Swann Croiset 9c3955a15f Handle advanced settings for Elasticsearch
These parameters are configured with default values if not provided:
* number_of_replicas
* minimum_master_nodes
* recover_after_time
* recover_after_nodes

Change-Id: I3f4c1135c61b209e6e7b6160142c147721306cf9
2015-12-22 19:55:48 +01:00

88 lines
3.2 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
prepare_network_config(hiera('network_scheme', {}))
$mgmt_address = get_network_role_property('management', 'ipaddr')
$elasticsearch_kibana = hiera_hash('elasticsearch_kibana')
$network_metadata = hiera('network_metadata')
$es_nodes = get_nodes_hash_by_roles($network_metadata, ['elasticsearch_kibana'])
$es_address_map = get_node_to_ipaddr_map_by_network_role($es_nodes, 'management')
$es_nodes_ips = values($es_address_map)
include lma_logging_analytics::params
# Params related to Elasticsearch.
$es_dir = $elasticsearch_kibana['data_dir']
$es_instance = 'es-01'
$es_heap_size = $elasticsearch_kibana['jvm_heap_size']
# Java
$java = $::operatingsystem ? {
CentOS => 'java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless',
Ubuntu => 'openjdk-7-jre-headless'
# Ensure that java is installed
package { $java:
ensure => installed,
file { $es_dir:
ensure => 'directory',
# Install elasticsearch
class { 'elasticsearch':
datadir => ["${es_dir}/elasticsearch_data"],
init_defaults => {
'MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY' => 'unlimited',
'ES_HEAP_SIZE' => "${es_heap_size}g"
require => [File[$es_dir], Package[$java]],
# Start an instance of elasticsearch
elasticsearch::instance { $es_instance:
config => {
'threadpool.bulk.queue_size' => '1000',
'bootstrap.mlockall' => true,
'http.cors.allow-origin' => '/.*/',
'http.cors.enabled' => true,
'cluster.name' => $lma_logging_analytics::params::es_cluster_name,
'node.name' => "${::fqdn}_${es_instance}",
'node.master' => true,
'node.data' => true,
'discovery.zen.ping.multicast' => {'enabled' => false},
'discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts' => $es_nodes_ips,
'discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes' => hiera('lma::elasticsearch::minimum_master_nodes'),
'gateway.recover_after_time' => hiera('lma::elasticsearch::recover_after_time'),
'gateway.recover_after_nodes' => hiera('lma::elasticsearch::recover_after_nodes'),
'http.bind_host' => $mgmt_address,
'transport.bind_host' => $mgmt_address,
'transport.publish_host' => $mgmt_address,
lma_logging_analytics::es_template { ['log', 'notification']:
number_of_replicas => hiera('lma::elasticsearch::number_of_replicas'),
require => Elasticsearch::Instance[$es_instance],
host => $mgmt_address,
class { 'lma_logging_analytics::curator':
retention_period => $elasticsearch_kibana['retention_period'],
prefixes => ['log', 'notification'],