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Install VMware DVS plugin

Before you proceed with the VMware DVS plugin installation, verify that:

  1. You have completed the prereqs steps.
  2. All the nodes of your future environment are DISCOVERED on the Fuel Master node.
  3. You have connectivity to correctly configured vCenter with VDSes and clusters created.

To install the VMware DVS plugin:

  1. Download the VMware DVS plugin from the Fuel Plugin Catalog.

  2. Copy the plugin .rpm package to the Fuel Master node:

    $ scp fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs-3.0-3.0.0-1.noarch.rpm <Fuel Master node ip>:/tmp
  3. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI as root.

  4. Install the plugin:

    # fuel plugins --install /tmp/fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs-3.0-3.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
  5. Verify that the plugin was installed successfully:

    # fuel plugins
    | id   | name                     | version   | package\_version   |
    | 2    | fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs   | 3.0.0     | 4.0.0              |
  6. Proceed to configure_env.