Implement plugin actions: install package, configure nsx.ini

Implement two deployment actions:
* python-vmware-nsx (contains Neutron NSX plugin) installation
* pass UI parameters into nsx.ini file

Plugin contains custom type `nsx_config' to configure settings in
nsx.ini file.

Plugin reuses network:neutron:core:nsx component due to a hardcoded
restriction in fuel UI. This makes impossible simultaneous usage of
NSX-T and NSXv plugins.

Change-Id: I963a9a8c1d5d8c27324bf01a6ae10be23075f413
This commit is contained in:
Igor Zinovik 2016-08-16 16:40:09 +03:00
parent 0193e797e2
commit c6eac64196
17 changed files with 294 additions and 166 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Fuel NSX-T plugin
Plugin description
The plugin allows Fuel deployment engineers install OpenStack that will use
VMware NSX Transformers as network backend for Neutron.

View File

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
# This file contains wizard components descriptions that are pretty similar to
# the `environment_config.yaml`.
# Please, take a look at following link for the details:
# -
# -
- name: additional_service:nsx
compatible: []
- name: network:neutron:core:nsx
label: "Neutron with NSX-T plugin"
description: "NSX Transformers uses STT tunneling protocol. NSX must be up and running before OpenStack deployment!"
bind: !!pairs
- "cluster:net_segment_type": "tun"
- name: "hypervisor:vmware"
- name: "hypervisor:qemu"
- name: "storage:block:lvm"
- name: "storage:image:ceph"
- name: "storage:object:ceph"
requires: []
incompatible: []
label: "Plugin label, that will be shown on UI"
description: "Component description (optional)"
- name: "additional_service:ironic"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# It's a script which deploys your plugin
echo nsx > /tmp/nsx

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
notice('fuel-plugin-nsx-t: configure-plugin.pp')
include ::nsxt::params
file { $::nsxt::params::nsx_plugin_dir:
ensure => directory,
file { $::nsxt::params::nsx_plugin_config:
ensure => present,
content => template("nsxt/nsx.ini")
$settings = hiera($::nsxt::params::hiera_key)
$managers = $settings['nsx_api_managers']
$user = $settings['nsx_api_user']
$password = $settings['nsx_api_password']
$overlay_tz = $settings['default_overlay_tz_uuid']
$vlan_tz = $settings['default_vlan_tz_uuid']
$tier0_router = $settings['default_tier0_router_uuid']
$edge_cluster = $settings['default_edge_cluster_uuid']
nsx_config {
'nsx_v3/nsx_api_managers': value => $managers;
'nsx_v3/nsx_api_user': value => $user;
'nsx_v3/nsx_api_password': value => $password;
'nsx_v3/default_overlay_tz_uuid': value => $overlay_tz;
'nsx_v3/default_vlan_tz_uuid': value => $vlan_tz;
'nsx_v3/default_tier0_router_uuid': value => $tier0_router;
'nsx_v3/default_edge_cluster_uuid': value => $edge_cluster;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
notice('fuel-plugin-nsx-t: install-nsx-plugin.pp')
include ::nsxt::params
package { $::nsxt::params::plugin_package:
ensure => present,

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
:parent => Puppet::Type.type(:openstack_config).provider(:ini_setting)
) do
def file_path
def separator
' = '

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Puppet::Type::newtype(:nsx_config) do
newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do
desc 'Section name to manage from nsx.ini'
newparam(:secret, :boolean => true) do
newvalues(:true, :false)
defaultto false
newparam(:ensure_absent_val) do
newproperty(:value) do
munge do |value|
value = value.to_s.strip
newvalues(/^[\S ]*$/)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
class nsxt::params {
$hiera_key = 'nsx-t'
$plugin_package = 'python-vmware-nsx'
$core_plugin = 'vmware_nsx.plugin.NsxV3Plugin'
$nsx_plugin_dir = '/etc/neutron/plugins/vmware'
$nsx_plugin_config = '/etc/neutron/plugins/vmware/nsx.ini'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# IP address of one or more NSX managers separated by commas.
# The IP address should be of the form:
# [<scheme>://]<ip_adress>[:<port>]
# If scheme is not provided https is used. If port is not provided
# port 80 is used for http and port 443 for https.
nsx_api_managers =
# User name of NSX Manager
nsx_api_user =
# Password of NSX Manager
nsx_api_password =
# UUID of the default NSX overlay transport zone that will be used for creating
# tunneled isolated Neutron networks. If no physical network is specified when
# creating a logical network, this transport zone will be used by default
default_overlay_tz_uuid =
# (Optional) Only required when creating VLAN or flat provider networks. UUID
# of default NSX VLAN transport zone that will be used for bridging between
# Neutron networks, if no physical network has been specified
default_vlan_tz_uuid =
# Default Edge Cluster Identifier
default_edge_cluster_uuid =
# Maximum number of times to retry API requests upon stale revision errors.
# retries = 10
# Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying the NSX Manager
# server certificate. This option is ignored if "insecure" is set to True.
# If "insecure" is set to False and ca_file is unset, the system root CAs
# will be used to verify the server certificate.
# ca_file =
# If true, the NSX Manager server certificate is not verified. If false
# the CA bundle specified via "ca_file" will be used or if unset the
# default system root CAs will be used.
# insecure = True
# The time in seconds before aborting a HTTP connection to a NSX manager.
http_timeout = 10
# The time in seconds before aborting a HTTP read response from a NSX manager.
http_read_timeout = 180
# Maximum number of times to retry a HTTP connection.
http_retries = 3
# Maximum number of connection connections to each NSX manager.
concurrent_connections = 10
# The amount of time in seconds to wait before ensuring connectivity to
# the NSX manager if no manager connection has been used.
conn_idle_timeout = 10
# UUID of the default tier0 router that will be used for connecting to
# tier1 logical routers and configuring external networks
default_tier0_router_uuid =
# (Optional) UUID of the default NSX bridge cluster that will be used to
# perform L2 gateway bridging between VXLAN and VLAN networks. It is an
# optional field. If default bridge cluster UUID is not specified, admin will
# have to manually create a L2 gateway corresponding to a NSX Bridge Cluster
# using L2 gateway APIs. This field must be specified on one of the active
# neutron servers only.
# default_bridge_cluster_uuid =
# (Optional) The number of nested groups which are used by the plugin,
# each Neutron security-groups is added to one nested group, and each nested
# group can contain as maximum as 500 security-groups, therefore, the maximum
# number of security groups that can be created is
# 500 * number_of_nested_groups.
# The default is 8 nested groups, which allows a maximum of 4k security-groups,
# to allow creation of more security-groups, modify this figure.
# number_of_nested_groups =
# Acceptable values for 'metadata_mode' are:
# - 'access_network': this enables a dedicated connection to the metadata
# proxy for metadata server access via Neutron router.
# - 'dhcp_host_route': this enables host route injection via the dhcp agent.
# This option is only useful if running on a host that does not support
# namespaces otherwise access_network should be used.
# metadata_mode = access_network
# If True, an internal metadata network will be created for a router only when
# the router is attached to a DHCP-disabled subnet.
# metadata_on_demand = False

View File

@ -1,62 +1,29 @@
# These tasks will be merged into deployment graph. Here you
# can specify new tasks for any roles, even built-in ones.
- id: nsx_role
type: group
role: [nsx_role]
type: parallel
- id: nsx-deployment-puppet
type: puppet
role: [nsx_role]
# If you do not want to use task-based deployment that is introduced as experimental
# in fuel v8.0 comment code section below this comment, uncomment two lines below it
# and do the same for tasks below.
- id: nsx-t-install-plugin
version: 2.0.0
- name: deploy_start
- name: deploy_end
# requires: [deploy_start] # version 1.0.0
# required_for: [deploy_end]
type: puppet
- primary-controller
- controller
- nsx-t-configure-plugin
- openstack-network-common-config
puppet_manifest: "deploy.pp"
puppet_modules: "."
timeout: 3600
puppet_manifest: puppet/manifests/install-nsx-plugin.pp
puppet_modules: puppet/modules
timeout: 60
#- id: nsx-post-deployment-sh
# type: shell
# role: [nsx_role]
# version: 2.0.0
# cross-depends:
# - name: post_deployment_start
# cross-depended-by:
# - name: post_deployment_end
# # requires: [post_deployment_start]
# # required_for: [post_deployment_end]
# parameters:
# cmd: echo post_deployment_task_executed > /tmp/post_deployment
# retries: 3
# interval: 20
# timeout: 180
#- id: nsx-pre-deployment-sh
# type: shell
# role: [nsx_role]
# version: 2.0.0
# cross-depends:
# - name: pre_deployment_start
# cross-depended-by:
# - name: pre_deployment_end
# # requires: [pre_deployment_start]
# # required_for: [pre_deployment_end]
# parameters:
# cmd: echo pre_deployment_task_executed > /tmp/pre_deployment
# retries: 3
# interval: 20
# timeout: 180
- id: nsx-t-configure-plugin
version: 2.0.0
type: puppet
- primary-controller
- controller
- openstack-network-neutron-start
- openstack-network-server-nova
puppet_manifest: puppet/manifests/configure-plugin.pp
puppet_modules: puppet/modules:/etc/puppet/modules
timeout: 60

View File

@ -1,11 +1,64 @@
# Settings group can be one of "general", "security", "compute", "network",
# "storage", "logging", "openstack_services" and "other".
group: 'other'
value: 'Set default value'
label: 'Text field'
description: 'Description for text field'
group: network
value: ''
label: 'NSX Manager'
description: 'Multiple IP addresses can be separated by commas'
weight: 10
type: "text"
source: &non_empty '^.+$'
error: 'Enter IPv4 address'
value: admin
label: 'User'
description: ''
weight: 15
type: "text"
source: *non_empty
error: 'User field cannot be empty'
value: ''
label: 'Password'
description: ''
weight: 20
type: "password"
source: *non_empty
error: 'Password field cannot be empty'
value: ''
label: 'Overlay transport zone ID'
description: ''
weight: 25
type: "text"
source: &uuid '[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}'
error: 'Enter transport zone UUID'
value: ''
label: 'VLAN transport zone ID'
description: ''
weight: 30
type: "text"
source: *uuid
error: 'Enter transport zone UUID'
value: ''
label: 'Tier-0 router ID'
weight: 35
source: *uuid
error: 'Enter tier-0 router UUID'
type: "text"
value: ''
label: 'Edge cluster'
weight: 40
source: *uuid
error: 'Enter cluster UUID'
type: "text"

View File

@ -1,26 +1,14 @@
# Plugin name
name: nsx
# Human-readable name for your plugin
title: Title for nsx plugin
# Plugin version
name: nsx-t
title: NSX Transformers plugin
version: '1.0.0'
# Description
description: Please describe your plugin here
# Required fuel version
fuel_version: ['8.0']
# Specify license of your plugin
description: ''
fuel_version: ['9.0']
licenses: ['Apache License Version 2.0']
# Specify author or company name
authors: ['Specify author or company name']
# A link to the plugin's page
homepage: ''
# Specify a group which your plugin implements, possible options:
# network, storage, storage::cinder, storage::glance, hypervisor,
# equipment
groups: []
# Change `false` to `true` if the plugin can be installed in the environment
# after the deployment.
is_hotpluggable: false
- 'Artem Savinov, Mirantis'
- 'Igor Zinovik, Mirantis'
groups: ['network']
# The plugin is compatible with releases in the list
@ -32,3 +20,4 @@ releases:
# Version of plugin package
package_version: '4.0.0'
is_hotpluggable: false

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# Unique network role name
- id: "example_net_role"
# Role mapping to network
default_mapping: "public"
# Should be true if network role requires subnet being set
subnet: true
# Should be true if network role requires gateway being set
gateway: false
# List of VIPs to be allocated
# Unique VIP name
- name: "vip_name"
# Optional linux namespace for VIP
namespace: "haproxy"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# Role name
name: "Set here the name for the role. This name will be displayed in the Fuel web UI"
# Role description
description: "Write description for your role"
# If primary then during orchestration this role will be
# separated into primary-role and role
has_primary: false
# Assign public IP to node if true
public_ip_required: false
# Weight that will be used to sort out the
# roles on the Fuel web UI
weight: 1000

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# WARNING: `tasks.yaml` will be deprecated in further releases.
# Please, use `deployment_tasks.yaml` to describe tasks instead.
# This tasks will be applied on controller nodes,
# here you can also specify several roles, for example
# ['cinder', 'compute'] will be applied only on
# cinder and compute nodes
- role: ['controller']
stage: post_deployment
type: shell
cmd: bash
timeout: 42
# Task is applied for all roles
- role: '*'
stage: pre_deployment
type: shell
cmd: echo all > /tmp/plugin.all
timeout: 42
# "reboot" task reboots the nodes and waits until they get back online
# - role: '*'
# stage: pre_deployment
# type: reboot
# parameters:
# timeout: 600

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# Default role mapping
- {allocate_size: "min", id: "os"}
# Set here new volumes for your role
volumes: []