Add UI options for Alerting feature

4 options:
- disable alerting (default)
- use a local node provided by the LMA Infrastructure Plugin
- use a remote Nagios server
- use the "standalone" SMTP support

implements blueprint alerting-lma-collector

Change-Id: If84275428b3d4b1b4b70177b8f87ec8b5bf6ee80
This commit is contained in:
Swann Croiset 2015-07-28 10:25:45 +02:00
parent ff7d0ea074
commit db695f5a17
3 changed files with 79 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ if $influxdb_mode == 'local' {
$nagios_mode = $lma_collector['nagios_mode']
if $nagios_mode == 'local' {
$alerting_mode = $lma_collector['alerting_mode']
if $alerting_mode == 'local' {
# Check that the LMA-Infrastructure-Alerting plugin is enabled for that environment
# and that the node names match
$infra_alerting = hiera('lma_infrastructure_alerting', false)

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@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ if $lma_collector['influxdb_mode'] != 'disabled' {
$nagios_mode = $lma_collector['nagios_mode']
if $nagios_mode != 'disabled' {
$alerting_mode = $lma_collector['alerting_mode']
if $alerting_mode != 'disabled' {
$deployment_id = hiera('deployment_id')
if $nagios_mode == 'remote' {
if $alerting_mode == 'remote' {
$nagios_url = $lma_collector['nagios_url']
$nagios_user = $lma_collector['nagios_user']
$nagios_password = $lma_collector['nagios_password']
} elsif $nagios_mode == 'local' {
} elsif $alerting_mode == 'local' {
$lma_infra_alerting = hiera('lma_infrastructure_alerting', false)
$nagios_node_name = $lma_infra_alerting['node_name']
$nagios_nodes = filter_nodes(hiera('nodes'), 'user_node_name', $nagios_node_name)
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ if $nagios_mode != 'disabled' {
$http_path = $lma_collector::params::nagios_http_path
$nagios_url = "http://${nagios_server}:${http_port}/${http_path}"
} else {
fail("'${nagios_mode}' mode not supported for the infrastructure alerting service")
fail("'${alerting_mode}' mode not supported for the infrastructure alerting service")
class { 'lma_collector::nagios':

View File

@ -106,20 +106,87 @@ attributes:
- condition: "true"
action: "hide"
type: "radio"
weight: 90
value: "local"
value: "disabled"
label: "Alerting"
- data: "disabled"
label: "Disabled"
- data: "standalone"
label: "Alerts sent by email (requires a SMTP server)"
- data: "local"
label: "Local node"
label: "Alerts sent to a local node running the LMA Infrastructure Alerting plugin"
- data: "remote"
label: "Remote server"
label: "Alerts sent to a remote Nagios server"
restrictions: *all_disabled_msg
value: ''
label: 'The recipient email address'
description: ''
weight: 91
type: "text"
restrictions: &not_standalone
- condition: "settings:lma_collector.alerting_mode.value != 'standalone'"
action: "disable"
regex: &email
source: '[a-z0-9!#$%&*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.?)?[a-z0-9]?(?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?'
error: "Invalid email address"
value: ''
label: 'The sender email address'
description: ''
weight: 92
type: "text"
restrictions: *not_standalone
regex: *email
value: ''
label: 'SMTP server address'
description: 'IP address (or fully qualified domain name) and port of the SMTP server'
weight: 93
type: "text"
restrictions: *not_standalone
source: '^[a-zA-Z\d][a-zA-Z\d_\-.]+(:[0-9]+)?$'
error: 'Invalid address or name'
type: "radio"
weight: 93
value: "none"
label: "SMTP authentication method"
restrictions: *not_standalone
- data: "none"
label: "None"
- data: "Plain"
label: "Plain"
- data: "CRAMMD5"
label: "CRAMMD5"
value: ''
label: 'SMTP user'
description: ''
weight: 96
type: "text"
restrictions: &not_standalone_and_no_auth
- condition: "settings:lma_collector.alerting_mode.value != 'standalone' or settings:lma_collector.alerting_smtp_auth.value == 'none'"
action: "disable"
value: ''
label: 'SMTP password'
description: ''
weight: 97
type: "password"
restrictions: *not_standalone_and_no_auth
value: ''
label: 'Nagios URL'
@ -130,7 +197,7 @@ attributes:
source: '^(http(s?):\/\/)?([a-zA-Z\d]+[a-zA-Z\d_\-.]*)(:[0-9]+)?(\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s.\/\?%#&=]*)?$'
error: "Invalid URL"
restrictions: &not_remote
- condition: "settings:lma_collector.nagios_mode.value != 'remote'"
- condition: "settings:lma_collector.alerting_mode.value != 'remote'"
action: "disable"