require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks' require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint' require 'puppet-syntax/tasks/puppet-syntax' require 'metadata-json-lint/rake_task' PuppetLint.configuration.fail_on_warnings = true PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_80chars') PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_class_inherits_from_params_class') PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_class_parameter_defaults') PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_variable_contains_dash') exclude_paths = [ "pkg/**/*", "vendor/**/*", "spec/**/*", ] Rake::Task[:lint].clear :lint do |config| config.ignore_paths = exclude_paths end PuppetSyntax.exclude_paths = exclude_paths desc "Run metadata_lint, lint, syntax, and spec tests." task :test => [ :metadata_lint, :lint, :syntax, :spec ] # Check for the presence of Lua 5.1 lua_version = %x( lua5.1 -v 2>&1 ) lua_present = $?.to_i == 0 ? (lua_version =~ /^Lua 5\.1/) : false if lua_present then task :test => :lua_tests end LUA_TESTS ="tests/**/test_*.lua") desc "Run Lua unit tests." task :lua_tests => [:lua_libraries, :lib_cbuf] do |t| verbose(false) do sh "lua5.1", "-e", "require('lpeg')" do |ok, res| if ! ok then raise "Please install the Lua LPEG package by running: apt-get install lua-lpeg" end end end LUA_TESTS.each do |f| sh "lua5.1", f end Rake::Task[:remove_cbuf_library].invoke end # Need to pull date_time.lua from the lua_sandbox repository because some tests # depend on it indirectly task :lua_libraries => ['tests/lua/mocks/date_time.lua', 'tests/lua/mocks/inspect.lua', 'tests/lua/mocks/anomaly.lua', 'tests/lua/mocks/annotation.lua'] file 'tests/lua/mocks/annotation.lua' do |t| verbose(false) do sh "curl", "-s", "-o",, "" do |ok, res| if ! ok then raise "Fail to download annotation.lua from lua_sandbox repository!" end end end end file 'tests/lua/mocks/anomaly.lua' do |t| verbose(false) do sh "curl", "-s", "-o",, "" do |ok, res| if ! ok then raise "Fail to download anomaly.lua from lua_sandbox repository!" end end end end file 'tests/lua/mocks/date_time.lua' do |t| verbose(false) do sh "curl", "-s", "-o",, "" do |ok, res| if ! ok then raise "Fail to download date_time.lua from lua_sandbox repository!" end end end end file 'tests/lua/mocks/inspect.lua' do |t| verbose(false) do sh "curl", "-s", "-o",, "" do |ok, res| if ! ok then raise "Fail to download inspect.lua from gitub repository!" end end end end task :lib_cbuf => ['./'] cbuf_commit = 'bb6dd9f88f148813315b5a660b7e2ba47f958b31' cbuf_tarball_url = "{ cbuf_commit }.tar.gz" file './' do |t| tmp_directory = File.join('/tmp', "lua_circular_buffer-#{ cbuf_commit }") cbuf_shared_library = File.join(tmp_directory, 'release', '') unless File.exists?(cbuf_shared_library) then # Download the archive from Github and build the library sh "rm -rf #{ tmp_directory } && wget -qO - #{ cbuf_tarball_url } | tar -zxvf - -C /tmp" do |ok, res| unless ok then raise "Failed to download the lua_circular_buffer archive!" end end sh "cd #{ tmp_directory } && mkdir release && cd release && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release .. && make" do |ok, res| unless ok then raise "Failed to compile!" end end end FileUtils.cp(cbuf_shared_library, '.') end task :remove_cbuf_library do |t| verbose(false) do sh 'rm -f ./' end end