Update spec and user guide

Change-Id: I1eb8e2b076ec966b08c182c9a4cc8c6296de778a
This commit is contained in:
Igor Gajsin 2016-03-14 15:58:46 +03:00
parent ffc0c4ab09
commit f64fbb0cea
39 changed files with 969 additions and 392 deletions

docs/install_guide/Makefile Normal file
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# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
# User-friendly check for sphinx-build
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# Internal variables.
PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
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@echo " man to make manual pages"
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@echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
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@echo " pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes"
@echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
@echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
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@echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
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@echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp."
@echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
@echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/FuelVMwareDVSplugin.qhcp"
@echo "To view the help file:"
@echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/FuelVMwareDVSplugin.qhc"
@echo "Build finished."
@echo "To view the help file:"
@echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/FuelVMwareDVSplugin"
@echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/FuelVMwareDVSplugin"
@echo "# devhelp"
@echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub."
@echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
@echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \
"(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)."
@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
@echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..."
$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja
@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
@echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text."
@echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man."
@echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
@echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \
"(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)."
@echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..."
make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info
@echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale
@echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale."
@echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
"or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
@echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
"results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
@echo "Build finished. The XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/xml."
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml
@echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml."

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docs/install_guide/conf.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
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# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Aug 14 12:14:29 2015.
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# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Create and Configure an environment with VMware DVS plugin
#. `Create a new OpenStack
environment <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/user-guide.html#create-a-new-openstack-environment>`_
with Fuel UI wizard.
.. image:: _static/create.png
.. raw:: latex
2. In *Compute* menu, select *vCenter* checkbox:
.. image:: _static/compute.png
#. Select *Neutron with VMware DVS* for *Networking Setup*
.. image:: _static/net.png
.. raw:: latex
4. Finish environment creation following
`documentation <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/user-guide.html#create-a-new-openstack-environment>`_.
#. Open the *Nodes* tab and `add
at least 1 Controller node to the environment:
.. image:: _static/nodes-controller.png
(Optional) You can also add 1 dedicated Compute VMware node:
.. image:: _static/nodes-vmware.png
#. Open the *Networks* tab of the Fuel Web UI and chose the *Other* subtab. Select the
*Neutron VMware DVS ML2 plugin* checkbox and specify the Cluster to VDS mapping :
.. image:: _static/settings.png
and set the checkbox "Use the VMware DVS firewall driver" if you want to use
security groups on your ports.
VMware DVS ML2 plugin does not support DVR feature. Keep Neutron DVR
checkbox on Neutron Advanced Configuration tab at unchecked state.
.. raw:: latex
7. Fill in the VMware configuration fields on the *VMware* tab:
.. image:: _static/vmware.png
(Optional) Choose Compute VMware node if your environment has the role:
.. image:: _static/vmware2.png
#. The rest of configuration is up to you.
See `Mirantis OpenStack User Guide <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/user-guide.html>`__
for instructions.
#. Click *Deploy changes* button to finish.
.. raw:: pdf

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Guide to the VMware DVS plugin version 2.1.0 for Fuel
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Installation and create an environment
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
User Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Installing the VMware DVS plugin
Make sure that:
* you have the installed the
`Fuel Master node <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/user-guide.html>`__
* all the nodes of your future environment are discovered and functional.
* there is a connectivity to correctly configured vCenter with VDS'es and clusters created.
Please, see the
`Mirantis OpenStack Planning Guide <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/mos-planning-guide.html#plan-the-vsphere-integration>`_,
`User Guide <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/user-guide.html#vmware-integration-notes>`_
`this plugin's specification <https://github.com/openstack/fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs/blob/master/specs/fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs.rst>`_
for information on configuring vCenter.
#. Download the plugin from the
`Fuel Plugin Catalog <https://www.mirantis.com/products/openstack-drivers-and-plugins/fuel-plugins/>`__.
#. Copy the plugin into Fuel Master node:
$ scp fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs-2.1-2.1.0-1.noarch.rpm <Fuel Master node ip>:/tmp
#. Log into the Fuel Master node and install the plugin:
$ ssh root@<Fuel Master node ip>
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel plugins --install /
[root@nailgun  ]# fuel plugins
DEPRECATION WARNING: /etc/fuel/client/config.yaml exists and will
be used as the source for settings. This behavior is deprecated.
Please specify the path to your custom settings file in the
FUELCLIENT_CUSTOM_SETTINGS environment variable.
| id | name | version | package\_version |
| 2 | fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs | 2.1.0 | 4.0.0 |
.. raw:: latex

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
The VMware DVS plugin
MOS supports using vCenter as a hypervisor in a vCenter-only or
heterogeneous, mixed with KVM environments. There is the vmware\_dvs
driver for Neutron ML2 plugin which provides usage Neutron for
networking in such environments. Thereby environments receives an
advanced network features:
- Ability to create multi-tier networks (e.g., web tier, db tier, app
- Control over IP addressing and security groups's rules.
- Ability to insert an configure their own services (e.g., firewall,
- VPN/Bridge to remote physical hosting or customer premises.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Licensing information
================= ============
**Component** **License**
vmware_dvs driver Apache 2.0
VMware DVS plugin Apache 2.0
================= ============

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- Only VLANs are supported for tenant network separation.
- Only vSphere 5.5 & 6.0 are supported.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
The VMware DVS plugin works via manipulation resources of a VMware vSphere
Distributed Switch. It means that it has to have connectivity to precreated and
`well configured
dvSwitch on the vCenter which will be used in this environment.

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Document purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe how to install, configure
and use the VMware DVS plugin 2.1.0 for Fuel 8.0.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Release notes
Release notes for VMware DVS plugin 2.1.0:
* New architecture with the vmware-dvs neutron agent.
* A name of dvSwitches is limited by 44 symbols.
* Support for remote security groups.
* Enhancement of stability especially in case of multiple simultenously runned
* The performance improvement.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Removing the VMware DVS plugin
To uninstall VMware DVS plugin, follow these steps:
#. Delete all environments in which VMware DVS plugin has been enabled.
#. Uninstall the plugin:
# fuel plugins --remove fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs==2.1.0
#. Check if the plugin was uninstalled successfully:
| id | name | version | package_version |

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
The plugin has the following requirements for software:
================ ===========
**Requirement** **Version**
Fuel 8.0
vCenter 5.5/6.0
================ ===========

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Key terms, acronyms and abbreviation
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{12.5cm}|
===================== ========================================================
**Term/abbreviation** **Definition**
===================== ========================================================
VM Virtual Machine
MOS Mirantis OpenStack
OVS Open vSwitch
Neutron ML2 plugin The Neutron Modular Layer 2 plugin is a framework
allowing OpenStack Networking to simultaneously
utilize the variety of layer 2 networking technologies
vmware_dvs driver The driver in the Neutron ML2 plugin which provides
interaction with dvSwitch on vCenter
VMware DVS plugin The plugin for Fuel which installs and configures
vmware_dvs driver on a MOS environment
dvSwitch VMware vSphere® Distributed Switch
VMware ESXi bare-metal hypervisor
VMware vCenter Server Central control point for VMware vSphere
VMware vSphere VMwares cloud computing virtualization operating system
===================== ========================================================

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
VMware dvs driver consists from two parts: the mechanism driver of neutron and
the agent. Thereby the main source of information for troubleshooting is
/var/log/neutron/server.log and /var/log/neutron/vmware-dvs-agent-....log.
Please to be sure in correctness of configuration in
the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf, /etc/neutron/plugin.ini. and
/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/vmware_dvs-.....ini It should contain following
mechanism_drivers =openvswitch,l2population,vmware_dvs
vmware_dvs-<vcenter AZ>-<service name>.ini::
host=<vcenter AZ>-<service name>
enable_security_group = True
Sure all neutron-dvs-agent should be launched on corresponded nodes. On
controllers --- under corosync and on compute-vmware --- via init script.
Also in case of trouble would be useful to check the
connectivity between controller nodes and vCenter.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
Using advanced neutron's possibilities with VMware DVS plugin
#. Once OpenStack has been deployed, we can start using Neutron for
networking. The port group for admin\_internal\_net should appear
on the vCenter:
.. image:: _static/net04pg.png
.. raw:: latex
2. In Horizon, the network topology should look like:
.. image:: _static/topology.png
where VMware is the name of the instance located on the vCenter.
#. You can use Neutron for such instance brand the same way as for KVM-located instances.
#. DVS Security groups functionality differs from KVM implementatin. VMWare DVS does not
support stateful firewall properties and ICMP types. DVS Plugin realises emulation logic
to support the similar behavior. It installs reverse traffic rule for each SG rule.
VMWare DVS plugin state emulation logic uses ephemeral port range filter to rise security
of reverse rules implementation.
Just add only those rules if you want to correctly launch EC2 compatible image with
matadata request and DNS access:
Implement Custom TCP Egress rule to CIDR port 80
Implement Custom UDP Egress rule to '<DNS server IP or>' CIDR port 53
DVS plugin will install four rules:
1. TCP Egress from any IP ports 32768-65535 to metadata IP port 80
#. TCP Ingress from metadata IP port 80 to any IP ports 32768-65535
#. UDP Egress from any IP ports 32768-65535 to DNS IP port 53
#. UDP Ingress from DNS IP port 53 to any IP ports 32768-65535
32768-65535 is the useful ethemetal port range for most Linux kernels and Windows hosts.
Common egress TCP rule looks like this:
TCP Egress to any ports CIDR
It works like:
TCP Egress from any IP ports 32768-65535 to any IP any port
TCP Ingress from any IP any port to any IP ports 32768-65535
and private ports of your VM like http or ssh will be closed.
DVS plugin support only symmectric ICMP interaction. If your host can ping destination host,
it means the destination host can ping your host by reverse rules.
#. Sometimes the error at log files happens "Cannot complete operation due to concurrent
modification by another operation." due to absence of concurrent access to modify resources
by vSphere. Do not panic. Driver has special wrapper for this exception.

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
After deployment of an environment with VMware DVS plugin all corresponding
OSTF tests should pass.

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@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
Guide to the VMware DVS plugin version 1.1.0 for Fuel
.. raw:: pdf
Document purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe how to install, configure
and use the VMware DVS plugin 1.1.0 for Fuel 7.0.
Key terms, acronyms and abbreviation
============================= ========================================================
**Term/acronym/abbreviation** **Definition**
============================= ========================================================
VM Virtual Machine
MOS Mirantis OpenStack
OVS Open vSwitch
Neutron ML2 plugin The Neutron Modular Layer 2 plugin is a framework
allowing OpenStack Networking to simultaneously
utilize the variety of layer 2 networking technologies
vmware_dvs driver The driver in the Neutron ML2 plugin which provides
interaction with dvSwitch on vCenter
VMware DVS plugin The plugin for Fuel which installs and configures
vmware_dvs driver on a MOS environment
dvSwitch distributed vSwitch on VMware ESXi
VMware ESXi bare-metal hypervisor
VMware vCenter Server Central control point for VMware vSphere
VMware vSphere VMwares cloud computing virtualization operating
============================= ========================================================
The VMware DVS plugin
MOS supports using vCenter as a hypervisor in a vCenter-only or
heterogeneous, mixed with KVM environments. There is the vmware\_dvs
driver for Neutron ML2 plugin which provides usage Neutron for
networking in such environments. Thereby environments receives an
advanced network features:
- Ability to create multi-tier networks (e.g., web tier, db tier, app
- Control over IP addressing.
- Ability to insert an configure their own services (e.g., firewall,
- VPN/Bridge to remote physical hosting or customer premises.
Licensing information
================= ============
**Component** **License**
vmware_dvs driver Apache 2.0
VMware DVS plugin Apache 2.0
================= ============
The plugin has the following requirements for software:
================ ===========
**Requirement** **Version**
Fuel 7.0
vCenter 5.5/6.0
================ ===========
- VMware DVS plugin be enabled only in environments with Neutron as the
networking option.
- Only VLANs are supported for tenant network separation.
- Only vSphere 5.5 & 6.0 are supported.
Installing the VMware DVS plugin
Make sure that:
* you have the installed the
`Fuel Master node <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-7.0/user-guide.html>`__
* all the nodes of your future environment are discovered and functional.
* there is a connectivity to correctly configured vCenter with dvSwitch and clusters created. Please,
see the `Mirantis OpenStack Planning Guide <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-7.0/planning-guide.html#vcenter-plan>`_, `User Guide <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-7/user-guide.html#vmware-integration-notes>`_ and `this plugin's specification <https://github.com/openstack/fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs/blob/master/specs/fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs.rst>`_ for information on configuring vCenter.
#. Download the plugin from the
`Fuel Plugin Catalog <https://www.mirantis.com/products/openstack-drivers-and-plugins/fuel-plugins/>`__.
#. Copy the plugin into Fuel Master node:
$ scp fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs-1.1-1.1.0-1.noarch.rpm <Fuel Master node ip>:/tmp
#. Log into the Fuel Master node and install the plugin:
$ ssh root@<Fuel Master node ip>
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel plugins --install /
[root@nailgun  ]# fuel plugins
DEPRECATION WARNING: /etc/fuel/client/config.yaml exists and will
be used as the source for settings. This behavior is deprecated.
Please specify the path to your custom settings file in the
FUELCLIENT_CUSTOM_SETTINGS environment variable.
| id | name | version | package\_version |
| 2 | fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs | 1.1.0 | 3.0.0 |
Removing the VMware DVS plugin
To uninstall VMware DVS plugin, follow these steps:
#. Delete all environments in which VMware DVS plugin has been enabled.
#. Uninstall the plugin:
# fuel plugins --remove fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs--1.1.0
#. Check if the plugin was uninstalled successfully:
| id | name | version | package_version |
.. raw:: pdf
Configuring VMware DVS plugin
#. `Create a new OpenStack
environment <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-7.0/user-guide.html#create-a-new-openstack-environment>`_
with Fuel UI wizard.
.. image:: pics/create.png
#. In *Compute* menu, select *vCenter* checkbox:
.. image:: pics/compute.png
#. Select *Neutron with VLAN segmentation* for *Networking Setup* - it is
the only networking configuration supported with VMware DVS plugin:
.. image:: pics/net.png
#. Finish environment creation following
`documentation <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-7.0/user-guide.html#create-a-new-openstack-environment>`_.
#. Open the *Nodes* tab and `add
at least 1 Controller and 1 Compute node to the environment:
.. image:: pics/nodes-compute.png
(Optional) You can also add 1 dedicated Compute VMware node:
.. image:: pics/nodes-vmware.png
#. Open the *Settings* tab of the Fuel Web UI and scroll down the page. Select the
*use Neutron VMware DVS ML2 plugin* checkbox and specify correct name of dvSwitch:
.. image:: pics/settings.png
VMware DVS ML2 plugin does not support DVR feature. Keep Neutron DVR checkbox on Neutron Advanced Configuration tab at unchecked state.
#. Fill in the VMware configuration fields on the *VMware* tab:
.. image:: pics/vmware.png
(Optional) Choose Compute VMware node if your environment has the role:
.. image:: pics/vmware2.png
#. The rest of configuration is up to you.
See `Mirantis OpenStack User Guide <https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-7.0/user-guide.html>`__
for instructions.
#. Click *Deploy changes* button to finish.
.. raw:: pdf
User Guide
#. Once OpenStack has been deployed, we can start using Neutron for
networking. The net04 port group should appear on the vCenter:
.. image:: pics/net04pg.png
#. In Horizon, the network topology should look like:
.. image:: pics/topology.png
where VMware is the name of the instance located on the vCenter.
#. You can use Neutron for such instance brand the same way as for KVM-located instances.
#. DVS Security groups functionality differs from KVM implementatin. VMWare DVS does not
support stateful firewall properties and ICMP types. DVS Plugin realises emulation logic
to support the similar behavior. It installs reverse traffic rule for each SG rule.
VMWare DVS plugin state emulation logic uses ephemeral port range filter to rise security
of reverse rules implementation.
Does not recommended to use Remote Security Group in your rules. SG engine for DVS ignores
those rules.
Just add only those rules if you want to correctly launch EC2 compatible image with
matadata request and DNS access:
Implement Custom TCP Ergess rule to CIDR port 80
Implement Custom UDP Egress rule to '<DNS server IP or>' CIDR port 53
DVS plugin will install four rules:
TCP Egress from any IP ports 32768-65535 to metadata IP port 80
TCP Ingress from metadata IP port 80 to any IP ports 32768-65535
UDP Egress from any IP ports 32768-65535 to DNS IP port 53
UDP Ingress from DNS IP port 53 to any IP ports 32768-65535
32768-65535 is the useful ethemetal port range for most Linux kernels and Windows hosts.
Common egress TCP rule looks like this:
TCP Egress to any ports CIDR
It works like:
TCP Egress from any IP ports 32768-65535 to any IP any port
TCP Ingress from any IP any port to any IP ports 32768-65535
and private ports of your VM like http or ssh will be closed.
DVS plugin support only symmectric ICMP interaction. If your host can ping destination host,
it means the destination host can ping your host by reverse rules.

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs
# Human-readable name for your plugin
title: Neutron VMware DVS ML2 plugin
# Plugin version
version: '2.1.19'
version: '2.1.0'
# Description
description: Enable to use plugin vmware_dvs for Neutron
# Required fuel version

View File

@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ VMware-related MOS environments.
Problem description
Modern facilities to networking in OpenStack is Neutron which replaces obsolete
nova-networks. Unfortunately integration with VMware which realized in Fuel 6.1
and below doesn't provide the possibilities to using Neutron. It leads that an
environment which uses VMware hypervisors is greatly limited. When customers
There are several solutions which provide networking for OpenStack with
vSphere. Part of them are or were integrated in the Fuel: nova-network and
VMware NSXv plugin. Other part --- networking-vsphere -- is the separate
upstream project.
Unfortunately each of them has defects. Nova-network is the obsolete network
solution which provides really restricted possibilities. When customers
(especially huge customers) want to replicate rich enterprise network
@ -31,7 +34,13 @@ Nova-networks can offer:
* No generic service insertion.
Such we have the contradiction between customer needs and our solution.
This contradiction doesn't allow to use nova-network in big enterprise.
VMware NSXv and networking-vsphere don't have such restrictions. Both of this
solutions are based on the same idea: to create on ESXi's hosts special control
VMs and redirect all tenant traffic to them. That approach permits to using all
possibilities of Neutron but multiple traffic redirection dramatically affects
to network performance. Also NSXv can be used in VMware-only environments.
Proposed change
@ -39,100 +48,118 @@ Proposed change
The Neutron has pluggable architecture which provides using different backends
in different cases simultaneously by using ML2 plugin [0]. There is the
vmware_dvs driver [1] which provides using Neutron for networking in
vmware-related environments. And it is exactly what we want.
vmware-related environments. This driver realizes different way to manage
networks on vSphere. Vmware_dvs provides the mechanism driver and the
neutron-dvs-agent that uses special vSphere API for direct manipulation virtual
distributed switches: creates or deletes port-groups, ports and changes
security rules on that ports.
In that way no unnecessary traffic redirections and the given scheme admits to
achieve best performance. Also using modular ML2 architecture provides to
usage several network backends simultaneously and hence creating heterogeneous
OpenStack environments. And it is exactly what we want.
This plugin automates installation and configuration the vmware_dvs driver and
its dependencies (it carries all of them with it to be independent from public
network). After driver installation it changes configuration files
/etc/neutron/neutron.conf and /etc/neutron/plugin.ini whereby neutron-server
can manage networking on vCenter.
/etc/neutron/neutron.conf, /etc/neutron/plugin.ini and
/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/vmware_dvs-$vcenters_az-$service_name.ini whereby
neutron-server can manage networking on vCenter.
| Management | Public
| |
| |
| |
+-------------------------+ | |
| Controller1 | | |
| neutron-server +---------------o--------------+
| +--------------------+ | | |
| |Pacemaker | | | |
| | neutron-...-agent | +---------------+ | +-------------+
| +--------------------+ | | | | vCenter |
+-------------------------+ | +--------+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | +-------------+
+-------------------------+ | |
| Controller2 | | |
| neutron-server +---------------o--------------+
| +--------------------+ | | |
| |Pacemaker | | | |
| | neutron-...-agent | +---------------+ |
| +--------------------+ | | |
+-------------------------+ | |
| |
| |
+----------------------------+ | |
|Compute1 | | |
| +------------+ |
| neutron-openvswitch-agent | | |
+----------------------------+ | |
| |
| |
+----------------------------+ | |
|Compute2 | | |
| +------------+ |
| neutron-openvswitch-agent | | |
+----------------------------+ | |
| |
| |
| Management | Public
| |
| |
| |
+-------------------------+ | |
| Controller1 | | |
| neutron-server +--------o-------------+ +---------------+
| +--------------------+ | | | |vSphere |
| |Pacemaker | | | | | |
| | neutron-dvs-agent | +--------+ | | +----------+ |
| +--------------------+ | | | | | Cluster1 | |
+-------------------------+ | | | | | |
| | |++--+ | |
| +--------+VDS| | |
| | |++--+ | |
+-------------------------+ | | | +----------+ |
| Controller2 | | | | |
| neutron-server +--------o-------------+ | |
| +--------------------+ | | | | +----------+ |
| |Pacemaker | | | | | | Cluster2 | |
| | neutron-dvs-agent | +--------+ | | | | |
| +--------------------+ | | | |++---+ | |
+-------------------------+ | +--------+VDS2| | |
| | |++---+ | |
| | | +----------+ |
+----------------------------+ | | +---------------+
|Compute | | |
| +-----+ |
| neutron-openvswitch-agent | | |
+----------------------------+ | |
| |
| |
+----------------------------+ | |
|Compute-vmware | | |
| +-----o-------------+
| neutron-dvs-agent | | |
+----------------------------+ | |
| |
| |
| |
#. DVS switches must be provisioned by using vCenter firstly and manually
#. All VDS'es must be provisioned by using vCenter firstly and manually.
#. There must be a mapping between physical network and DVS switch:
#. There must be a mapping between physical network and VDS'es:
3. VLANs will be used as a tenant network separation by KVMs OVS and ESXis
DVS (must be the same for tenant network regardless which switch type OVS
or DVS)
VDS (must be the same for tenant network regardless which switch type OVS
or VDS)
#. Each vSphere's Cluster has its own VDS.
#. There must be an ability to:
#. create / terminate network on DVS
#. create / terminate network on VDS
#. bind port on DVS to VM
#. bind port on VDS to VM
#. disable state of the neutron network / port on DVS
#. disable state of the neutron network / port on VDS
#. assign multiple vNIC to a single VM deployed on ESXi
#. add VM to security groups
5. Name of driver is vmware_dvs
#. Only VLANs are supported for tenant network separation (VxLAN support can
be added later, if project will be continued).
#. Only VLANs are supported for tenant network separation.
#. Only vSphere 5.5 or 6.0 is supported
Use nova-network or other solution for Neutron and VMware.
Use other solution for Neutron and VMware.
Data model impact
There are two changes will appears on the Settings tab:
There are serveral changes will appears on the other subtab of Networks tab:
#. checkbox "Neutron VMware DVS ML2 plugin".
#. input field for specification dvSwitch's name for clusters.
#. radiobutton with plugin's version
#. checkbox "Use the VMware DVS firewall driver"
#. input field for specification the cluster to VDS mapping.
REST API impact
@ -142,12 +169,13 @@ None
Upgrade impact
This plugin has to have a special version for an each Fuel's version. For this reason after the Fuel's upgrades plugin also should be upgraded.
This plugin has to have a special version for an each Fuel's version. For this
reason after the Fuel's upgrades plugin also should be upgraded.
Security impact
Neutron provides better isolation between tenantes. Using this plugin increases
Neutron provides better isolation between tenants. Using this plugin increases
Notifications impact
@ -158,13 +186,9 @@ None
Other end user impact
In the Fuel 6.1 if using vCenter was chosen on the wizard UI then possibilities
of using Neutron for networking are locked. Unfortunately current plugin's
architecture doesn't provide the way to pliable unlock it. Instead of it when
the plugin is installed it just amend the Nailgun's database and cancel this
lock. It will be never return again even the plugin will be remoted. So if user
installs and remotes the plugin after that he can deploy environment with
Neutron and VMware which will not work normally. User can care about that.
After the VMware DVS plugin is installed there is the new checkbox "Neutron
with VMware DVS" on the "Networking Setup" step of wizard. UI elements of the
plugin are stored on subtab "Other" of tab "Networks" on the Fuel WebUI.
Performance Impact
@ -204,27 +228,18 @@ Assignee(s)
:QA: Olesia Tsvigun <otsvigun>
:Mandatory design review: Vladimir Kuklin <vkuklin>, Bogdan Dobrelia
<bogdando>, Sergii Golovatiuk <sgolovatiuk>,
Andrzej Skupień <kendriu>
<bogdando>, Sergii Golovatiuk <sgolovatiuk>
Work Items
* Create the development and testing environment. Make a repository on github
and job for CI on jenkins.
* Rewrite puppet manifests, deployment scripts, init and corosync scripts and
for working with agents on controller and compute-vmware nodes.
* Add script for amend the nailgun database.
* Add puppet manifests for install the driver, upgrade the python library and
patch a controller.
* Add puppet manifests for configure neutron to use vmware_dvs ML2 plugin.
* Add pacemaker/corosync scripts for additional neutron-server processes.
* Add ostf-tests. Manual and auto acceptance testing.
* Make new tests and build CI.
* Rewrite the documentation.
@ -234,63 +249,73 @@ VMware_dvs Neutron ML2 plugin [1]
The existent ostf tests for Neutron good enough however they doesn't have a
support for VMware. This lack should be eliminate by writing new tests special
for Neutron and VMware. After this new system tests for Jenkins will be
written. There is the list of cases for cheking:
Target Test Items:
#. Deploy testing:
* Install/uninstall Fuel Vmware-DVS plugin
* Deploy Cluster with Fuel Vmware-DVS plugin by Fuel
* Roles of nodes
* controller
* compute
* cinder
* mongo
* compute-vmware
* cinder-vmware
* Hypervisors:
* KVM+Vcenter
* Qemu+Vcenter
* Storage:
* Ceph
* Cinder
* VMWare vCenter/ESXi datastore for images
* Network
* Neutron with Vlan segmentation
* HA + Neutron with VLAN
* Additional components
* Ceilometer
* Health Check
* Upgrade master node
* MOS and VMware-DVS plugin
* Computes(Nova)
* Launch and manage instances
* Launch instances in batch
* Networks (Neutron)
* Create and manage public and private networks.
* Create and manage routers.
* Port binding / disabling
* Port security
* Security groups
* Assign vNIC to a VM
* Connection between instances
* Heat
* Create stack from template
* Delete stack
* Keystone
* Create and manage roles
* Horizon
* Create and manage projects
* Create and manage users
* Glance
* Create and manage images
* Fuel UI
* Fuel CLI
1. Install Fuel plugin for Neutron ML2 vmware_dvs driver.
Test approach:
#. Uninstall Fuel plugin for Neutron ML2 vmware_dvs driver.
#. Deploy in HA cluster with plugin.
#. Deploy cluster with plugin and vmware datastore backend.
#. Deploy cluster with plugin and Ceph backend for Glance and Cinder.
#. Deploy cluster with plugin on Fuel 6.1 and upgrade to Fuel 7.0.
#. Functional testing:
#. Check abilities to create and teminate networks on DVS.
#. Check abilities to create and delete security groups.
#. Check abilities to bind port on DVS to VM, disable and enable this port.
#. Check abilities to assign multiple vNIC to a single VM.
#. Check connection between VMs in one tenant.
#. Check connectivity between VMs in one tenant which works in different
availability zones: on KVM and on vCenter.
#. Check connectivity between VMs attached to different networks with and
within a router between them.
#. Check isolation between VMs in different tenants.
#. Check connectivity to public network.
#. GUI testing.
#. Failover testing.
#. Verify that vmclusters should be migrate after remove controler.
#. Deploy cluster with plugin, addition and deletion of nodes.
The project test approach consists of Smoke, Integration, System, Regression
Failover and Acceptance test levels.
Acceptance criterias:
#. Tests with high and medium priority are passed.
#. All acceptance criteria for user stories are met.
#. All test cases are executed. BVT tests are passed.
#. Critical and high issues are fixed.
#. Test Coverage of feature is about 90 %
#. All required documents are delivered.
#. Release notes including a report on the known errors of that release.
Documentation Impact
@ -311,3 +336,6 @@ References
* Neutron ML2 wiki page https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/ML2
* Repository of ML2 driver https://github.com/Mirantis/vmware-dvs
* The blueprint for component registry