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Alarms Configuration Guide


The process of running alarms in LMA is not centralized (like it is often the case in conventional monitoring systems) but distributed across all the Collectors.

Each Collector is individuallly responsible for monitoring the resources and the services that are deployed on the node and for reporting any anomaly or fault it may have detected to the Aggregator.

The anomaly and fault detection logic in LMA is designed more like an "Expert System" in that the Collector and the Aggregator use facts and rules that are executed within the Heka's stream processing pipeline.

The facts are the messages ingested by the Collector into the Heka pipeline. The rules are either threshold monitoring alarms or aggregation and correlation rules. Both are declaratively defined in YAML(tm) files that you can modify. Those rules are executed by a collection of Heka filter plugins written in Lua that are organised according to a configurable processing workflow.

We call these plugins the AFD plugins for Anomaly and Fault Detection plugins and the GSE plugins for Global Status Evaluation plugins.

Both the AFD and GSE plugins in turn create metrics called the AFD metrics and the GSE metrics respectively.

Message flow for the AFD and GSE metrics

The AFD metrics contain information about the health status of a resource like a device, a system component like a filesystem, or service like an API endpoint, at the node level. Then, those AFD metrics are sent on a regular basis by each Collector to the Aggregator where they can be aggregated and correlated hence the name of aggregator.

The GSE metrics contain information about the health status of a service cluster, like the Nova API endpoints cluster, or the RabbitMQ cluster as well as the clusters of nodes, like the Compute cluster or Controller cluster. The health status of a cluster is inferred by the GSE plugins using aggregation and correlation rules and facts contained in the AFD metrics it receives from the Collectors.

In the current version of the LMA Toolchain, three GSE plugins are configured:

  • The Service Cluster GSE which receives metrics from the AFD plugins monitoring the services and emits health status for the clusters of services (nova-api, nova-scheduler and so on).
  • The Node Cluster GSE which receives metrics from the AFD plugins monitoring the system and emits health status for the clusters of nodes (controllers, computes and so on).
  • The Global Cluster GSE which receives metrics from the two other GSE plugins and emits health status for the top-level clusters (Nova, MySQL and so on).

The meaning associated with a health status is the following:

  • Down: One or several primary functions of a cluster are failed. For example, the API service for Nova or Cinder isn't accessible.
  • Critical: One or several primary functions of a cluster are severely degraded. The quality of service delivered to the end-user should be severely impacted.
  • Warning: One or several primary functions of the cluster are slightly degraded. The quality of service delivered to the end-user should be slightly impacted.
  • Unknown: There is not enough data to infer the actual health state of the cluster.
  • Okay: None of the above was found to be true.

The AFD and GSE metrics are also consumed by other groups of Heka plugins we call the Persisters.

  • There is a Persister for InfluxDB which turns the GSE metric messages into InfluxDB data-points and Grafana annotations. They are displayed in Grafana dashboards to represent the health status of the OpenStack services and clusters.
  • There is a Persister for Elasticsearch which turns the AFD metrics messages into AFD events which are indexed in Elasticsearch to be able to search and display the faults and anomalies that occured in the OpenStack environment.
  • There is a Persister for Nagios which turns the GSE metrics messages into passive checks that are sent to Nagios which in turn will send alert notifications when there is a change of state for the services and clusters being monitored.

The AFD metrics and GSE metrics are new types of metrics introduced in LMA v 0.8. They contain detailed information about the entities being monitored. Please refer to the Metrics section of the Developer Guide for further information about the structure of those messages.

Any backend system that has a Persister plugged into the Heka pipeline of the Aggregator can consume those metrics. The idea is to feed those systems with rich operational insights about how OpenStack is operating at scale.

Alarm Configuration

The LMA Toolchain comes out-of-the-box with predefined alarm and correlation rules. We have tried to make the alarm rules comprehensive and relevant enough to cover the most common use cases, but it is possible that your mileage varies depending on the specifics of your environment and monitoring requirements. It is obviously possible to modify the alarm rules or even create new ones. In this case, you will be required to modify the alarm rules configuration file and reapply the Puppet module that will turn the alarm rules into Lua code on each of the nodes you want the change to take effect. This procedure is explained below but first you need to know how the alarm rule structure is defined.

Alarm Structure

An alarm rule is defined declaratively using the YAML syntax as shown in the example below:

name: 'fs-warning'
description: 'Filesystem free space is low'
severity: 'warning'
enabled: 'true'
    - metric: fs_space_percent_free
        fs: '*'
      relational_operator: '<'
      threshold: 5
      window: 60
      periods: 0
      function: min


  Type: unicode
  The name of the alarm definition
  Type: unicode
  A description of the alarm definition for humans
  Type: Enum(0 (down), 1 (critical) , 2 (warning))
  The severity of the alarm
  Type: Enum('true' | 'false')
  The alarm is enabled or disabled
   Type: Enum('lt' | '<' | 'gt' | '>' | 'lte' | '<=' | 'gte' | '>=')
   The comparison against the alarm threshold
   Type: list
   List of rules to execute
   Type: Enum('and' | '&&' | 'or' | '||')
   The conjonction relation for the alarm rules.
   Type: unicode
   The name of the metric
  Type: unicode
  The value of the metric
  Type: list
  List of field name / value pairs (a.k.a dimensions) used to select a particular device for the metric such as a network interface name or file system mount point. If value is specified as an empty string (""), then the rule is applied to all the aggregated values for the specified field name like for example the file system mount point. If value is specified as the '' wildcard character, then the rule is applied to each of the metrics matching the metric name and field name. For example, the alarm definition sample given above would run the rule for each of the file system mount points associated with thefs_space_percent_free* metric.
  Type: integer
  The in memory time-series analysis window in seconds
  Type: integer
  The number of prior time-series analysis window to compare the window with (this is
  not implemented yet)
  Type: enum('last' | 'min' | 'max' | 'sum' | 'count' | 'avg' | 'median' | 'mode' | 'roc' | 'mww' | 'mww_nonparametric')
      returns the last value of all the values
      returns the minimum of all the values
      returns the maximum of all the values
      returns the sum of all the values
      returns the number of metric observations
      returns the arithmetic mean of all the values
      returns the middle value of all the values (not implemented yet)
      returns the value that occurs most often in all the values
      (not implemented yet)
      returns the result (true, false) of the rate of change test function of
      Heka (not implemented yet)
      returns the result (true, false) of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test function
      of Heka that can be used only with normal distributions (not implemented yet)
      returns the result (true, false) of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon
      test function of Heka that can be used with non-normal distributions (not implemented yet)
      returns the difference between the last value and the first value of all the values
  Type: float
  The threshold of the alarm rule

How to modify an alarm?

To modify an alarm, you need to edit the /etc/hiera/override/alarming.yaml file. This file has three different sections:

  • The first section contains a list of alarms.

  • The second section defines the mapping between the internal definition of a cluster and one or several Fuel roles. The definition of a cluster is abstrat. It can be mapped to any Fuel role(s). In the example below, we define three clusters for:

    • controller,
    • compute,
    • and storage
  • The third section defines how the alarms are assingned to clusters. In the example below, the controller cluster is assigned to four alarms:

    • Two alarms ['cpu-critical-controller', 'cpu-warning-controller'] grouped as system alarms.
    • Two alarms ['fs-critical', 'fs-warning'] grouped as fs (file system) alarms.

The alarm groups is a mere implementaton artifact (although it has some practicall usefulness) that is used to divide the workload across several Lua plugins. Since the Lua plugins runtime is sandboxed within Heka, it is preferable to run smaller sets of alarms in different plugins rather than a large set of alarms in a single plugin. This is to avoid having plugins shut down by Heka because they use too much CPU or memory. Furthermore, the alarm groups are used to identify what we call a source. A source is defined by a tuple which includes the name of the cluster and the name of the alarm group. For example the tuple ['controller', 'system'] identifies a source. The tuple ['controller', 'fs'] identifies another source. The interesting thing about the source is that it is used by the GSE Plugins to find out whether it has received enough data (from its 'known' sources) to issue a health status or not. If it doesn't, then the GSE Plugin will issue a GSE Metric with an Unknown health status when it has reached the end of the ticker interval period. By default, the ticker interval for the GSE Plugins is set to 10 seconds. This practically means that every 10 seconds, a GSE Plugin is compelled to send a GSE Metric regardless of the metrics it has received from the upstream GSE Plugins and/or AFD Plugins.

Here is an example of the definition of an alarm and how that alarm is assigned to a cluster:

    # The alarms list
    - name: 'cpu-critical-controller'
      description: 'CPU critical on controller'
      severity: 'critical'
      enabled: 'true'
        logical_operator: 'or'
          - metric: cpu_idle
            relational_operator: '<='
            threshold: 5
            window: 120
            periods: 0
            function: avg
          - metric: cpu_wait
            relational_operator: '>='
            threshold: 35
            window: 120
            periods: 0
            function: avg


    # Cluster name to roles mapping section
    controller: ['primary-controller', 'controller']
    compute: ['compute']
    storage: ['cinder', 'ceph-osd']

    # Cluster name to alarms assignement section
      system: ['cpu-critical-controller', 'cpu-warning-controller']
      fs: ['fs-critical', 'fs-warning']

In this example, you can see that the alarm cpu-critical-controller is assigned to the controller cluster (or in other words) to the nodes assigned to the primary-controller or controller roles.

This alarm tells the system that any node that is associated with the controller cluster is claimed to be critical (severity: 'critical') if any of the rules in the alarm evaluates to true.

The first rule says that the alarm evaluates to true if the metric cpu_idle has been in average (function: avg) below or equal (relational_operator: <=) to 5 (this metric is expressed in percentage) for the last 5 minutes (window: 120)

Or (logical_operator: 'or')

if the metric cpu_wait has been in average (function: avg) superiror or equal (relational_operator: >=) to 35 (this metric is expressed in percentage) for the last 5 minutes (window: 120)

Once you have edited and saved the /etc/hiera/override/alarming.yaml file, you need to re-apply the Puppet module:

# puppet apply --modulepath=/etc/fuel/plugins/lma_collector-0.8/puppet/modules/ \

This will restart the LMA Collector with your change.

Cluster policies

GSE plugins are driven by policies that describe how plugins determine the cluster's health status.

By default, two policies are defined:

  • highest_severity, it defines that the cluster's status depends on the member with the highest severity, typically used for a cluster of services.
  • majority_of_members, it defines that the cluster is healthy as long as (N+1)/2 members of the cluster are healthy. This is typically used for clusters managed by Pacemaker.

The GSE policies are defined declaratively in the /etc/hiera/override/gse_filters.yaml file at the gse_policies entry.

A policy consists of a list of rules which are evaluated against the current status of the cluster's members. When one of the rules matches, the cluster's status gets the value associated with the rule and the evaluation stops here. The last rule of the list is usually a catch-all rule that defines the default status in case none of the previous rules could be matched.

A policy rule is defined as shown in the example below:

# The following rule definition reads as: "the cluster's status is critical
# if more than 50% of its members are either down or criticial"
- status: critical
    logical_operator: or
      - function: percent
        arguments: [ down, critical ]
        relational_operator: '>'
        threshold: 50


  Type: Enum(down, critical, warning, okay, unknown)
  The cluster's status if the condition is met
   Type: Enum('and' | '&&' | 'or' | '||')
   The conjonction relation for the condition rules
   Type: list
   List of condition rules to execute
  Type: enum('count' | 'percent')
      returns the number of members that match the passed value(s).
      returns the percentage of members that match the passed value(s).
   Type: list of status values
   List of status values passed to the function
   Type: Enum('lt' | '<' | 'gt' | '>' | 'lte' | '<=' | 'gte' | '>=')
   The comparison against the threshold
  Type: float
  The threshold value

Lets now take a more detailed look at the policy called highest_severity:


    - status: down
        logical_operator: or
          - function: count
            arguments: [ down ]
            relational_operator: '>'
            threshold: 0
    - status: critical
        logical_operator: or
          - function: count
            arguments: [ critical ]
            relational_operator: '>'
            threshold: 0
    - status: warning
        logical_operator: or
          - function: count
            arguments: [ warning ]
            relational_operator: '>'
            threshold: 0
    - status: okay
        logical_operator: or
          - function: count
            arguments: [ okay ]
            relational_operator: '>'
            threshold: 0
    - status: unknown

The policy definition reads as:

  • The status of the cluster is Down if the status of at least one cluster's member is Down.
  • Otherwise the status of the cluster is Critical if the status of at least one cluster's member is Critical.
  • Otherwise the status of the cluster is Warning if the status of at least one cluster's member is Warning.
  • Otherwise the status of the cluster is Okay if the status of at least one cluster's entity is Okay.
  • Otherwise the status of the cluster is Unknown.