.. _memcached_metrics: * ``memcached_command_flush``, the cumulative number of flush reqs. * ``memcached_command_get``, the cumulative number of retrieval reqs. * ``memcached_command_set``, the cumulative number of storage reqs. * ``memcached_command_touch``, the cumulative number of touch reqs. * ``memcached_connections_current``, the number of open connections. * ``memcached_df_cache_free``, the current number of free bytes to store items. * ``memcached_df_cache_used``, the current number of bytes used to store items. * ``memcached_items_current``, the current number of items stored. * ``memcached_octets_rx``, the total number of bytes read by this server from the network. * ``memcached_octets_tx``, the total number of bytes sent by this server to the network. * ``memcached_ops_decr_hits``, the number of successful decr reqs. * ``memcached_ops_decr_misses``, the number of decr reqs against missing keys. * ``memcached_ops_evictions``, the number of valid items removed from cache to free memory for new items. * ``memcached_ops_hits``, the number of keys that have been requested. * ``memcached_ops_incr_hits``, the number of successful incr reqs. * ``memcached_ops_incr_misses``, the number of successful incr reqs. * ``memcached_ops_misses``, the number of items that have been requested and not found. * ``memcached_percent_hitratio``, the percentage of get command hits (in cache). * ``memcached_ps_cputime_syst``, the percentage of CPU time spent in system mode by memcached. It can be greater than 100% when the node has more than one CPU. * ``memcached_ps_cputime_user``, the percentage of CPU time spent in user mode by memcached. It can be greater than 100% when the node has more than one CPU. For details, see the `Memcached documentation `_.