# Copyright (C) 2014 eNovance SAS # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import errno import itertools import os import os.path from socket import error as socket_error import stat import netaddr from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import jinja2 from neutron.agent.l3 import legacy_router from neutron.agent.linux import external_process from neutron.agent.linux import utils from neutron.common import exceptions from neutron.i18n import _LW OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('zebra_bin', default='/usr/lib/quagga/zebra', help=_('Path to Zebra binary')), cfg.StrOpt('zebra_config', default='/etc/quagga/zebra.conf', help=_('Path to Zebra configuration file')), cfg.StrOpt('ospfd_bin', default='/usr/lib/quagga/ospfd', help=_('Path to OSPFd binary')), cfg.StrOpt('ospfd_config', default='/etc/quagga/ospfd.conf', help=_('Path to OSPFd configuration file')), cfg.StrOpt('ospfd_listen_address', default='', help=_('Address for ospfd to listen to')), cfg.StrOpt('vty_password', default='', help=_('Password for vty access')), cfg.StrOpt('config_template', default='/etc/neutron/quagga.conf.template', help=_('Path to Quagga configuration template')), cfg.StrOpt('state_dir', default='/var/run/neutron-quagga', help=_("Path to state dir for quagga pids, sockets etc")), cfg.StrOpt('username', default='neutron', help=_("zebra and ospfd will be started under this user. ")) ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(OPTS, 'quagga') LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) template_telnet_command = """ import telnetlib import sys tn = telnetlib.Telnet('{hostname}', '{port}'); tn.read_until('Password:'); [tn.write(line) for line in sys.stdin.readlines()]; print tn.read_all() """ class ConfigSectionNotFound(exceptions.NeutronException): message = _("Quagga template is missing named block '%(section)s'") class QuaggaConfigTemplate(object): def __init__(self): template_path, template_name = os.path.split( CONF.quagga.config_template ) self._env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_path) ) self._template = self._env.get_template(template_name) def render(self, section, data_dict): for name, render in self._template.blocks.iteritems(): if name == section: return render(self._template.new_context(data_dict)) raise ConfigSectionNotFound(section=section) class QuaggaProcess(object): """A generic class to control individual Quagga process """ enable_vty = False def __init__(self, resource_id, binary_path, config_path, namespace=None, listen_address=None): self.resource_id = resource_id self.binary_path = binary_path self.config_path = config_path self.namespace = namespace self.listen_address = listen_address self._spawned = False def spawn(self): zebra_api_file = utils.get_conf_file_name(CONF.quagga.state_dir, self.resource_id, 'zebra.api', ensure_conf_dir=True) self._process = self.get_process(CONF, self.resource_id, self.namespace, CONF.quagga.state_dir) def callback(pid_file): cmd = [self.binary_path, '-f', self.config_path, '-i', pid_file, '-d', '-z', zebra_api_file, '-u', CONF.quagga.username] if self.enable_vty: cmd += ['-A', self.listen_address] else: # disable vty server cmd += ['-P', '0'] return cmd self._process.enable(callback, reload_cfg=True) self._spawned = True LOG.debug('Quagga process %s spawned with config %s', self.resource_id, self.config_path) def spawn_or_restart(self): if self._process: self.restart() else: self.spawn() def restart(self): if self._process.active: self._process.reload_cfg() else: LOG.warn(_LW('A previous instance of Quagga process %s ' 'seems to be dead, unable to restart it, a ' 'new instance will be spawned'), self.resource_id) self._process.disable() self.spawn() def disable(self): if self._process: self._process.disable(sig='15') self._spawned = False def revive(self): if self.spawned and not self._process.active: self.restart() @classmethod def get_process(cls, conf, resource_id, namespace, pids_path): return external_process.ProcessManager( conf, resource_id, namespace, service=cls.service, pids_path=pids_path) @property def spawned(self): return self._spawned def configure(self, commands): """Pushes configuration to a Quagga service instance""" raise NotImplementedError() class ZebraProcess(QuaggaProcess): service = 'zebra' class OspfdProcess(QuaggaProcess): service = 'ospfd' enable_vty = True def configure(self, commands=[]): commands = itertools.chain([CONF.quagga.vty_password], commands, ["exit"]) vty_commands = '\n'.join(commands) + '\n' telnet_command = template_telnet_command.format( hostname=CONF.quagga.ospfd_listen_address, port='2604') res = utils.execute(["ip", "netns", "exec", self.namespace, "python", "-c", telnet_command], process_input=vty_commands, run_as_root=True) return res class QuaggaRouter(legacy_router.LegacyRouter): """Responsible for - translation of Neutron router events into Quagga services configuration - managing the lifecycle of relevant Quagga processes """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(QuaggaRouter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ospf_config_template = QuaggaConfigTemplate() self.zebra = ZebraProcess( self.router_id, CONF.quagga.zebra_bin, CONF.quagga.zebra_config, self.ns_name) self.ospfd = OspfdProcess( self.router_id, CONF.quagga.ospfd_bin, CONF.quagga.ospfd_config, self.ns_name, listen_address=CONF.quagga.ospfd_listen_address) self.ignore_ospf_configuration = False def initialize(self, process_monitor): super(QuaggaRouter, self).initialize(process_monitor) self.zebra.spawn() self.ospfd.spawn() def delete(self, agent): self.ignore_ospf_configuration = True self.ospfd.disable() self.zebra.disable() utils.remove_conf_files(CONF.quagga.state_dir, self.router_id) super(QuaggaRouter, self).delete(agent) def internal_network_added(self, port): super(QuaggaRouter, self).internal_network_added(port) interface_name = self.get_internal_device_name(port['id']) self._configure_ospfd('add_port', locals()) LOG.debug("Added port with interface name %s to router %s", interface_name, self.router_id) def internal_network_removed(self, port): interface_name = self.get_internal_device_name(port['id']) self._configure_ospfd('delete_port', locals()) super(QuaggaRouter, self).internal_network_removed(port) LOG.debug("Deleted port with interface name %s from router %s", interface_name, self.router_id) def external_gateway_added(self, ex_gw_port, interface_name): super(QuaggaRouter, self).external_gateway_added(ex_gw_port, interface_name) self._configure_ospfd('add_ext_port', locals()) LOG.debug("Added ext port with interface name %s to router %s", interface_name, self.router_id) def external_gateway_removed(self, ex_gw_port, interface_name): self._configure_ospfd('delete_ext_port', locals()) super(QuaggaRouter, self).external_gateway_removed(ex_gw_port, interface_name) LOG.debug("Deleted ext port with interface name %s from router %s", interface_name, self.router_id) def _configure_ospfd(self, action, data): if self.ignore_ospf_configuration: return config = self.ospf_config_template.render(action, data) if config: self.ospfd.configure(config)