Add UI option to disable logs and notifications indexation

This change also enables the collection of logs and notifications even
if the events indexation is disabled. The reason is that useful metrics
are extracted from this data such as HTTP response times, resource
creation time and so on.
The term 'event' is used to reference both logs and OpenStack notifcations.

Change-Id: I28814129f745a8ef3ee44d3d3cf1cc267337b840
This commit is contained in:
Swann Croiset 2015-05-22 11:58:16 +02:00
parent ee0e0ada8d
commit 3c68f6ecf3
5 changed files with 94 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -40,7 +40,30 @@ if hiera('deployment_mode') =~ /^ha_/ and $is_controller {
$additional_groups = []
if $is_controller and $lma_collector['enable_notifications'] {
$elasticsearch_mode = $lma_collector['elasticsearch_mode']
case $elasticsearch_mode {
'remote': {
$es_server = $lma_collector['elasticsearch_address']
'local': {
$es_node_name = $lma_collector['elasticsearch_node_name']
$es_nodes = filter_nodes(hiera('nodes'), 'user_node_name', $es_node_name)
if size($es_nodes) < 1 {
fail("Could not find node '${es_node_name}' in the environment")
$es_server = $es_nodes[0]['internal_address']
'disabled': {
# Nothing to do
default: {
fail("'${elasticsearch_mode}' mode not supported for Elasticsearch")
# Notifications are always collected even when event indexation is disabled
if $is_controller{
$pre_script = '/usr/local/bin/wait_for_rabbitmq'
# Params used by the script.
$rabbit = hiera('rabbit')
@ -66,19 +89,26 @@ class { 'lma_collector':
pre_script => $pre_script,
class { 'lma_collector::logs::system':
require => Class['lma_collector'],
if (str2bool($::ovs_log_directory)){
# install logstreamer for open vSwitch if log directory exists
class { 'lma_collector::logs::ovs':
if $elasticsearch_mode != 'disabled' {
class { 'lma_collector::logs::system':
require => Class['lma_collector'],
class { 'lma_collector::logs::monitor':
require => Class['lma_collector'],
if (str2bool($::ovs_log_directory)){
# install logstreamer for open vSwitch if log directory exists
class { 'lma_collector::logs::ovs':
require => Class['lma_collector'],
class { 'lma_collector::logs::monitor':
require => Class['lma_collector'],
class { 'lma_collector::elasticsearch':
server => $es_server,
require => Class['lma_collector'],
$influxdb_mode = $lma_collector['influxdb_mode']
@ -126,26 +156,3 @@ case $influxdb_mode {
fail("'${influxdb_mode}' mode not supported for InfluxDB")
$elasticsearch_mode = $lma_collector['elasticsearch_mode']
case $elasticsearch_mode {
'remote': {
$es_server = $lma_collector['elasticsearch_address']
'local': {
$es_node_name = $lma_collector['elasticsearch_node_name']
$es_nodes = filter_nodes(hiera('nodes'), 'user_node_name', $es_node_name)
if size($es_nodes) < 1 {
fail("Could not find node '${es_node_name}' in the environment")
$es_server = $es_nodes[0]['internal_address']
default: {
fail("'${elasticsearch_mode}' mode not supported for Elasticsearch")
class { 'lma_collector::elasticsearch':
server => $es_server,
require => Class['lma_collector'],

View File

@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ include lma_collector::params
$ceilometer = hiera('ceilometer')
$lma_collector = hiera('lma_collector')
$enable_notifications = $lma_collector['enable_notifications']
if $lma_collector['elasticsearch_mode'] != 'disabled' {
class { 'lma_collector::logs::openstack': }
if $ceilometer['enabled'] {
$notification_topics = [$lma_collector::params::openstack_topic, $lma_collector::params::lma_topic]
@ -25,10 +29,7 @@ else {
$notification_topics = [$lma_collector::params::lma_topic]
class { 'lma_collector::logs::openstack': }
if $enable_notifications {
class { 'lma_collector::notifications::cinder':
topics => $notification_topics,
# OpenStack notifcations are always useful for indexation and metrics collection
class { 'lma_collector::notifications::cinder':
topics => $notification_topics,

View File

@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ include lma_collector::params
$ceilometer = hiera('ceilometer')
$lma_collector = hiera('lma_collector')
$enable_notifications = $lma_collector['enable_notifications']
if $lma_collector['elasticsearch_mode'] != 'disabled' {
class { 'lma_collector::logs::openstack': }
class { 'lma_collector::logs::libvirt': }
if $ceilometer['enabled'] {
$notification_topics = [$lma_collector::params::openstack_topic, $lma_collector::params::lma_topic]
@ -25,12 +31,7 @@ else {
$notification_topics = [$lma_collector::params::lma_topic]
class { 'lma_collector::logs::openstack': }
class { 'lma_collector::logs::libvirt': }
if $enable_notifications {
class { 'lma_collector::notifications::compute':
topics => $notification_topics,
# OpenStack notifcations are always useful for indexation and metrics collection
class { 'lma_collector::notifications::compute':
topics => $notification_topics,

View File

@ -16,13 +16,8 @@ include lma_collector::params
$ceilometer = hiera('ceilometer')
$lma_collector = hiera('lma_collector')
$management_vip = hiera('management_vip')
$nova = hiera('nova')
$cinder = hiera('cinder')
$rabbit = hiera('rabbit')
$neutron = hiera('quantum_settings')
$enable_notifications = $lma_collector['enable_notifications']
if $ceilometer['enabled'] {
$notification_topics = [$lma_collector::params::openstack_topic, $lma_collector::params::lma_topic]
@ -43,38 +38,46 @@ if hiera('deployment_mode') =~ /^ha_/ {
$ha_deployment = false
if $ha_deployment {
$rabbitmq_pid_file = '/var/run/rabbitmq/p_pid'
else {
$rabbitmq_pid_file = '/var/run/rabbitmq/pid'
# OpenStack notifcations are always useful for indexation and metrics collection
class { 'lma_collector::notifications::controller':
host => '',
port => hiera('amqp_port', '5673'),
user => $rabbitmq_user,
password => $rabbit['password'],
topics => $notification_topics,
# Logs
# OpenStack logs are always useful for indexation and metrics collection
class { 'lma_collector::logs::openstack': }
class { 'lma_collector::logs::mysql': }
# Logs
if $lma_collector['elasticsearch_mode'] != 'disabled' {
class { 'lma_collector::logs::rabbitmq': }
class { 'lma_collector::logs::mysql': }
if $ha_deployment {
class { 'lma_collector::logs::pacemaker': }
class { 'lma_collector::logs::rabbitmq': }
# Notifications
if $enable_notifications {
class { 'lma_collector::notifications::controller':
host => '',
port => hiera('amqp_port', '5673'),
user => $rabbitmq_user,
password => $rabbit['password'],
topics => $notification_topics,
if $ha_deployment {
class { 'lma_collector::logs::pacemaker': }
# Metrics
if $lma_collector['influxdb_mode'] != 'disabled' {
$nova = hiera('nova')
$neutron = hiera('quantum_settings')
$cinder = hiera('cinder')
$management_vip = hiera('management_vip')
if $ha_deployment {
$rabbitmq_pid_file = '/var/run/rabbitmq/p_pid'
else {
$rabbitmq_pid_file = '/var/run/rabbitmq/pid'
if $ha_deployment {
$haproxy_socket = '/var/lib/haproxy/stats'
@ -145,9 +148,8 @@ if $lma_collector['influxdb_mode'] != 'disabled' {
class { 'lma_collector::logs::metrics': }
if $enable_notifications {
class { 'lma_collector::notifications::metrics': }
# Notification are always collected, lets extract metrics from there
class { 'lma_collector::notifications::metrics': }
# Enable Apache status module
class { 'lma_collector::mod_status': }

View File

@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ attributes:
type: "radio"
weight: 20
value: "local"
label: "Logging analytics"
label: "Events analytics (logs and notifications)"
- data: "disabled"
label: "Disabled"
- data: "local"
label: "Local node"
- data: "remote"
@ -45,17 +47,11 @@ attributes:
source: '^[a-zA-Z\d][a-zA-Z\d_\-.]+$'
error: "Invalid address or name"
type: "checkbox"
weight: 50
value: false
label: "Collect OpenStack notifications"
type: "radio"
weight: 60
value: "disabled"
label: "Metric analytics"
value: "local"
label: "Metrics analytics"
- data: "disabled"
label: "Disabled"
@ -97,6 +93,7 @@ attributes:
restrictions: &disable_influxdb_parameters
- condition: "settings:lma_collector.influxdb_mode.value != 'remote'"
action: "disable"
value: 'lma'
label: 'InfluxDB user'