break else: assert 'slave-01 node not found in cluster: {0}'.format( self.cluster_id) interfaces = self.fuel_web.client.get_node_interfaces( nailgun_node['id']) for iface in interfaces: for net in iface['assigned_networks']: logger.info('Check iface {0} for role {1}'.format( iface['name'], role)) if role in net['name']: # check role name for interface logger.info('Found interface: {0}'.format( iface['name'])) return iface['name'] # return interface name return '' cluster_id = self.cluster_id ifaces = [ get_interface_name4role(cluster_id, 'slave-01', 'private'), get_interface_name4role(cluster_id, 'slave-01', 'management') ] for iface in ifaces: cmd = 'sudo ifconfig {0} down'.format(iface) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-01") as remote: res_pgrep = remote.execute(cmd) assert_equal(0, res_pgrep['exit_code'], 'Failed with error code:{0}, {1}, out:{2}'.format( res_pgrep['exit_code'], res_pgrep['stderr'], res_pgrep['stdout'])) self.show_step(5) if vsrx_setup_result: self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=self.cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke', 'sanity', 'ha'], timeout=OSTF_RUN_TIMEOUT) self.show_step(6) TestContrailCheck(self).cloud_check(['contrail'])