========== User Guide ========== Environment configuration ========================= #. Create an environment with vxlans support. For more information about environment creation, see `Fuel User Guide `_. #. Plugin reguire installed and enabled Networking SFC plugin for Fuel. Source code and documentation for this plugin, can be found here: `Networking SFC plugin for Fuel `_. #. In *Environments* tab choose an environment for which you want to install Murano Networking SFC plugin. #. Enable plugin by checking *Fuel plugin for Murano networking sfc support* on *Settings* tab in *Other* section. .. image:: images/enableplugin.png :width: 50% #. Adjust other environment settings to match your needs and deploy the environment. For more information, see `Configure your Environment `_. #. Plugin reguires `patch `_ which is not delivered in Murano in Fuel 9.0. So if you are using 9.0 you have to update Murano to the latest version after sucessfull deployment .. image:: images/success.png :width: 50% You need to do:: On controller nodes:: # apt-get install git zip -y # git clone https://github.com/openstack/murano.git # cd murano # git checkout -t origin/stable/mitaka # python setup.py install On primary controller also:: # cd meta/io.murano # zip -r ~/Core.zip * # murano package-import ~/Core.zip --exists u Restart murano services after murano update on all controllers:: # service murano-api restart # service murano-engine restart