.. _installation: Installation Guide ------------------- Installing VPNaaS plugin ++++++++++++++++++++++++ #. Download the plug­in from `Fuel Plugins Catalog`_. #. Copy the plug­in on already installed Fuel Master node:: [user@home ~]$ scp vpnaas-plugin-1.2-1.2.0-1.noarch.rpm root@:/ :~/ #. Log into the Fuel Master node. Install the plugin:: [root@fuel ~]# fuel plugins --install vpnaas-plugin-1.2-1.2.0-1.noarch.rpm #. Verify that the plugin is installed correctly:: [root@fuel ~]# fuel plugins --list id | name | version | package_version ---|---------------|---------|---------------- 1 | vpnaas_plugin | 1.2.0 | 2.0.0 Creating Environment with VPNaaS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #. After plug­in is installed, create a new OpenStack environment with Neutron. #. `Configure your environment`_. #. Open the Settings tab of the Fuel web UI and scroll down the page. Select VPNaaS plugin checkbox: .. image:: _static/vpnaas_in_fuel_ui.png #. `Deploy your environment`_. ********** References ********** .. target-notes:: .. _Fuel Plugins Catalog: https://software.mirantis.com/download-mirantis-openstack-fuel-plug-ins .. _Configure your environment: http://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-7.0/user-guide.html#configure-your-environment .. _Deploy your environment: http://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-7.0/user-guide.html#deploy-changes