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# Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS <licensing@enovance.com>
# Author: Emilien Macchi <emilien.macchi@enovance.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Configure the conductor service in Ironic
# === Parameters
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) Control the ensure parameter for the package ressource.
# Defaults to 'present'.
# [*enabled*]
# (optional) Define if the service must be enabled or not.
# Defaults to true.
# [*max_time_interval*]
# (optional) Maximum time, in seconds, since the last check-in of a conductor.
# Should be an interger value
# Defaults to '120'.
# [*force_power_state_during_sync*]
# (optional) Should the hardware power state be set to the state recorded in
# the database (True) or should the database be updated based on the hardware
# state (False).
# Defaults to true.
class ironic::conductor (
$package_ensure = 'present',
$enabled = true,
$max_time_interval = '120',
$force_power_state_during_sync = true,
) {
include ::ironic::params
Ironic_config<||> ~> Service['ironic-conductor']
# Configure ironic.conf
ironic_config {
'conductor/max_time_interval': value => $max_time_interval;
'conductor/force_power_state_during_sync': value => $force_power_state_during_sync;
# Install package
if $::ironic::params::conductor_package {
Package['ironic-conductor'] -> Service['ironic-conductor']
package { 'ironic-conductor':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::ironic::params::conductor_package,
tag => ['openstack', 'ironic-package'],
if $enabled {
$ensure = 'running'
} else {
$ensure = 'stopped'
# Manage service
service { 'ironic-conductor':
ensure => $ensure,
name => $::ironic::params::conductor_service,
enable => $enabled,
hasstatus => true,
tag => 'ironic-service',