Limitations =========== * The plugin only supports neutron when specifying network settings. Old legacy mode (nova-network) is not supported * If a base-os role node is deployed within the environment, the plugin installation may fail because the management network is not configured (see bug `1515956 `_). * Prior to version 2.5.0, the plugin requires access to distribution repository, external or local mirror, in order to download necessary packages for proper installation. Since plugin version 2.5.0, the `fuel-mirror` (formerly `fuel-createmirror`) command is supported. Reduced footprint ----------------- The Zabbix plugin does not support reduced footprint deployment for Fuel 7.0 and Fuel 8.0. `LP1610217 `_ The Zabbix plugin version 2.5.1 supports the reduced footprint deployment with Fuel 9.x **only**. To deploy a corresponding OpenStack environment: #. Enable the `reduced footprint `_ feature and deploy all ``virt`` nodes **without** enabling the Zabbix plugin in the Fuel web UI. #. Once the ``virt`` nodes are successfully deployed, enable the Zabbix plugin in the Fuel web UI. #. Deploy your OpenStack environment as usual (controller, compute, and other nodes as required).