#!/bin/bash # Add here any the actions which are required before plugin build # like packages building, packages downloading from mirrors and so on. # The script should return 0 if there were no errors. set -eux ROOT="$(dirname `readlink -f $0`)" RPM_REPO="${ROOT}"/repositories/centos/ # Download ScaleIO for RHEL6 (zip file) wget -nv ftp://ftp.emc.com/Downloads/ScaleIO/ScaleIO_RHEL6_Download.zip -O /tmp/ScaleIO_RHEL6_Download.zip # Unzip files unzip -o /tmp/ScaleIO_RHEL6_Download.zip -d /tmp/scaleio/ # Copy RPM files to the repository cp /tmp/scaleio/ScaleIO_*_RHEL6*/*.rpm /tmp/scaleio/ScaleIO_*_Gateway_for_Linux*/*.rpm /tmp/scaleio/ScaleIO_*_GUI_for_Linux*/*.rpm "${RPM_REPO}"