.. _configure_env: Configure an environment with VMware DVS plugin ----------------------------------------------- Configuring and deploying an environment with VMware DVS plugin involves creating an environment in Fuel and modifying the environment settings. **To configure an OpenStack environment with VMware DVS plugin:** #. Using the Fuel web UI, follow steps 1 to 5 of the `Create a new OpenStack environment `_ instruction. #. In the :guilabel:`Compute` menu, select :guilabel:`vCenter`: .. figure:: _static/compute.png :width: 90% .. raw:: latex \pagebreak 3. In the :guilabel:`Networking Setup` menu, select :guilabel:`Neutron with VMware DVS`: .. figure:: _static/net.png :width: 90% #. Follow steps 8-10 of the `Create a new OpenStack environment `_ instruction. #. In the :guilabel:`Nodes` tab of the Fuel web UI, `add `_ at least one :guilabel:`Controller` node to the environment: .. figure:: _static/nodes-controller.png :width: 90% (Optional) You can also add one dedicated :guilabel:`Compute VMware` node: .. figure:: _static/nodes-vmware.png :width: 90% .. raw:: latex \pagebreak 6. In the :guilabel:`Networks` tab, click :guilabel:`Other`: #. Select the :guilabel:`Neutron VMware DVS ML2 plugin` checkbox. #. Specify the :guilabel:`Cluster to VDSwitch mapping`. #. If you want to use security groups on your ports, select :guilabel:`Use the VMware DVS firewall driver`. .. figure:: _static/settings.png :width: 90% .. caution:: The VMware DVS ML2 plugin does not support the Distributed Virtual Routers (DVR) feature. Therefore, do not select :guilabel:`Neutron DVR` in :menuselection:`Neutron L3 Configuration -> Neutron Advanced Configuration`. .. raw:: latex \pagebreak 7. In the :guilabel:`VMware` tab, fill in the VMware configuration fields: .. figure:: _static/vmware.png :width: 90% #. Make additional `configuration adjustments `_. #. Proceed to the `environment deployment `_. .. raw:: latex \pagebreak