#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collectd from collections import Counter from collections import defaultdict from sets import Set import socket import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import collectd_base as base NAME = 'pacemaker' CRM_MON_BINARY = '/usr/sbin/crm_mon' # Node status OFFLINE_STATUS = 0 MAINTENANCE_STATUS = 1 ONLINE_STATUS = 2 class CrmMonitorPlugin(base.Base): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CrmMonitorPlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.plugin = NAME self.crm_mon_binary = CRM_MON_BINARY self.hostname = socket.getfqdn() self.notify_resource = None self.resources = {} self.history = {} def config_callback(self, conf): super(CrmMonitorPlugin, self).config_callback(conf) for node in conf.children: if node.key == 'Hostname': self.hostname = node.values[0] elif node.key == 'CrmMonBinary': self.crm_mon_binary = node.values[0] elif node.key == 'Resource': self.resources[node.values[0]] = node.values[-1] elif node.key == 'NotifyResource': self.notify_resource = node.values[0] def itermetrics(self): def str_to_bool(v): return str(v).lower() == 'true' def str_to_boolint(v): if str_to_bool(v): return 1 else: return 0 def shorten_hostname(v): return v.split('.')[0] def same_hostname(v): if v is not None and v.get('name') == self.hostname: return 1 return 0 retcode, out, err = self.execute( [self.crm_mon_binary, '--as-xml', '-r', '-f'], shell=False) if retcode != 0: raise base.CheckException( "Failed to execute crm_mon '{}'".format(err)) try: root = ET.fromstring(out) except ET.ParseError: raise base.CheckException( "Failed to parse XML '{}'".format(out[:64])) if self.notify_resource: # Notify the other collectd plugins whether the resource runs # locally or not node = root.find('resources/resource[@id="{}"]/node'.format( self.notify_resource)) self.collectd.Notification( type='gauge', message='{{"resource":"{}","value":{}}}'.format( self.notify_resource, same_hostname(node)), severity=self.collectd.NOTIF_OKAY ).dispatch() # The metric needs to be emitted too for the Lua plugins executed # by the metric_collector service yield { 'type_instance': 'local_resource_active', 'values': same_hostname(node), 'meta': {'resource': self.notify_resource, 'host': self.hostname} } summary = root.find('summary') current_dc = summary.find('current_dc') # The metric needs to be emitted for the alarms that leverage the other # metrics emitted by the plugin yield { 'type_instance': 'local_dc_active', 'values': same_hostname(current_dc), 'meta': {'host': self.hostname} } if current_dc.get('name') != self.hostname: # The other metrics are only collected from the cluster's DC return # Report global cluster metrics yield { 'type_instance': 'dc', 'values': str_to_boolint(current_dc.get('present', 'false')) } yield { 'type_instance': 'quorum_status', 'values': str_to_boolint(current_dc.get('with_quorum', 'false')) } yield { 'type_instance': 'configured_nodes', 'values': int(summary.find('nodes_configured').get('number')) } yield { 'type_instance': 'configured_resources', 'values': int(summary.find('resources_configured').get('number')) } # Report node status metrics cluster_nodes = [] aggregated_nodes_status = {'online': 0, 'offline': 0, 'maintenance': 0} nodes_total = 0 for node in root.find('nodes').iter('node'): nodes_total += 1 hostname = shorten_hostname(node.get('name')) cluster_nodes.append(node.get('name')) if str_to_bool(node.get('online')): if str_to_bool(node.get('maintenance')): aggregated_nodes_status['maintenance'] += 1 yield { 'type_instance': 'node_status', 'values': MAINTENANCE_STATUS, 'meta': {'status': 'maintenance', 'host': hostname} } else: aggregated_nodes_status['online'] += 1 yield { 'type_instance': 'node_status', 'values': ONLINE_STATUS, 'meta': {'status': 'online', 'host': hostname} } else: aggregated_nodes_status['offline'] += 1 yield { 'type_instance': 'node_status', 'values': OFFLINE_STATUS, 'meta': {'status': 'offline', 'host': hostname} } for status, cnt in aggregated_nodes_status.items(): yield { 'type_instance': 'nodes_count', 'values': cnt, 'meta': {'status': status} } yield { 'type_instance': 'nodes_percent', 'values': 100.0 * cnt / nodes_total, 'meta': {'status': status} } # Report the number of resources per status # Clone resources can run on multipe nodes while "simple" resources run # only one node at the same time aggregated_resources = defaultdict(Counter) resources = root.find('resources') for resource_id, resource_name in self.resources.iteritems(): resource_elts = [] simple_resource = None clone_resource = resources.find( 'clone/resource[@id="{}"]/..'.format(resource_id)) if not clone_resource: simple_resource = resources.find('resource[@id="{}"]'.format( resource_id)) if simple_resource: resource_elts = [simple_resource] else: resource_elts = clone_resource.findall('resource') if not resource_elts: self.logger.error("{}: Couldn't find resource '{}'".format( self.plugin, resource_id)) continue total = 0 for item in resource_elts: total += 1 if (item.get('role') in ('Slave', 'Master') and not str_to_bool(item.get('failed'))): # Multi-master resource aggregated_resources[resource_name]['up'] += 1 elif item.get('role') == 'Started': aggregated_resources[resource_name]['up'] += 1 else: aggregated_resources[resource_name]['down'] += 1 if simple_resource: # Report on which node the "simple" resource is running for node in cluster_nodes: yield { 'type_instance': 'local_resource_active', 'values': str_to_boolint( node == simple_resource.find('node').get('name')), 'meta': {'resource': resource_name, 'host': shorten_hostname(node)} } for status in ('up', 'down'): cnt = aggregated_resources[resource_name][status] yield { 'type_instance': 'resource_count', 'values': cnt, 'meta': {'status': status, 'resource': resource_name} } yield { 'type_instance': 'resource_percent', 'values': 100.0 * cnt / total, 'meta': {'status': status, 'resource': resource_name} } # Collect operations' history metrics for the monitored resources # # The reported count for the resource's operations is an approximate # value because crm_mon doesn't provide the exact number. To estimate # the number of operations applied to a resource, the plugin keeps a # copy of call_ids and compares it with the current value. for node in root.find('node_history').iter('node'): hostname = shorten_hostname(node.get('name')) if hostname not in self.history: self.history[hostname] = {} for resource_id, resource_name in self.resources.iteritems(): if resource_id not in self.history[hostname]: self.history[hostname][resource_id] = { 'fail_count': 0, 'ops_count': 0, 'call_ids': Set([]) } v = self.history[hostname][resource_id] res_history = node.find('resource_history[@id="{}"]'.format( resource_id)) if res_history: # For simple resources, the resource_history element only # exists for the node that runs the resource v['fail_count'] += int(res_history.get('fail-count', 0)) call_ids = Set([ i.get('call') for i in res_history.findall( 'operation_history')]) if call_ids: v['ops_count'] += len(call_ids - v['call_ids']) v['call_ids'] = call_ids yield { 'type_instance': 'resource_failures', 'values': v['fail_count'], 'meta': {'resource': resource_name, 'host': hostname} } yield { 'type_instance': 'resource_operations', 'values': v['ops_count'], 'meta': {'resource': resource_name, 'host': hostname} } plugin = CrmMonitorPlugin(collectd) def init_callback(): plugin.restore_sigchld() def config_callback(conf): plugin.config_callback(conf) def read_callback(): plugin.read_callback() collectd.register_config(config_callback) collectd.register_read(read_callback)