"""Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import time from devops.error import TimeoutError from devops.helpers.helpers import wait from proboscis import test from proboscis.asserts import assert_true import fuelweb_test.tests.base_test_case from fuelweb_test import logger from fuelweb_test.helpers.utils import pretty_log from fuelweb_test.helpers import os_actions from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import log_snapshot_after_test from fuelweb_test.settings import DEPLOYMENT_MODE from fuelweb_test.settings import NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE from fuelweb_test.settings import SERVTEST_PASSWORD from fuelweb_test.settings import SERVTEST_TENANT from fuelweb_test.settings import SERVTEST_USERNAME from helpers import openstack from helpers import plugin TestBasic = fuelweb_test.tests.base_test_case.TestBasic SetupEnvironment = fuelweb_test.tests.base_test_case.SetupEnvironment @test(groups=["plugins", 'dvs_vcenter_system']) class TestDVSSystem(TestBasic): """System test suite. The goal of integration and system testing is to ensure that new or modified components of Fuel and MOS work effectively with Fuel VMware DVS plugin without gaps in dataflow. """ def node_name(self, name_node): """Get node by name.""" return self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_name(name_node)['hostname'] # constants net_data = [{'net_1': ''}, {'net_2': ''}] external_ip = '' # defaults defaults = openstack.get_defaults() ext_net_name = defaults['networks']['floating']['name'] inter_net_name = defaults['networks']['internal']['name'] instance_creds = (defaults['os_credentials']['cirros']['user'], defaults['os_credentials']['cirros']['password']) # security group rules tcp = { "security_group_rule": {"direction": "ingress", "port_range_min": "22", "ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_max": "22", "protocol": "TCP", "security_group_id": "", "remote_group_id": None, "remote_ip_prefix": None}} icmp = { "security_group_rule": {"direction": "ingress", "ethertype": "IPv4", "protocol": "icmp", "security_group_id": "", "remote_group_id": None, "remote_ip_prefix": None}} @test(depends_on=[SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_5], groups=["dvs_vcenter_systest_setup"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_vcenter_systest_setup(self): """Deploy cluster with plugin and vmware datastore backend. Scenario: 1. Upload plugins to the master node. 2. Install plugin. 3. Create cluster with vcenter. 4. Add 1 node with controller role. 5. Add 2 node with compute role. 6. Add 1 node with compute-vmware role. 7. Deploy the cluster. 8. Run OSTF. 9. Create snapshot. Duration: 1.8 hours Snapshot: dvs_vcenter_systest_setup """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_5_slaves") self.show_step(1) self.show_step(2) plugin.install_dvs_plugin(self.ssh_manager.admin_ip) self.show_step(3) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings={ "net_provider": 'neutron', "net_segment_type": NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE } ) plugin.enable_plugin(cluster_id, self.fuel_web) self.show_step(4) self.show_step(5) self.show_step(6) self.fuel_web.update_nodes(cluster_id, {'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['compute-vmware'], 'slave-03': ['compute'], 'slave-04': ['compute']}) # Configure VMWare vCenter settings target_node_2 = self.node_name('slave-02') self.fuel_web.vcenter_configure(cluster_id, target_node_2=target_node_2, multiclusters=True) self.show_step(7) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) self.show_step(8) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke']) self.show_step(9) self.env.make_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup", is_make=True) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_vcenter_networks"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_vcenter_networks(self): """Check abilities to create and terminate networks on DVS. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Add 2 private networks net_1 and net_2. 3. Check that networks are created. 4. Delete net_1. 5. Check that net_1 is deleted. 6. Add net_1 again. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() self.show_step(2) os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) subnets = [] networks = [] tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) for net in self.net_data: logger.info('Create network {}'.format(net.keys()[0])) netw = os_conn.create_network(network_name=net.keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] logger.info('Create subnet {}'.format(net.keys()[0])) subnet = os_conn.create_subnet(subnet_name=net.keys()[0], network_id=netw['id'], cidr=net[net.keys()[0]], ip_version=4) subnets.append(subnet) networks.append(netw) self.show_step(3) for net in networks: assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net['name'])['id'] == net['id']) self.show_step(4) logger.info('Delete network net_1') os_conn.neutron.delete_subnet(subnets[0]['id']) os_conn.neutron.delete_network(networks[0]['id']) self.show_step(5) assert_true(os_conn.get_network(networks[0]) is None) self.show_step(6) net_1 = os_conn.create_network(network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] logger.info('Create subnet {}'.format(self.net_data[0].keys()[0])) # subnet os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) logger.info('Networks net_1 and net_2 are present.') @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_vcenter_ping_public"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_vcenter_ping_public(self): """Check connectivity instances to public network with floating ip. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create private networks net01 with subnet. 3. Add one subnet (net01_subnet01: 4. Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network. 5. Launch instances VM_1 and VM_2 in the net01 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az. 6. Launch instances VM_3 and VM_4 in the net01 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter az. 7. Send icmp request from instances VM_1 and VM_2 to or other outside ip and get related icmp reply. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) self.show_step(2) net_1 = os_conn.create_network(network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] self.show_step(3) subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network are created assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) self.show_step(4) router = os_conn.get_router(os_conn.get_network(self.ext_net_name)) os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) # create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() self.show_step(5) self.show_step(6) instances = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[security_group.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Get floating ip of instances fip = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(os_conn, instances) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(fip) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [self.external_ip] openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_instances_one_group"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_instances_one_group(self): """Check creation instance in the one group simultaneously. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Launch few instances simultaneously with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova availability zone in default internal network. 3. Launch few instances simultaneously with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter availability zone in default internal network. 4. Check connectivity between instances (ping, ssh). 5. Delete all instances from horizon simultaneously. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) default_net = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() # Get max count of instances which we can create according to # resource limit vm_count = min( [os_conn.nova.hypervisors.resource_class.to_dict(h)['vcpus'] for h in os_conn.nova.hypervisors.list()]) self.show_step(2) self.show_step(3) openstack.create_instances(os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': default_net.id}], vm_count=vm_count, security_groups=[security_group.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) self.show_step(4) srv_list = os_conn.nova.servers.list() fip = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(os_conn, srv_list) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(fip) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in fip if key != value] openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair) self.show_step(5) for srv in srv_list: os_conn.nova.servers.delete(srv) logger.info("Check that instance was deleted.") os_conn.verify_srv_deleted(srv) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_vcenter_security"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_vcenter_security(self): """Check abilities to create and delete security group. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create non default network with subnet net01. 3. Launch 2 instances of vcenter and 2 instances of nova in the tenant network net_01. 4. Launch 2 instances of vcenter and 2 instances of nova in the default tenant network. 5. Create security group SG_1 to allow ICMP traffic. 6. Add Ingress rule for ICMP protocol to SG_1. 7. Create security groups SG_2 to allow TCP traffic 22 port. 8. Add Ingress rule for TCP protocol to SG_2. 9. Check that instances can ping each other. 10. Check ssh connection is available between instances. 11. Delete all rules from SG_1 and SG_2. 12. Check that instances don't available via ssh. 13. Add Ingress and egress rules for TCP protocol to SG_2. 14. Check ssh connection is available between instances. 15. Check that instances can not ping each other. 16. Add Ingress and egress rules for ICMP protocol to SG_1. 17. Check that instances can ping each other. 18. Delete Ingress rule for ICMP protocol from SG_1. (if OS cirros skip this step) 19. Add Ingress rule for ICMP ipv6 to SG_1. (if OS cirros skip this step) 20. Check ping6 between VM_1 and VM_2 and vice versa. (if OS cirros skip this step) 21. Delete SG1 and SG2 security groups. 22. Attach instances to default security group. 23. Check that instances can ping each other. 24. Check ssh is available between instances. Duration: 30 min """ # constants wait_to_update_rules_on_dvs_ports = 30 self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) self.show_step(2) net_1 = os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] subnet = os_conn.create_subnet(subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0]['net_1'], ip_version=4) logger.info("Check that network is created.") assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) logger.info("Add net_1 to default router") router = os_conn.get_router(os_conn.get_network(self.ext_net_name)) os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) self.show_step(3) openstack.create_instances(os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) self.show_step(4) net_1 = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) openstack.create_instances(os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1.id}], vm_count=1) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Remove default security group srv_list = os_conn.get_servers() for srv in srv_list: srv.remove_security_group(srv.security_groups[0]['name']) os_conn.goodbye_security() self.show_step(5) sg1 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG1', "descr") self.show_step(6) self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg1.id os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.tcp) self.show_step(7) sg2 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG2', "descr") self.show_step(8) self.icmp["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg2.id os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.icmp) logger.info("Attach SG_1 and SG2 to instances") for srv in srv_list: srv.add_security_group(sg1.id) srv.add_security_group(sg2.id) fip = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(os_conn, srv_list) self.show_step(9) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(fip) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in fip if key != value] openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair) openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair, command='ssh') self.show_step(11) _sg_rules = os_conn.neutron.list_security_group_rules()[ 'security_group_rules'] sg_rules = [sg_rule for sg_rule in _sg_rules if sg_rule['security_group_id'] in [sg1.id, sg2.id]] for rule in sg_rules: os_conn.neutron.delete_security_group_rule(rule['id']) time.sleep(wait_to_update_rules_on_dvs_ports) self.show_step(12) for ip in fip: try: openstack.get_ssh_connection( ip, self.instance_creds[0], self.instance_creds[1]) except Exception as e: logger.info('{}'.format(e)) self.show_step(13) self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg2.id os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.tcp) self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "egress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.tcp) self.show_step(14) openstack.check_connection_vms( ip_pair, command='ssh', timeout=wait_to_update_rules_on_dvs_ports) self.show_step(15) openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair, result_of_command=1) self.show_step(16) self.icmp["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg1.id os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.icmp) self.icmp["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "egress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.icmp) self.show_step(17) openstack.check_connection_vms( ip_pair, timeout=wait_to_update_rules_on_dvs_ports) self.show_step(21) srv_list = os_conn.get_servers() for srv in srv_list: for sg in srv.security_groups: srv.remove_security_group(sg['name']) self.show_step(22) for srv in srv_list: srv.add_security_group('default') self.show_step(23) openstack.check_connection_vms( ip_pair, timeout=wait_to_update_rules_on_dvs_ports) self.show_step(24) openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair, command='ssh') @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_vcenter_tenants_isolation"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_vcenter_tenants_isolation(self): """Connectivity between instances in different tenants. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create non-admin tenant. 3. Create network net01 with subnet in non-admin tenant. 4. Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network. 5. Launch 2 instances in the net01 (non-admin network) in nova and vcenter az. 6. Launch 2 instances in the default internal admin network in nova and vcenter az. 7. Verify that instances on different tenants don't communicate between each other via no floating ip. Check that VM_3 and VM_4 can ping VM_3 and VM_4 and vice versa. Duration: 30 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) self.show_step(2) os_conn.create_user_and_tenant('test', 'test', 'test') openstack.add_role_to_user(os_conn, 'test', 'admin', 'test') test_os = os_actions.OpenStackActions(os_ip, 'test', 'test', 'test') tenant = test_os.get_tenant('test') self.show_step(3) network_test = test_os.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] subnet_test = test_os.create_subnet( subnet_name=network_test['name'], network_id=network_test['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group_test = test_os.create_sec_group_for_ssh() self.show_step(4) router = test_os.create_router('router_1', tenant=tenant) test_os.add_router_interface(router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet_test["id"]) # create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() self.show_step(5) network = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) srv_1 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': network.id}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[security_group.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) self.show_step(6) srv_2 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=test_os, vm_count=1, nics=[{'net-id': network_test['id']}], security_groups=[security_group_test.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(test_os) self.show_step(7) fip_1 = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(os_conn, srv_1) ips_1 = [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(s, net_name=self.inter_net_name) for s in srv_1] fip_2 = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(test_os, srv_2) ips_2 = [test_os.get_nova_instance_ip(s, net_name=network_test['name']) for s in srv_2] ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(fip_1) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = ips_2 openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair, result_of_command=1) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(fip_2) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = ips_1 openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair, result_of_command=1) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_vcenter_same_ip"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_vcenter_same_ip(self): """Connectivity between instances with same ip in different tenants. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create non-admin tenant. 3. Create private network net01 with subnet in non-admin tenant. 4. Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network. 5. Launch instances VM_1 and VM_2 in the net01 (non-admin tenant) with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az. 6. Launch instances VM_3 and VM_4 in the net01 (non-admin tenant) with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter az. 7. Create private network net01 with subnet in default admin tenant. 8. Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network. 9. Launch instances VM_5 and VM_6 in the net01 (default admin tenant) with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az. 10. Launch instances VM_7 and VM_8 in the net01 (default admin tenant) with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter az. 11. Verify that VM_1, VM_2, VM_3 and VM_4 communicate between each other via internal floating ip. 12. Verify that VM_5, VM_6, VM_7 and VM_8 communicate between each other via internal floating ip. Duration: 30 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant_admin = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) self.show_step(2) os_conn.create_user_and_tenant('test', 'test', 'test') openstack.add_role_to_user(os_conn, 'test', 'admin', 'test') test_os = os_actions.OpenStackActions(os_ip, 'test', 'test', 'test') tenant = test_os.get_tenant('test') self.show_step(3) logger.info('Create network {}'.format(self.net_data[0].keys()[0])) net_1 = test_os.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] subnet = test_os.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) self.show_step(4) router = test_os.create_router('router_1', tenant=tenant) test_os.add_router_interface(router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = test_os.create_sec_group_for_ssh() self.show_step(5) self.show_step(6) srv_1 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=test_os, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[security_group.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(test_os) fip_1 = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(test_os, srv_1) ips_1 = [test_os.get_nova_instance_ip(s, net_name=net_1['name']) for s in srv_1] # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() self.show_step(7) logger.info('Create network {}'.format(self.net_data[0].keys()[0])) net_1 = os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant_admin.id)['network'] subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) self.show_step(8) router = os_conn.create_router('router_1', tenant=tenant_admin) os_conn.add_router_interface( router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) self.show_step(9) self.show_step(10) srv_2 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[security_group.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) self.show_step(11) self.show_step(12) fip_2 = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(os_conn, srv_2) ips_2 = [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(s, net_name=net_1['name']) for s in srv_2] ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(fip_1) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = ips_1 openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(fip_2) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = ips_2 openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair) @test(depends_on=[SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_5], groups=["dvs_volume"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_volume(self): """Deploy cluster with plugin and vmware datastore backend. Scenario: 1. Upload plugins to the master node 2. Install plugin on master node. 3. Create a new environment with following parameters: * Compute: KVM/QEMU with vCenter * Networking: Neutron with VLAN segmentation * Storage: default * Additional services: default 4. Add nodes with following roles: * Controller * Compute * Cinder * CinderVMware * Compute-VMware 5. Configure interfaces on nodes. 6. Configure network settings. 7. Enable and configure DVS plugin. 8. Configure VMware vCenter Settings. Add 2 vSphere clusters and configure Nova Compute instances on conroller and compute-vmware. 9. Verify networks. 10. Deploy cluster. 11. Create instances for each of hypervisor's type. 12. Create 2 volumes each in his own availability zone. 13. Attach each volume to his instance. 14. Check that each volume is attached to its instance. Duration: 1.8 hours """ self.show_step(1) self.show_step(2) self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_5_slaves") plugin.install_dvs_plugin(self.ssh_manager.admin_ip) self.show_step(3) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings={ "net_provider": 'neutron', "net_segment_type": NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE } ) plugin.enable_plugin(cluster_id, self.fuel_web) self.show_step(4) self.show_step(5) self.show_step(6) self.fuel_web.update_nodes(cluster_id, {'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['compute'], 'slave-03': ['cinder'], 'slave-04': ['cinder-vmware'], 'slave-05': ['compute-vmware']}) self.show_step(8) logger.info('Configure VMware vCenter Settings.') target_node_2 = self.node_name('slave-05') self.fuel_web.vcenter_configure(cluster_id, target_node_2=target_node_2, multiclusters=True) self.show_step(10) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke']) # Create connection to openstack os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) # Get default security group _s_groups = os_conn.neutron.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] _srv_tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT).id default_sg = [sg for sg in _s_groups if sg['tenant_id'] == _srv_tenant and sg['name'] == 'default'][0] self.show_step(11) network = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': network.id}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) self.show_step(12) volume_vcenter = openstack.create_volume(os_conn, 'vcenter-cinder') volume_nova = openstack.create_volume(os_conn, 'nova') instances = os_conn.nova.servers.list() _az = 'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone' instance_vcenter = [inst for inst in instances if inst.to_dict()[_az] == 'vcenter'][0] instance_nova = [inst for inst in instances if inst.to_dict()[_az] == 'nova'][0] self.show_step(13) os_conn.attach_volume(volume_vcenter, instance_vcenter) os_conn.attach_volume(volume_nova, instance_nova) self.show_step(14) assert_true(os_conn.cinder.volumes.get(volume_nova.id).status == 'in-use') assert_true(os_conn.cinder.volumes.get(volume_vcenter.id).status == 'in-use') @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_connect_default_net"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_connect_default_net(self): """Check connectivity between VMs with same ip in different tenants. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Launch instances with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova availability zone. 3. Launch instances with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter availability zone. 4. Verify that VM_1 and VM_2 on different hypervisors communicate between each other: check that instances can ping each other. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() _s_groups = os_conn.neutron.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] _srv_tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT).id default_sg = [sg for sg in _s_groups if sg['tenant_id'] == _srv_tenant and sg['name'] == 'default'][0] network = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) # Create access point server access_point, access_point_ip = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': network.id}], security_groups=[security_group.name, default_sg['name']]) self.show_step(2) self.show_step(3) openstack.create_instances(os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': network.id}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Get private ips of instances instances = [instance for instance in os_conn.get_servers() if instance.id != access_point.id] ips = [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=self.inter_net_name) for i in instances] self.show_step(4) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(ips) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in ips if key != value] openstack.check_connection_through_host(access_point_ip, ip_pair) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_connect_nodefault_net"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_connect_nodefault_net(self): """Check connectivity between VMs with same ip in different tenants. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create tenant net_01 with subnet. 3. Launch instances with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova availability zone in net_01. 4. Launch instances with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter availability zone in net_01. 5. Verify that instances on same tenants communicate between each other. check that VM_1 and VM_2 can ping each other. """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() _sg_groups = os_conn.neutron.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] _srv_tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT).id default_sg = [sg for sg in _sg_groups if sg['tenant_id'] == _srv_tenant and sg['name'] == 'default'][0] self.show_step(2) net_1 = os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id )['network'] subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network are created assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) # Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network router_1 = os_conn.create_router('router_1', tenant=tenant) # Add net_1 to router_1 os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router_1["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) access_point, access_point_ip = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], security_groups=[security_group.name, default_sg['name']]) self.show_step(3) self.show_step(4) openstack.create_instances(os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Get private ips of instances instances = [instance for instance in os_conn.get_servers() if instance.id != access_point.id] ips = [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=net_1['name']) for i in instances] self.show_step(5) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(ips) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in ips if key != value] openstack.check_connection_through_host(access_point_ip, ip_pair) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_ping_without_fip"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_ping_without_fip(self): """Check instances connectivity to public network without floating ip. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create private networks net01 with subnet. 3. Add one subnet (net01_subnet01: 4. Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external net. 5. Launch instances VM_1 and VM_2 in the net01 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az. 6. Launch instances VM_3 and VM_4 in the net01 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter az. 7. Send icmp request from instances VM_1 and VM_2 to or other outside ip and get related icmp reply. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() _s_groups = os_conn.neutron.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] _srv_tenat = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT).id default_sg = [sg for sg in _s_groups if sg['tenant_id'] == _srv_tenat and sg['name'] == 'default'][0] self.show_step(2) logger.info('Create network {}'.format(self.net_data[0].keys()[0])) net_1 = os_conn.create_network(network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] self.show_step(3) subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network are created. assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) # Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network router_1 = os_conn.create_router('router_1', tenant=tenant) self.show_step(4) os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router_1["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) access_point, access_point_ip = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], security_groups=[security_group.name, default_sg['name']]) self.show_step(5) self.show_step(6) openstack.create_instances(os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Get private ips of instances instances = [instance for instance in os_conn.get_servers() if instance.id != access_point.id] ips = [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=net_1['name']) for i in instances] self.show_step(7) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(ips) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [self.external_ip] openstack.check_connection_through_host(access_point_ip, ip_pair) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_different_networks"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_different_networks(self): """Check connectivity between instances from different networks. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create private networks net01 and net02 with subnets. 3. Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network. 4. Create Router_02, set gateway and add interface to external network. 5. Attach private networks to Router_01. 6. Attach private networks to Router_02. 7. Launch instances in the net01 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az. 8. Launch instances in the net01 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter az. 9. Launch instances in the net02 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az. 10. Launch instances in the net02 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter az. 11. Verify that instances of same networks communicate between each other via private ip. Check that instances can ping each other. 12. Verify that instances of different networks should not communicate between each other via private ip. 13. Delete net_02 from Router_02 and add it to the Router_01. 14. Verify that instances of different networks communicate between each other via private ip. Check that instances can ping each other. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() _sg_groups = os_conn.neutron.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] _srv_tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT).id default_sg = [sg for sg in _sg_groups if sg['tenant_id'] == _srv_tenant and sg['name'] == 'default'][0] instances_group = [] networks = [] map_router_subnet = [] step = 2 self.show_step(step) for net in self.net_data: network = os_conn.create_network(network_name=net.keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] logger.info('Create subnet {}'.format(net.keys()[0])) subnet = os_conn.create_subnet(subnet_name=net.keys()[0], network_id=network['id'], cidr=net[net.keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network are created assert_true( os_conn.get_network(network['name'])['id'] == network['id']) self.show_step(step + 1) router = os_conn.create_router( 'router_0{}'.format(self.net_data.index(net) + 1), tenant=tenant) self.show_step(step + 3) os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) access_point, access_point_ip = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': network['id']}], security_groups=[security_group.name, default_sg['name']]) if step == 3: step += 1 self.show_step(step + 5) self.show_step(step + 6) openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': network['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) instances = [instance for instance in os_conn.get_servers() if network['name'] == instance.networks.keys()[0] and instance.id != access_point.id] private_ips = [ os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=network['name']) for i in instances] instances_group.append({'access_point': access_point, 'access_point_ip': access_point_ip, 'private_ips': private_ips}) networks.append(network) map_router_subnet.append({'subnet': subnet['id'], 'router': router['id']}) step = 3 self.show_step(11) for group in instances_group: ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(group['private_ips']) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in group['private_ips'] if key != value] openstack.check_connection_through_host( group['access_point_ip'], ip_pair) self.show_step(12) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(instances_group[0]['private_ips']) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = instances_group[1]['private_ips'] openstack.check_connection_through_host( remote=instances_group[0]['access_point_ip'], ip_pair=ip_pair, result_of_command=1) self.show_step(13) access_point_fip = instances_group[1]['access_point_ip'] _fips = os_conn.neutron.list_floatingips()['floatingips'] fip_id = [fip['id'] for fip in _fips if fip['floating_ip_address'] == access_point_fip][0] os_conn.neutron.delete_floatingip(fip_id) os_conn.neutron.remove_interface_router( router=map_router_subnet[1]['router'], body={"subnet_id": map_router_subnet[1]['subnet']}) os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=map_router_subnet[0]['router'], subnet_id=map_router_subnet[1]['subnet']) self.show_step(14) openstack.check_connection_through_host( remote=instances_group[0]['access_point_ip'], ip_pair=ip_pair) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_heat"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_heat(self): """Check connectivity between instances from different networks. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create stack with heat template. 3. Check that stack was created. Duration: 15 min """ # constants expect_state = 'CREATE_COMPLETE' boot_timeout = 300 template_path = 'plugin_test/templates/dvs_stack.yaml' self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) with open(template_path) as f: template = f.read() self.show_step(2) stack_id = os_conn.heat.stacks.create( stack_name='dvs_stack', template=template, disable_rollback=True )['stack']['id'] self.show_step(3) try: wait( lambda: os_conn.heat.stacks.get(stack_id).stack_status == expect_state, timeout=boot_timeout) except TimeoutError: current_state = os_conn.heat.stacks.get(stack_id).stack_status assert_true(current_state == expect_state, "Timeout is reached. Current state of stack " "is {}".format(current_state)) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_remote_sg_simple"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_remote_sg_simple(self): """Simple remote security group rules. Verify that network traffic is allowed/prohibited to instances according security groups rules. Scenario: 1. Set up for system tests. 2. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the router01. 3. Create security groups: SG1, SG2. 4. Delete all defaults egress rules of SG1 and SG2. 5. Add icmp rule to SG1: Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp ', port range any, SG group 'SG1'. Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp ', port range any, SG group 'SG1'. 6. Add icmp rule to SG2: Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp ', port range any, SG group 'SG2'. Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp ', port range any, SG group 'SG2'. 7. Launch 2 instance of vcenter az with SG1 in net1. Launch 2 instance of nova az with SG1 in net1. 8. Launch 2 instance of vcenter az with SG2 in net1. Launch 2 instance of nova az with SG2 in net1. 9. Check that instances from SG1 can ping each other. 10. Check that instances from SG2 can ping each other. 11. Check that instances from SG1 can not ping instances from SG2 and vice versa. """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() self.show_step(2) net_1 = os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network are created assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) # Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network router_1 = os_conn.create_router('router_1', tenant=tenant) # Add net_1 to router_1 os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router_1["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) self.show_step(3) sg1 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG1', "descr") sg2 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG2', "descr") self.show_step(4) _sg_rules = os_conn.neutron.list_security_group_rules() sg_rules = [sg_rule for sg_rule in _sg_rules['security_group_rules'] if sg_rule['security_group_id'] in [sg1.id, sg2.id]] for rule in sg_rules: os_conn.neutron.delete_security_group_rule(rule['id']) self.show_step(5) self.show_step(6) for sg in [sg1, sg2]: for rule in [self.icmp, self.tcp]: rule["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg.id rule["security_group_rule"]["remote_group_id"] = sg.id rule["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "ingress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(rule) rule["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "egress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(rule) # Create access_point to instances from SG1 and SG2 _, access_point_ip = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], security_groups=[security_group.name, sg1.name, sg2.name]) self.show_step(7) istances_sg1 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[sg1.name]) self.show_step(8) istances_sg2 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[sg2.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Get private ips of instances ips = { 'SG1': [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=net_1['name']) for i in istances_sg1], 'SG2': [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=net_1['name']) for i in istances_sg2] } self.show_step(9) self.show_step(10) for group in ips: ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(ips[group]) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in ips[group] if key != value] openstack.check_connection_through_host( access_point_ip, ip_pair, timeout=60 * 5) self.show_step(11) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(ips['SG1']) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = ips['SG2'] openstack.check_connection_through_host( access_point_ip, ip_pair, result_of_command=1, timeout=60 * 5) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_remote_ip_prefix"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_remote_ip_prefix(self): """Security group rules with remote ip prefix. Check connection between instances, according security group rules with remote ip prefix. Scenario: 1. Set up for system tests. 2. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the router01. 3. Create instance 'VM1' of any availability zone in the default internal network. Associate floating ip. 4. Create instance 'VM2' of any availability zone in the default internal network. Associate floating ip. 5. Create security groups: SG1 SG2. 6. Delete all defaults egress rules of SG1 and SG2. 7. Add icmp rule to SG1: Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp ', port range any, remote ip prefix . Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp ', port range any, remote ip prefix . 8. Add ssh rule to SG2: Ingress rule with ip protocol tcp ', port range any, Egress rule with ip protocol 'tcp ', port range any, 9. Launch 2 instance 'VM3' and 'VM4' of vcenter az with SG1 and SG2 in net1. Launch 2 instance 'VM5' and 'VM6' of nova az with SG1 and SG2 in net1. 10. Check that instances 'VM3', 'VM4', 'VM5' and 'VM6' can ping VM1 and vice versa. 11. Check that instances 'VM3', 'VM4', 'VM5' and 'VM6' can not ping each other Verify that icmp ping is blocked between and vice versa. 12. Verify that ssh is enabled from 'VM3', 'VM4', 'VM5' and 'VM6' to VM2 and vice versa. 13. Verify that ssh is blocked between 'VM3', 'VM4', 'VM5' and 'VM6' and vice versa. """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() self.show_step(2) net_1 = os_conn.create_network(network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network are created assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) # Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network. router_1 = os_conn.create_router('router_1', tenant=tenant) # Add net_1 to router_1 os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router_1["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) self.show_step(5) sg1 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG1', "descr") sg2 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG2', "descr") self.show_step(3) access_point_1, access_point_ip_1 = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], security_groups=[security_group.name, sg1.name]) self.show_step(4) access_point_2, access_point_ip_2 = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], security_groups=[security_group.name, sg2.name]) self.show_step(6) _sg_rules = os_conn.neutron.list_security_group_rules() sg_rules = [sg_rule for sg_rule in _sg_rules['security_group_rules'] if sg_rule['security_group_id'] in [sg1.id, sg2.id]] for rule in sg_rules: os_conn.neutron.delete_security_group_rule(rule['id']) self.show_step(7) for rule in [self.icmp, self.tcp]: rule["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg1.id rule["security_group_rule"]["remote_ip_prefix"] = access_point_ip_1 rule["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "ingress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(rule) rule["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "egress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(rule) # Get private ip of access_point_2 private_ip = os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(access_point_2, net_name=net_1['name']) self.show_step(8) self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg2.id self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["remote_ip_prefix"] = private_ip os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.tcp) self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "ingress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.tcp) self.show_step(9) istances_sg1 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[sg1.name]) istances_sg2 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=1, security_groups=[sg2.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Get private ips of instances ips = { 'SG1': [os_conn.assign_floating_ip(i).ip for i in istances_sg1], 'SG2': [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=net_1['name']) for i in istances_sg2] } self.show_step(10) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(ips['SG1']) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [access_point_ip_1] openstack.check_connection_through_host(access_point_ip_1, ip_pair, timeout=60 * 4) self.show_step(11) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(ips['SG1']) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in ips['SG1'] if key != value] openstack.check_connection_through_host( access_point_ip_1, ip_pair, result_of_command=1) self.show_step(12) self.show_step(13) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(ips['SG2']) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in ips['SG2'] if key != value] openstack.check_connection_through_host( access_point_ip_2, ip_pair, result_of_command=1) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_vcenter_multiple_nics"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_vcenter_multiple_nics(self): """Check abilities to assign multiple vNIC to a single VM. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Add two private networks (net01, and net02). 3. Add one subnet (net01_subnet01:, net02_subnet01, to each network. 4. Launch instances in nova and vcenter az with multiple vNIC net01 and net02. 5. Check that both interfaces on each instance got an ip address. 6. Activate second interface on cirros for each instance. 7. Check that instances can ping each other. Duration 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) networks = [] router = os_conn.get_router(os_conn.get_network(self.ext_net_name)) self.show_step(2) self.show_step(3) for net in self.net_data: network = os_conn.create_network(network_name=net.keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] logger.info('Create subnet {}'.format(net.keys()[0])) subnet = os_conn.create_subnet(subnet_name=net.keys()[0], network_id=network['id'], cidr=net[net.keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network is created. assert_true( os_conn.get_network(network['name'])['id'] == network['id']) os_conn.add_router_interface( router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) networks.append(network) nics = [{'net-id': network['id']} for network in networks] # Add rules for ssh and ping os_conn.goodbye_security() _s_groups = os_conn.neutron.list_security_groups() _srv_tenant_id = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT).id default_sg = [sg for sg in _s_groups['security_groups'] if sg['tenant_id'] == _srv_tenant_id and sg['name'] == 'default'][0] self.show_step(4) instances = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=nics, security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) self.show_step(5) for instance in instances: for net in networks: assert_true(os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip( instance, net_name=net['name']) is not None) net_1_name = self.net_data[0].keys()[0] net_2_name = self.net_data[1].keys()[0] ips = { net_1_name: {'ips': [], 'access_point_ip': ''}, net_2_name: {'ips': [], 'access_point_ip': ''} } for net in networks: ips[net['name']]['ips'] = map( (lambda x: os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(x, net_name=net['name'])), instances) access_point, access_point_ip = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net['id']}], security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) ips[net['name']]['access_point_ip'] = access_point_ip logger.info(pretty_log(ips)) self.show_step(6) cmds = ["sudo /bin/ip link set up dev eth1", "sudo /sbin/cirros-dhcpc up eth1"] access_point_ip = ips[net_1_name]['access_point_ip'] for ip in ips[net_1_name]['ips']: openstack.remote_execute_command(access_point_ip, ip, cmds[0]) openstack.remote_execute_command(access_point_ip, ip, cmds[1]) self.show_step(7) for net in networks: inst_ips = ips[net['name']]['ips'] access_point_ip = ips[net['name']]['access_point_ip'] ip_pair = {ip: [v for v in inst_ips if v != ip] for ip in inst_ips} openstack.check_connection_through_host(access_point_ip, ip_pair, timeout=60 * 5, interval=10) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_instances_batch_mix_sg"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_instances_batch_mix_sg(self): """Launch/remove instances in the one group with few security groups. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the router01. 3. Create security SG1 group with rules: Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1'. Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1'. Ingress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG1'. Egress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG1'. 4. Create security SG2 group with rules: Ingress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG2'. Egress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG2'. 5. Launch few instances of vcenter availability zone with Default SG + SG1 + SG2 in net_1 in one batch. 6. Launch few instances of nova availability zone with Default SG + SG1 + SG2 in net_1 in one batch. 7. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances. 8. Remove all instances. 9. Launch few instances of nova availability zone with Default SG + SG1 + SG2 in net_1 in one batch. 10. Launch few instances of vcenter availability zone with Default SG + SG1 + SG2 in net_1 in one batch. 11. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances. 12. Remove all instances. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) self.show_step(2) net_1 = os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network is created assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) # Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network router_1 = os_conn.create_router('router_1', tenant=tenant) # Add net_1 to router_1 os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router_1["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) # Get max count of instances which we can create according to # resource limit vm_count = min( [os_conn.nova.hypervisors.resource_class.to_dict(h)['vcpus'] for h in os_conn.nova.hypervisors.list()]) self.show_step(3) self.show_step(4) sg1 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG1', "descr") sg2 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG2', "descr") self.icmp["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg1.id self.icmp["security_group_rule"]["remote_group_id"] = sg1.id self.icmp["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "ingress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.icmp) self.icmp["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "egress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.icmp) for sg in [sg1, sg2]: self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg.id self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["remote_group_id"] = sg.id self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "ingress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.tcp) self.tcp["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "egress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(self.tcp) # Add rules for ssh and ping os_conn.goodbye_security() _s_groups = os_conn.neutron.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] _srv_tenant_id = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT).id default_sg = [sg for sg in _s_groups if sg['tenant_id'] == _srv_tenant_id and sg['name'] == 'default'][0] for step in (5, 9): self.show_step(step) # step 5, 9 step += 1 self.show_step(step) # step 6, 10 step += 1 openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net_1['id']}], vm_count=vm_count, security_groups=[sg1.name, sg2.name, default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) self.show_step(step) # step 7, 11 step += 1 instances = os_conn.nova.servers.list() fip = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(os_conn, instances) ip_pair = dict.fromkeys(fip) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = [value for value in fip if key != value] openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair, timeout=60 * 5, interval=10) self.show_step(step) # step 8, 12 step += 1 for instance in instances: os_conn.nova.servers.delete(instance) logger.info("Check that instance was deleted.") os_conn.verify_srv_deleted(instance) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_attached_ports"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_attached_ports(self): """Check abilities to assign multiple vNIC to a single VM. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the default router. 3. Create security group SG1 with rules: Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1' Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1' Ingress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG1' Egress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp ', port range 22, SG group 'SG1' 4. Launch 2 instances with SG1 in net_1. 5. Launch 2 instances with Default SG in net_1. 6. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances from SG1. 7. Verify that icmp/ssh isn't allowed to instances of SG1 from instances of Default SG. 8. Detach ports of all instances from net_1. 9. Attach ports of all instances to default internal net. To activate new interface on cirros restart network: "sudo /etc/init.d/S40network restart" 10. Check that all instances are in Default SG. 11. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances. 12. Change for some instances Default SG to SG1. 13. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances from SG1. 14. Verify that icmp/ssh isn't allowed to instances of SG1 from instances of Default SG. Duration 15 min """ # Set up environment for the test self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot('dvs_vcenter_systest_setup') cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) # Create net_1 and attach it to the default router self.show_step(2) net1 = os_conn.create_network(network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] subnet1 = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net1['name'], network_id=net1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network is created assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net1['name'])['id'] == net1['id']) # Add net_1 to default router default_router = os_conn.neutron.list_routers()['routers'][0] os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=default_router['id'], subnet_id=subnet1['id']) # Create security group SG1 self.show_step(3) sg1 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create('SG1', 'descr') _sg_rules = os_conn.neutron.list_security_group_rules() sg1_rules = [sg_rule for sg_rule in _sg_rules['security_group_rules'] if sg_rule['security_group_id'] == sg1.id] for rule in sg1_rules: os_conn.neutron.delete_security_group_rule(rule['id']) for rule in [self.icmp, self.tcp]: rule["security_group_rule"]["security_group_id"] = sg1.id rule["security_group_rule"]["remote_group_id"] = sg1.id rule["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "ingress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(rule) rule["security_group_rule"]["direction"] = "egress" os_conn.neutron.create_security_group_rule(rule) default_net = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) # Permit all TCP and ICMP in security group default os_conn.goodbye_security() _groups = os_conn.neutron.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] default_sg = [sg for sg in _groups if sg['tenant_id'] == tenant.id and sg['name'] == 'default'][0] # Launch instances with SG1 in net_1 self.show_step(4) instances_1 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net1['id']}], security_groups=[sg1.name]) _, access_point_ip_1 = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net1['id']}], security_groups=[default_sg['name'], sg1.name]) # Launch instances with Default SG in net_1 self.show_step(5) instances_2 = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': net1['id']}], security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled in SG1 self.show_step(6) ips_1 = [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=net1['name']) for i in instances_1] openstack.ping_each_other(ips=ips_1, timeout=60 * 5, access_point_ip=access_point_ip_1) # Verify that icmp/ssh isn't allowed between SG1 and Default SG self.show_step(7) ips_2 = [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=net1['name']) for i in instances_2] ip_pairs = {ip: ips_2 for ip in ips_1} openstack.check_connection_through_host(remote=access_point_ip_1, timeout=60, ip_pair=ip_pairs, result_of_command=1) # Detach ports of all instances from net_1 self.show_step(8) # Attach ports of all instances to default internal net self.show_step(9) for instance in instances_1: ip = os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(instance, net_name=net1['name']) port = [p for p in os_conn.neutron.list_ports()['ports'] if p['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] == ip].pop() instance.interface_detach(port['id']) instance.interface_attach(None, default_net.id, None) instance.reboot() # instead of network restart # Check that all instances are in Default SG self.show_step(10) ips_1 = [] instances_1 = [instance for instance in os_conn.nova.servers.list() if instance.id in [inst.id for inst in instances_1]] for instance in instances_1: assert_true(instance.security_groups.pop()['name'] == 'default') ips_1.append(os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip( srv=instance, net_name=self.inter_net_name)) # Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances (in Default SG) self.show_step(11) _, access_point_ip_2 = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': default_net.id}], security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.ping_each_other(ips=ips_1 + ips_2, timeout=60, access_point_ip=access_point_ip_2) # Change for some instances Default SG to SG1 self.show_step(12) for instance in instances_1: instance.remove_security_group('default') instance.add_security_group(sg1.name) # Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled in SG1 self.show_step(13) openstack.ping_each_other(ips=ips_1, timeout=60, access_point_ip=access_point_ip_1) # Verify that icmp/ssh isn't allowed between SG1 and Default SG self.show_step(14) ip_pairs = {ip: ips_2 for ip in ips_1} openstack.check_connection_through_host(remote=access_point_ip_1, timeout=60, ip_pair=ip_pairs, result_of_command=1) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_port_security_group"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_port_security_group(self): """Verify that only the associated IP address can communicate on port. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Launch 2 instances on each hypervisors (one in vcenter az and another one in nova az). 3. Verify that traffic can be successfully sent from and received on the IP address associated with the logical port. 4. Configure a new IP address on the instance associated with the logical port. 5. Confirm that the instance cannot communicate with that IP address. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) default_net = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) # Create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh() self.show_step(2) instances = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': default_net.id}], security_groups=[security_group.name]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) self.show_step(3) access_point, access_point_ip = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{'net-id': default_net.id}], security_groups=[security_group.name]) ips = [os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip(i, net_name=self.inter_net_name) for i in instances] ip_pair = dict.fromkeys([access_point_ip]) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = ips openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair) self.show_step(4) ips = [] for instance in instances: port = os_conn.neutron.create_port({ "port": { "network_id": default_net.id, "device_id": instance.id }})['port'] ips.append(port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']) self.show_step(5) for key in ip_pair: ip_pair[key] = ips openstack.check_connection_vms(ip_pair, result_of_command=1) @test(depends_on=[dvs_vcenter_systest_setup], groups=["dvs_update_network"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_update_network(self): """Check abilities to create and terminate networks on DVS. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_systest_setup. 2. Create network net_1. 3. Update network name net_1 to net_2. 4. Update name of default network to 'spring'. Duration: 15 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() self.show_step(2) os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) net_1 = os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0], tenant_id=tenant.id)['network'] os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=net_1['name'], network_id=net_1['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) assert_true(os_conn.get_network(net_1['name'])['id'] == net_1['id']) self.show_step(3) os_conn.neutron.update_network(net_1["id"], {"network": {"name": 'net_2'}}) assert_true(os_conn.get_network('net_2')['id'] == net_1['id']) self.show_step(4) default_net = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) os_conn.neutron.update_network( default_net.id, {"network": {"name": 'spring'}}) assert_true(os_conn.get_network('spring')['id'] == default_net.id) @test(depends_on=[SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_5], groups=["dvs_multiple_uplinks_teaming_fallback"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_multiple_uplinks_teaming_fallback(self): """Launch cluster with multiple teaming and fallback uplinks. Scenario: 1. Upload DVS plugin to the master node. 2. Install plugin. 3. Create cluster with vcenter. 4. Create a new environment with following parameters: * Compute: KVM/QEMU with vCenter * Networking: Neutron with VLAN segmentation * Storage: default * Additional services: default 5. Add nodes with following roles: * Controller * Compute * Compute * ComputeVMware 6. Configure interfaces on nodes. 7. Configure network settings. 8. Enable VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance). 9. Configure VMware vCenter Settings. Add 2 vSphere clusters and configure Nova Compute instances on controllers and compute-vmware. 10. Enable and configure DVS plugin with multiple uplinks. In foramt "Cluster:VDS:TU1;TU2:FU3". 11. Verify networks. 12. Deploy cluster. 13. Run OSTF. Duration: 1.8 hours Snapshot: dvs_multiple_uplinks_teaming_fallback """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_5_slaves") self.show_step(1) self.show_step(2) plugin.install_dvs_plugin(self.ssh_manager.admin_ip) self.show_step(3) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings={ "net_provider": 'neutron', "net_segment_type": NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE } ) self.show_step(4) self.show_step(5) self.show_step(6) self.show_step(7) self.fuel_web.update_nodes(cluster_id, {'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['compute-vmware'], 'slave-03': ['compute'], 'slave-04': ['compute']}) self.show_step(8) self.show_step(9) self.fuel_web.vcenter_configure( cluster_id, target_node_2=self.node_name('slave-02'), multiclusters=True) self.show_step(10) plugin.enable_plugin(cluster_id, self.fuel_web, tu=2, fu=1) self.show_step(11) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.show_step(12) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) self.show_step(13) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke']) @test(depends_on=[SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_5], groups=["dvs_multiple_uplinks_teaming"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def dvs_multiple_uplinks_teaming(self): """Launch cluster with multiple teaming uplinks. Scenario: 1. Upload DVS plugin to the master node. 2. Install plugin. 3. Create cluster with vcenter. 4. Create a new environment with following parameters: * Compute: KVM/QEMU with vCenter * Networking: Neutron with VLAN segmentation * Storage: default * Additional services: default 5. Add nodes with following roles: * Controller * Compute * Compute * ComputeVMware 6. Configure interfaces on nodes. 7. Configure network settings. 8. Enable VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance). 9. Configure VMware vCenter Settings. Add 2 vSphere clusters and configure Nova Compute instances on controllers and compute-vmware. 10. Enable and configure DVS plugin with multiple uplinks. In format "Cluster:VDS:TU1;TU2;TU3". 11. Verify networks. 12. Deploy cluster. 13. Run OSTF. Duration: 1.8 hours Snapshot: dvs_multiple_uplinks_teaming """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_5_slaves") self.show_step(1) self.show_step(2) plugin.install_dvs_plugin(self.ssh_manager.admin_ip) self.show_step(3) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings={ "net_provider": 'neutron', "net_segment_type": NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE } ) self.show_step(4) self.show_step(5) self.show_step(6) self.show_step(7) self.fuel_web.update_nodes(cluster_id, {'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['compute-vmware'], 'slave-03': ['compute'], 'slave-04': ['compute']}) self.show_step(8) self.show_step(9) self.fuel_web.vcenter_configure( cluster_id, target_node_2=self.node_name('slave-02'), multiclusters=True) self.show_step(10) plugin.enable_plugin(cluster_id, self.fuel_web, tu=3, fu=0) self.show_step(11) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.show_step(12) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) self.show_step(13) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke'])