
89 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class contrail::provision::control {
Exec {
provider => 'shell',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin',
define contrail::provision::prov_ext_bgp {
exec { "prov_external_bgp_${name}":
command => "python /opt/contrail/utils/provision_mx.py \
--api_server_ip ${contrail::contrail_mgmt_vip} --api_server_port 8082 \
--oper add --router_name ${name} --router_ip ${name} --router_asn ${contrail::asnum} \
--admin_user '${contrail::neutron_user}' --admin_tenant_name '${contrail::service_tenant}' --admin_password '${contrail::service_token}' \
&& touch /opt/contrail/prov_external_bgp_${name}-DONE",
creates => "/opt/contrail/prov_external_bgp_${name}-DONE",
define contrail::provision::add_route_to_mx {
if $contrail::gateway {
file_line {"route_to_gw_${name}":
ensure => 'present',
line => "post-up ip route add ${name}/32 via ${contrail::gateway} dev ${contrail::interface}",
path => "/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-${contrail::interface}",
exec {"route_to_gw_${name}":
command => "ip route add ${name}/32 via ${contrail::gateway} dev ${contrail::interface}",
unless => "ip route | grep ${name}"
notify {'Waiting for contrail API':} ->
exec {'wait_for_api':
command => "bash -c 'if ! [[ $(curl -s -o /dev/null -w \"%{http_code}\" http://${contrail::contrail_mgmt_vip}:8082) =~ ^(200|401)$ ]];\
then exit 1; fi'",
tries => 10,
try_sleep => 10,
if roles_include('primary-contrail-control') {
exec { 'prov_control_asn':
command => "python /opt/contrail/utils/provision_control.py \
--api_server_ip ${contrail::contrail_mgmt_vip} --api_server_port 8082 \
--router_asn ${contrail::asnum} \
--admin_user '${contrail::neutron_user}' --admin_tenant_name '${contrail::service_tenant}' --admin_password '${contrail::service_token}' \
&& touch /opt/contrail/prov_control_asn-DONE",
creates => '/opt/contrail/prov_control_asn-DONE',
require => Exec['wait_for_api'],
before => Exec['prov_control_bgp'],
exec { 'prov_control_bgp':
command => "python /opt/contrail/utils/provision_control.py \
--api_server_ip ${contrail::contrail_mgmt_vip} --api_server_port 8082 \
--oper add --host_name ${::fqdn} --host_ip ${contrail::address} --router_asn ${contrail::asnum} \
--admin_user '${contrail::neutron_user}' --admin_tenant_name '${contrail::service_tenant}' --admin_password '${contrail::service_token}' \
&& touch /opt/contrail/prov_control_bgp-DONE",
creates => '/opt/contrail/prov_control_bgp-DONE',
require => Exec['wait_for_api'],
if $contrail::node_role == 'primary-contrail-control' {
contrail::provision::prov_ext_bgp { $contrail::gateways:
require => [Exec['wait_for_api'],Exec['prov_control_bgp']],
contrail::provision::add_route_to_mx { $contrail::gateways:
require => [Exec['wait_for_api'],Exec['prov_control_bgp']],