
211 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class lma_collector::params {
$service_name = 'lma_collector'
$config_dir = "/etc/${service_name}"
$plugins_dir = "/usr/share/${service_name}"
$apt_config_file = '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99norecommends'
$pacemaker_managed = false
# Address and port of the Heka dashboard for health reports.
$dashboard_address = ''
$dashboard_port = '4352'
$aggregator_address = ''
$aggregator_port = 5565
$watchdog_file = "/tmp/${service_name}.watchdog"
$watchdog_payload_name = "${service_name}.watchdog"
$watchdog_interval = 1
$watchdog_timeout = 5 * $watchdog_interval
$tags = {}
$syslog_pattern = '<%PRI%>%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg%\n'
# same pattern except the <PRI> tag
$fallback_syslog_pattern = '%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg%\n'
# required to read the log files
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
$run_as_root = false
$groups = ['syslog', 'adm']
'RedHat': {
# For CentOS, the LMA collector needs to run as root because the files
# created by RSyslog aren't created with the correct mode for now.
$run_as_root = true
$groups = []
default: {
fail("${::osfamily} not supported")
# The maximum size of 158Kb was observed during a load test with 50 nodes,
# this is required by elasticsearch buffered output.
# Lets configure 192Kb by default.
# see https://github.com/mozilla-services/heka/issues/1389
$hekad_max_message_size = 192*1024
# max_file_size must be greater than maximum record size of
# max_message_size otherwise it will fail to initialize buffer.
$buffering_max_file_size = 256*1024
if $buffering_max_file_size < $hekad_max_message_size {
fail('max_message_size setting must be greater than max_file_size')
# Injection of 2 messages from the filter 'service_status'
# Heka default is 1
$hekad_max_process_inject = 2
# We inject as many messages than the number of OpenStack services in the Heka
# filter 'service_accumulator_states'. Currently 10 services.
# Hekad default is fine so far with 10 messages allowed from TimerEvent function
$hekad_max_timer_inject = 10
# Parameters for OpenStack notifications
$rabbitmq_host = false
$rabbitmq_port = '5672'
$rabbitmq_user = ''
$rabbitmq_password = ''
$rabbitmq_exchange = ''
$lma_topic = 'lma_notifications'
$openstack_topic = 'notifications'
$notification_driver = 'messaging'
# collectd parameters
$collectd_port = '8325'
$collectd_interval = 10
$collectd_queue_limit = 10000
$collectd_read_threads = 5
$collectd_logfile = '/var/log/collectd.log'
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
$python_module_path = '/usr/lib/collectd'
$collectd_dbi_package = 'libdbd-mysql'
'RedHat': {
$python_module_path = '/usr/lib64/collectd'
$collectd_dbi_package = 'libdbi-dbd-mysql'
default: {
fail("${::osfamily} not supported")
$additional_packages = [ 'python-dateutil' ]
$mysql_database = ''
$mysql_username = ''
$mysql_password = ''
$openstack_user = ''
$openstack_password = ''
$openstack_tenant = ''
$openstack_url = ''
$openstack_client_timeout = 5
$nova_cpu_allocation_ratio = 8.0
$memcached_host = ''
$fstypes = ['ext2', 'ext3', 'ext4', 'xfs']
$collectd_types = [ 'ceph', 'ceph_perf' ]
$heartbeat_timeout = 30
$service_status_timeout = 65
$service_status_interval = floor($collectd_interval * 1.5)
$service_status_payload_name = 'service_status'
$annotations_serie_name = 'annotations'
# Catch all metrics used to compute OpenStack service statutes
$service_status_metrics_matcher = join([
'(Type == \'metric\' || Type == \'heka.sandbox.metric\') && ',
'(Fields[name] =~ /^openstack_(nova|cinder|neutron)_(services|agents)$/ || ',
# Exception for mysqld backend because the MySQL service status is
# computed by a dedicated filter and this avoids to send an annoying
# status Heka message.
'(Fields[name] == \'haproxy_backend_servers\' && Fields[backend] !~ /mysql/) || ',
'(Fields[name] == \'pacemaker_local_resource_active\' && Fields[resource] == \'vip__public\') || ',
'Fields[name] =~ /^openstack.*check_api$/)'
], '')
$worker_report_interval = 60
$worker_downtime_factor = 2
$elasticsearch_server = false
$elasticsearch_port = '9200'
$influxdb_server = false
$influxdb_port = '8086'
$influxdb_database = 'lma'
$influxdb_user = 'lma'
$influxdb_password = 'lmapass'
$influxdb_timeout = 5
$influxdb_time_precision = 'ms'
$apache_status_host = ''
$apache_allow_from = ['','::1']
$haproxy_names_mapping = {
'cinder-api' => 'cinder-api',
'glance-api' => 'glance-api',
'glance-registry' => 'glance-registry-api',
'heat-api' => 'heat-api',
'heat-api-cfn' => 'heat-cfn-api',
'heat-api-cloudwatch' => 'heat-cloudwatch-api',
'horizon' => 'horizon-web',
'horizon-ssl' => 'horizon-https',
'keystone-1' => 'keystone-public-api',
'keystone-2' => 'keystone-admin-api',
'murano' => 'murano-api',
'mysqld' => 'mysqld-tcp',
'neutron' => 'neutron-api',
'nova-api-1' => 'nova-ec2-api',
'nova-api-2' => 'nova-api',
'nova-novncproxy' => 'nova-novncproxy-websocket',
'nova-metadata-api' => 'nova-metadata-api',
'sahara' => 'sahara-api',
'swift' => 'swift-api',
# Nagios parameters
$nagios_server = 'localhost'
$nagios_http_port = 8001
$nagios_http_path = 'cgi-bin/cmd.cgi'
$nagios_user = 'nagiosadmin'
$nagios_password = ''
$nagios_timeout = 2
# Following parameter must match the lma_infrastructure_alerting::params::nagios_openstack_dummy_hostname
$nagios_hostname_service_status = '00-openstack-services'
# Following parameter must match the lma_infrastructure_alerting::params::openstack_core_services
$nagios_event_status_name_to_service_name_map = {
'nova' => 'openstack.nova.status',
'keystone' => 'openstack.keystone.status',
'glance' => 'openstack.glance.status',
'cinder' => 'openstack.cinder.status',
'neutron' => 'openstack.neutron.status',
'heat' => 'openstack.heat.status',
'horizon' => 'openstack.horizon.status',
'swift' => 'openstack.swift.status',
'ceilometer' => 'openstack.ceilometer.status',
'radosgw' => 'openstack.radosgw.status',
# Parameters for SMTP alert of service status
$smtp_from = 'lma-alert@localhost.localdomain'
$smtp_subject = 'LMA Alert Notification'
$smtp_send_interval = 0