require 'rubygems' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'json' require 'puppet/util/inifile' class KeystoneError < Puppet::Error end class KeystoneConnectionError < KeystoneError end class KeystoneAPIError < KeystoneError end RETRY_COUNT = 10 RETRY_SLEEP = 3 def handle_request(req, url) begin use_ssl = url.scheme == "https" ? true : false http = Net::HTTP.start(url.hostname, url.port, {:use_ssl => use_ssl}) res = http.request(req) if res.code != '200' raise KeystoneAPIError, "Received error response from Keystone server at #{url}: #{res.message}" end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => detail raise KeystoneConnectionError, "Failed to connect to Keystone server at #{url}: #{detail}" rescue SocketError => detail raise KeystoneConnectionError, "Failed to connect to Keystone server at #{url}: #{detail}" end res end def keystone_v2_authenticate(auth_url, username, password, tenantId=nil, tenantName=nil) post_args = { 'auth' => { 'passwordCredentials' => { 'username' => username, 'password' => password }, }} if tenantId post_args['auth']['tenantId'] = tenantId end if tenantName post_args['auth']['tenantName'] = tenantName end url = URI.parse("#{auth_url}/tokens") req = url.path req['content-type'] = 'application/json' req.body = post_args.to_json res = handle_request(req, url) data = JSON.parse res.body return data['access']['token']['id'] end def glance_images(glance_url, token) url = URI.parse("#{glance_url}/images") req = url.path req['content-type'] = 'application/json' req['x-auth-token'] = token res = handle_request(req, url) data = JSON.parse res.body data['images'] end Puppet::Type.type(:ironic_images_setter).provide(:ruby) do @ironic_images = nil def authenticate keystone_v2_authenticate( @resource[:auth_url], @resource[:auth_username], @resource[:auth_password], nil, @resource[:auth_tenant_name]) end def find_image_by_name(images, name) found_images ={|image| image['name'] == name} if found_images.length == 1 return found_images[0]['id'] elsif found_images.length == 0 raise KeystoneAPIError, "Image with name '#{name}' not found." elsif found_images.length > 1 raise KeystoneAPIError, "Found multiple matches for name: '#{name}'" end end def exists? ini_file ="/etc/ironic/ironic.conf") ironic_images.each do |setting, id| if ! ( ini_file['fuel'] && ini_file['fuel'][setting] && ini_file['fuel'][setting] == id) return nil end end end def create config end def ironic_images @ironic_images ||= get_ironic_images end def get_ironic_images token = authenticate RETRY_COUNT.times do |n| begin all_images = glance_images(@resource[:glance_url], token) rescue => e debug "Request failed: '#{e.message}' Retry: '#{n}'" if n == RETRY_COUNT - 1 raise KeystoneAPIError, 'Unable to get images.' end sleep RETRY_SLEEP next end ironic_images = ironic_images['deploy_kernel'] = find_image_by_name(all_images, 'ironic-deploy-linux') ironic_images['deploy_ramdisk'] = find_image_by_name(all_images, 'ironic-deploy-initramfs') ironic_images['deploy_squashfs'] = find_image_by_name(all_images, 'ironic-deploy-squashfs') return ironic_images end end def config ironic_images.each do |setting, id| Puppet::Type.type(:ironic_config).new( {:name => "fuel/#{setting}", :value => id} ).provider.create end end end