attributes: metadata: group: network insecure: value: true label: "" description: '' weight: 1 type: 'hidden' ca_file: value: '' label: 'CA certificate file' description: 'Specify a CA certificate file to use in NSX Manager certificate verification' weight: 5 type: 'file' restrictions: - condition: "settings:nsx-t.insecure.value == true" action: "hide" nsx_api_managers: value: '' label: 'NSX Manager' description: 'Multiple IP addresses can be separated by commas' weight: 10 type: "text" regex: source: &non_empty '^.+$' error: 'Enter IPv4 address' nsx_api_user: value: admin label: 'User' description: '' weight: 15 type: "text" regex: source: *non_empty error: 'User field cannot be empty' nsx_api_password: value: '' label: 'Password' description: '' weight: 20 type: "password" regex: source: *non_empty error: 'Password field cannot be empty' default_overlay_tz_uuid: value: '' label: 'Overlay transport zone ID' description: '' weight: 25 type: "text" regex: source: &uuid '[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}' error: 'Enter transport zone UUID' default_vlan_tz_uuid: value: '' label: 'VLAN transport zone ID' description: '' weight: 30 type: "text" regex: source: *uuid error: 'Enter transport zone UUID' default_tier0_router_uuid: value: '' label: 'Tier-0 router ID' weight: 35 regex: source: *uuid error: 'Enter tier-0 router UUID' type: "text" default_edge_cluster_uuid: value: '' label: 'Edge cluster' weight: 40 regex: source: *uuid error: 'Enter cluster UUID' type: "text" uplink_profile_uuid: value: '' label: 'Uplink profile ID' weight: 45 regex: source: *uuid error: 'Enter uplink profile ID' type: "text" controller_ip_pool_uuid: value: '' label: 'IP pool ID for controller VTEPs' weight: 50 regex: source: *uuid error: 'Enter IP pool ID' type: "text" controller_pnics_pairs: value: "enp0s1:uplink-1" label: 'STT pnic:uplink pairs for openstack controllers' description: 'Colon separated pnics pairs for controllers, each pair on separate line' weight: 55 type: "textarea" compute_ip_pool_uuid: value: '' label: 'IP pool ID for compute VTEPs' weight: 60 regex: source: *uuid error: 'Enter IP pool ID' type: "text" compute_pnics_pairs: value: "enp0s1:uplink-1" label: 'STT pnic:uplink pairs for openstack computes' description: 'Colon separated pnics pairs for compute nodes, each pair on separate line' weight: 65 type: "textarea" floating_ip_range: value: '' label: 'Floating IP range' description: 'Dash separated IP addresses allocation pool from external network, e.g. "start_ip_address-end_ip_address"' weight: 70 type: 'text' regex: source: '^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}-(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' error: 'Invalid IP ranges' floating_net_cidr: value: '' label: 'External network CIDR' description: 'Network in CIDR notation that includes floating IP ranges' weight: 75 type: 'text' regex: source: '^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$' error: 'Invalid network in CIDR notation' floating_net_gw: value: '' label: 'Gateway' description: 'Default gateway for external network, if not defined, first IP address of the network is used' weight: 80 type: 'text' internal_net_cidr: value: '' label: 'Internal network CIDR' description: 'Network in CIDR notation for use as internal' weight: 85 type: 'text' regex: source: '^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$' error: 'Invalid network in CIDR notation' internal_net_dns: value: '' label: 'DNS for internal network' description: 'Comma separated IP addresses of DNS server for internal network' weight: 90 type: 'text'