# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # === Parameters # # [*host*] # (required) String. The host parameter for nova-compute process # Defaults to 'vcenter-servicename'. # # [*vsphere_hostname*] # (required) String. This is a name or ip of VMware vSphere server. # Defaults to ''. # # [*vsphere_login*] # (required) String. This is a name of VMware vSphere user. # Defaults to 'administrator@vsphere.local'. # # [*vsphere_password*] # (required) String. This is a password of VMware vSphere user. # Defaults to 'StrongPassword!'. # # [*vsphere_insecure*] # (optional) If true, the ESX/vCenter server certificate is not verified. # If false, then the default CA truststore is used for verification. # Defaults to 'true'. # # [*vsphere_ca_file*] # (optional) The hash name of the CA bundle file and data in format of: # Example: # "{"vc_ca_file"=>{"content"=>"RSA", "name"=>"vcenter-ca.pem"}}" # Defaults to undef. # # [*network_maps*] # (required) String. This is a name of DVS. # Defaults to 'physnet1:dvSwitch1'. # # [*uplink_maps*] # (required) String. This is a string that explains uplinks usage policy. # Defaults to undef. # # [*use_fw_driver*] # (optional) Boolean. Use firewall driver or mock. # Defaults to true. # # [*py_root*] # (optional) String. Path for python's dist-packages. # Defaults to '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages' # # [*ha_enabled*] # (optional) Boolean. True for Corosync using. # Defaults to true. # # [*primary*] # (optional) Boolean. Parameter for using that cs_service. # Defaults to false. # define vmware_dvs::agent( $host = 'vcenter-servicename', $vsphere_hostname = '', $vsphere_login = 'administrator@vsphere.local', $vsphere_password = 'StrongPassword!', $vsphere_insecure = true, $vsphere_ca_file = undef, $network_maps = 'physnet1:dvSwitch1', $uplink_maps = undef, $use_fw_driver = true, $py_root = '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', $ha_enabled = true, $primary = false, ) { $neutron_conf = '/etc/neutron/neutron.conf' $ocf_dvs_name = 'ocf-neutron-dvs-agent' $ocf_dvs_res = "/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/fuel/${ocf_dvs_name}" $agent_config = "/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/vmware_dvs-${host}.ini" $agent_name = "neutron-plugin-vmware-dvs-agent-${host}" $agent_init = "/etc/init/${agent_name}.conf" $agent_initd = "/etc/init.d/${agent_name}" $agent_log = "/var/log/neutron/vmware-dvs-agent-${host}.log" $ocf_pid_dir = '/var/run/resource-agents/ocf-neutron-dvs-agent' $ocf_pid = "${ocf_pid_dir}/${agent_name}.pid" $vcenter_ca_file = pick($vsphere_ca_file, {}) $vcenter_ca_content = pick($vcenter_ca_file['content'], {}) $vcenter_ca_filepath = "/etc/neutron/vmware-${host}-ca.pem" if $use_fw_driver { $fw_driver = 'networking_vsphere.agent.firewalls.vcenter_firewall.DVSFirewallDriver' } else { $fw_driver = 'networking_vsphere.agent.firewalls.noop_firewall.NoopvCenterFirewallDriver' } if ! defined(File["${py_root}/nova.patch"]) { file {"${py_root}/nova.patch": source => 'puppet:///modules/vmware_dvs/nova.patch', notify => Exec['apply-nova-patch'], } } if ! defined(Exec['apply-nova-patch']) { exec {'apply-nova-patch': path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin', command => "patch -d ${py_root} -N -p1 < ${py_root}/nova.patch", refreshonly => true, } } if ! empty($vcenter_ca_content) and ! $vsphere_insecure { $agent_vcenter_ca_filepath = $vcenter_ca_filepath $agent_vcenter_insecure_real = false file { $vcenter_ca_filepath: ensure => file, content => $vcenter_ca_content, mode => '0644', owner => 'root', group => 'root', } } else { $agent_vcenter_ca_filepath = $::os_service_default $agent_vcenter_insecure_real = $vsphere_insecure } file {$agent_config: ensure => present, content => template('vmware_dvs/agent_config.erb'), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', } file {$agent_init: ensure => present, content => template('vmware_dvs/agent_init.erb'), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', } file {$agent_initd: ensure => present, content => template('vmware_dvs/agent_init.d.erb'), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', } if $ha_enabled { if ! defined(File[$ocf_dvs_res]) { file {$ocf_dvs_res: source => "puppet:///modules/vmware_dvs/${ocf_dvs_name}", owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', } } $primitive_name = "p_neutron_plugin_vmware_dvs_agent_${host}" $metadata = { 'resource-stickiness' => '1' } $parameters = { 'additional_parameters' => "--config-file=${agent_config}", 'log_file' => $agent_log, 'pid' => $ocf_pid, } $operations = { 'monitor' => { 'timeout' => '10', 'interval' => '20', }, 'start' => { 'timeout' => '30', }, 'stop' => { 'timeout' => '30', } } exec {"clear_${primitive_name}": path => '/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin', command => "crm_mon -1|grep ${primitive_name} && \ pcs resource delete ${primitive_name} || \ echo There is no ${primitive_name} here.", } pacemaker::service { $primitive_name : prefix => false, primitive_class => 'ocf', primitive_provider => 'fuel', primitive_type => $ocf_dvs_name, metadata => $metadata, parameters => $parameters, operations => $operations, } service { $primitive_name : ensure => 'running', enable => true, } Exec["clear_${primitive_name}"]-> File[$agent_config]-> File[$ocf_dvs_res]-> Pcmk_resource[$primitive_name]-> Service[$primitive_name] } else { exec {"start_${agent_name}": path => '/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin', command => "service ${agent_name} restart", } } }