Remove the SMTP standalone alerting_mode

This feature was broken and not stable enough for production deployment.

Related-bug: #1606831
Related-bug: #1643542

Change-Id: I0ce52ec01838d891c43d6e797617d3044a02d10f
(cherry picked from commit b7c7e7bdc2)
This commit is contained in:
Swann Croiset 2016-12-08 11:06:40 +01:00
parent 4c287e5f9b
commit dbb85ad2f9
6 changed files with 21 additions and 240 deletions

View File

@ -261,23 +261,9 @@ if hiera('lma::collector::influxdb::server', false) {
class { 'lma_collector::logs::aggregated_http_metrics': }
$alerting_mode = $lma_collector['alerting_mode']
if hiera('lma::collector::infrastructure_alerting::server', false) {
$deployment_id = hiera('deployment_id')
if $alerting_mode == 'standalone' {
$subject = "LMA Alert Notification - environment ${deployment_id}"
class { 'lma_collector::smtp_alert':
send_from => $lma_collector['alerting_send_from'],
send_to => [$lma_collector['alerting_send_to']],
subject => $subject,
host => $lma_collector['alerting_smtp_host'],
auth => $lma_collector['alerting_smtp_auth'],
user => $lma_collector['alerting_smtp_user'],
password => $lma_collector['alerting_smtp_password'],
if hiera('lma::collector::infrastructure_alerting::server', false) {
lma_collector::gse_nagios { 'global':
openstack_deployment_name => $deployment_id,
server => hiera('lma::collector::infrastructure_alerting::server'),

View File

@ -143,34 +143,26 @@ if ($plugin_data) {
if $plugin_data['alerting_mode'] {
# Infrastructure Alerting
$alerting_mode = $plugin_data['alerting_mode']
$lma_infra_alerting = hiera('lma_infrastructure_alerting', {})
$infra_alerting_nodes = get_nodes_hash_by_roles($network_metadata, ['infrastructure_alerting', 'primary-infrastructure_alerting'])
$infra_alerting_nodes_count = count($infra_alerting_nodes)
case $alerting_mode {
'local': {
$infra_vip_name = 'infrastructure_alerting_mgmt_vip'
if $network_metadata['vips'][$infra_vip_name] {
$nagios_server = $network_metadata['vips'][$infra_vip_name]['ipaddr']
} elsif $infra_alerting_nodes_count > 0 {
$nagios_server = $infra_alerting_nodes[0]['internal_address']
} else {
$nagios_server = undef
$nagios_password = $lma_infra_alerting['nagios_password']
default: {
fail("'${alerting_mode}' mode not supported for Nagios")
if $infra_alerting_nodes_count > 0 or $nagios_server {
$nagios_is_deployed = true
} else {
$nagios_is_deployed = false
} else {
$nagios_is_deployed = false
$hiera_file = '/etc/hiera/plugins/lma_collector.yaml'

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
define heka::output::smtp (
$send_from = undef,
$send_to = [],
$message_matcher = 'FALSE',
$encoder = $title,
$subject = '',
$host = '',
$auth = 'none',
$user = undef,
$password = undef,
$send_interval = 0,
$ensure = present,
) {
include heka::params
if ( $auth != 'none' and $auth != 'Plain' and $auth != 'CRAMMD5'){
fail('$auth parameter must be one of: none, Plain or CRAMMD5')
file { "${config_dir}/output-${title}.toml":
ensure => $ensure,
content => template('heka/output/smtp.toml.erb'),
mode => '0600',
owner => $heka::params::user,
group => $heka::params::user,

View File

@ -451,7 +451,6 @@ Public Classes:
* [`lma_collector::aggregator::server`](#class-lma_collectoraggregatorserver)
* [`lma_collector::gse_policies`](#class-lma_collectorgse_policies)
* [`lma_collector::metrics::heka_monitoring`](#class-lma_collectormetricsheka_monitoring)
* [`lma_collector::smtp_alert`](#class-lma_collectorsmtp_alert)
Private Classes:
@ -894,26 +893,6 @@ Declare this class to collect metrics for the Heka services themselves.
log collector listens on.
Valid options: a string. Default: `4352`.
#### Class: `lma_collector::smtp_alert`
Declare this class to send by email the alert notifications based on the GSE
##### Parameters
* `send_from`: *Required*. Sender email address. Valid options: a string.
* `send_to`: *Required*. List of recipient email addresses. Valid options: an array.
* `subject`: *Required*. Email subject. Valid options: a string. Default: `LMA
Alert Notification`.
* `host`: *Optional*. SMTP server address and port. Valid options: a string.
Default: ``.
* `auth`: *Optional*. SMTP authentication method. Valid options: `none`,
`Plain` or `CRAMMD5`. Default: `none`.
* `user`: *Optional*. SMTP username. Valid options: a string. Default: `undef`.
* `password`: *Optional*. SMTP Password. Valid options: a string. Default: `undef`.
* `send_interval`: *Optional*. Minimum time interval in seconds between each
email. Valid options: an integer. Default: `0`.
#### Define: `lma_collector::heka`
Main Define. Install and configure the Log and Metric collector.

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class lma_collector::smtp_alert (
$send_from = undef,
$send_to = [],
$subject = $lma_collector::params::smtp_subject,
$host = '',
$auth = 'none',
$user = undef,
$password = undef,
$send_interval = $lma_collector::params::smtp_send_interval,
$ensure = present,
) inherits lma_collector::params {
include lma_collector::service::metric
$lua_modules_dir = $lma_collector::params::lua_modules_dir
if $host == undef {
fail('host parameter is undef!')
$address_port = split($host, ':')
if count($address_port) == 1 { # missing port
$host_address_port = "${host}:25"
} else {
$host_address_port = $host
heka::encoder::sandbox { 'smtp_alert':
config_dir => $lma_collector::params::metric_config_dir,
filename => "${lma_collector::params::plugins_dir}/encoders/status_smtp.lua",
module_directory => $lua_modules_dir,
notify => Class['lma_collector::service::metric'],
heka::output::smtp { 'smtp_alert':
config_dir => $lma_collector::params::metric_config_dir,
send_from => $send_from,
send_to => $send_to,
message_matcher => 'Type == \'heka.sandbox.gse_cluster_metric\' || Type == \'heka.sandbox.gse_node_cluster_metric\'',
encoder => 'smtp_alert',
subject => $subject,
host => $host_address_port,
auth => $auth,
user => $user,
password => $password,
send_interval => $send_interval,
notify => Class['lma_collector::service::metric'],

View File

@ -89,77 +89,7 @@ attributes:
restrictions: *disable_influxdb_parameters
type: "radio"
type: "checkbox"
weight: 90
value: "local"
label: "Alerting"
- data: "local"
value: true
label: "Alerts sent to the StackLight Infrastructure Alerting plugin (Nagios) if deployed."
- data: "standalone"
label: "Alerts sent by email (requires a SMTP server)"
value: ''
label: 'The recipient email address'
description: ''
weight: 91
type: "text"
restrictions: &not_standalone
- condition: "settings:lma_collector.alerting_mode.value != 'standalone'"
action: "disable"
regex: &email
source: '[a-z0-9!#$%&*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.?)?[a-z0-9]?(?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?'
error: "Invalid email address"
value: ''
label: 'The sender email address'
description: ''
weight: 92
type: "text"
restrictions: *not_standalone
regex: *email
value: ''
label: 'SMTP server address'
description: 'IP address (or fully qualified domain name) and port of the SMTP server'
weight: 93
type: "text"
restrictions: *not_standalone
source: '^[a-zA-Z\d][a-zA-Z\d_\-.]+(:[0-9]+)?$'
error: 'Invalid address or name'
type: "radio"
weight: 93
value: "none"
label: "SMTP authentication method"
restrictions: *not_standalone
- data: "none"
label: "None"
- data: "Plain"
label: "Plain"
- data: "CRAMMD5"
label: "CRAMMD5"
value: ''
label: 'SMTP user'
description: ''
weight: 96
type: "text"
restrictions: &not_standalone_and_no_auth
- condition: "settings:lma_collector.alerting_mode.value != 'standalone' or settings:lma_collector.alerting_smtp_auth.value == 'none'"
action: "disable"
value: ''
label: 'SMTP password'
description: ''
weight: 97
type: "password"
restrictions: *not_standalone_and_no_auth